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  1. KevinZ

    Fact About Blackwater Aquarium

    I see, I really confused last night since so many websites provided Information but some of the information is kinda different to each Website. I am using kal-bar meter digital for my PH And its giving a 0.01 accuracy so i will stay in touch on my PH and other chemical
  2. KevinZ

    Fact About Blackwater Aquarium

    Is it true that -Neon Tetra (As Blackwater Fish) is Not a Beginner fish? -Blackwater Aquarium Is Challenging and Hard to Conserve ? -You Have to clean Filter Only once for 4 Month - 1 years duration thats in Blackwater Aquarium? -Blackwater Aquarium Doesn't have bacteria in water but only on...
  3. KevinZ

    Dream tank thread

    Currently still working on my Dream Tank 66 gallon with school of Congo tetra & Albino Corys. But who knows. I believe All of us are infected by Multiple Tank Syndrome with no cure. :fish: :rofl:
  4. KevinZ

    This is Why i dont Buy Nice & Big Leaf To cover My tank

    I didnt move it lol. I don't have place ATM. Going to Cycle my 10 gallon to keep red cherry shrimp. New one. Hopefully doesnt die like my blue diamond shrimp.
  5. KevinZ

    This is Why i dont Buy Nice & Big Leaf To cover My tank

    Hopefully. I still dont know why both of them doing this, Maybe normal behaviour.
  6. KevinZ

    This is Why i dont Buy Nice & Big Leaf To cover My tank

    So. I bought Water Wisteria (Hygrophillia Difformis ?). It was in my old Shrimp Tank. Having a nicely Big Green Leafy. And then... I decide to put the plant into my 55 Gallon Tank Yesterday And my lovely Upsidedown / Featherfin (Still doesnt know which one is it) make an Amazing Art With their...
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  9. KevinZ

    Torn Tail or Fin Rot ?

    I'll keep in touch for that
  10. KevinZ

    Torn Tail or Fin Rot ?

    Idk how to sex Danio, But this is the first time they done this. They have been in the same tank almost 1 year. Do you think it will regrow and Heal up ?
  11. KevinZ

    Torn Tail or Fin Rot ?

    I just noticed it today. Anything to concern about ? Behavior including ( Schooling, Active Swimming, Only want to Eat Pellet doesnt Touch Bloodworm unlike other Danio) Tank Status : 55 Gallon PH 6.7 Ammonia 0 ppm Nitrite 0 ppm Nitrate 5 ppm Soft - Moderate Hardness Tankmates. : 2 Cobra...
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  16. KevinZ

    New member from Indonesia (betta lover)

    Welcome ~ :hi: Also From Indonesia here :drinks:
  17. KevinZ

    Looking for ideas for trickle feeding frozen baby brine shrimp

    Do you trying to feed BBS to Fish? Or something else?
  18. KevinZ

    Leaf question.

    I believe any dried leave can be use if you boil it up first to remove any poisonous and unwanted thing, but I am not a expert at all. I know some people use persimmon leaves and kill all of their Fishes because it turns out they didn't boil it up and the leaves contain pesticide.
  19. KevinZ

    Featherfin / Upside down Catfish?

    55 Gallon Cube Tank Ph 7 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 1.0 Soft to moderate water Diet : Shrimp Pellet (Never touch Veggies) There's couple of the catfish not only 1
  20. KevinZ

    Featherfin / Upside down Catfish?

    Any idea? I keep them almost 16 month and yet their size still the same when i my friend give them to me. Many people & my friend said it is featherfin but i don't think featherfin stay around 3.5" Any idea? They never swim upside down but they do stay upside down when they're hiding inside...
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  24. KevinZ

    Small worm in tank?

    Most internal parasite are really long and pure white coloured. But i am not sure. Since I rarely have problems with parasite / Worms. @Colin_T @JuiceBox52 @Byron might know about this.
  25. KevinZ

    Seasonal Availability

    Its really depend on the store Most reputable shop will breed fish themself so you can ask them when will it be restocked. Unlike some store that have to wait "farmer" To restock. Atleast thats how my Local Pet store & Reputable shop work. Idk with other I live in Indonesia, Kepulauan Riau
  26. KevinZ

    Small worm in tank?

    Did you saw the worm head shapes? Might be planaria, harmless to fish but big problems if you keep shrimp with planaria. Your shrimp will be wipe out. And planaria re produce so fast.
  27. KevinZ

    Cherry shrimp, how long can they stay in a bag...?

    They can stay around 1 day in bag if you put oxgyen and floating plant in there. Make sure you use your old tank water instead of new one :fish:
  28. KevinZ

    Gas Pocket in Newly Set Up Tank

    Okay thanks!
  29. KevinZ

    Gas Pocket in Newly Set Up Tank

    hello again So 2 Days ago I set up my New Fish tank With Sand Substrate and just now I try to flattening the sand substrate and there's some gas pocket bubble coming up, is there anything to worry about? The Aquarium is still on fish-less cycle process. I am using Shrimp pellet as ammonia Source
  30. KevinZ

    wood question

    Looks Like Black Beard Algae & White Fuzzy (Forget The name of it) That White Fuzzy will be eaten by Snail & Shrimp but idk about the Black Beard Algae. @Colin_T
  31. KevinZ

    Stocking suggestions for a 7 gallon tank

    You Can Try Dwarf Rasbora Like Boraras Briggitae Or GlowLight Rasbora Depend on your Dimension & Water Condition
  32. KevinZ

    wood question

    You can Remove The fungus Using this Method : 1. Let you Driftwood Dry in the Sun (Hair Dryer Will be nice since there's Heat 2. Wait until your driftwood is Completely Dry and Boil some Water 3.Splash Your Water to the Dry Driftwood And Let your Driftwood Sit on your Hot Pan that you use to...
  33. KevinZ

    wood question

    What Kind of Wood is it? Does the Fungus Appear to be White and slimy? Can you Peel the Dark Brown Part Easily like peeling skin or you need an Equipment to remove it? Some Wood Cannot Be placed into Aquarium It's either having Sap in the wood or Will be Really Slow to Sink
  34. KevinZ

    How many tannins are too much?

    Wait until Your Water is Pure Black Coloured, looks like Black Coffe. that's when you get too much Tannins, Which is never I guess
  35. KevinZ

    Bump on my molly's tail??

    Wanted to say Prolapse. But not Red Colored.
  36. KevinZ

    Molly not giving Birth after 5.5 weeks?

    Hello! Molly Actually Hold their egg until they give birth to a Small Fry. The Minumum time is 45 Days and the Maximum is 60 Days for them to hold depend on how many Egg they Hold. In fact Molly can Hold up to 100 Frys at one time :)
  37. KevinZ

    Bio Ring On Sponge Filter ?

    Yes I have established 55 Gallon 1 & 1/2 Year's Old tank with 3 Month Bio Ring and I want to take Half of the Old Bio Ring To This 66 Gallon to boost my cycle time. I already Set it up Current Chemical Status is : Ammonia: 1.5 Nitrate : 0 Nitrite : 0 Water Hardness is Soft to Moderate PH : 7.0...
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  39. KevinZ

    Time for a new project _emersed plants!

    Brazil Turtle. It's not a fish but they love beach on their tank to lay egg. So.... Idk :fish: :rofl: