Search results

  1. KevinZ

    Need help with new tank

    No. Take out 75% of the Water and change it. You have to check it daily to make sure there's no Ammonia left. Use Dechlorinator, Or another option is if the ammonia doesnt Goes up to 0.75 ppm then you can try Ammonia Detox. I always use it if my parameter show 0.5 Ammonia. Clear in 3 hours.
  2. KevinZ

    Root Tabs + Liquid Fert ?

    No I dont use any Co2 ATM. I'll move some of them to my 66 Gallons Sand substrate, It's a blackwater aquarium and They need some green there. :rofl:
  3. KevinZ

    Root Tabs + Liquid Fert ?

    I add Amazon Sword & Java Fern last week in my 55 Gallons. And Surprisingly my Featherfin didnt touch it like other Plant that I add. I alr used Liquid Fert Every week and I thought it may not be enough for amazon sword, if I add Root Tabs & Use Liquid Fert will it burn all of my Plant or it...
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  6. KevinZ

    Need help with new tank

    How big is your tank? What kind of Plant do you have in there ? And Any Corys need to be kept in group of 6/more :) Did you mistaken Nitrate & Nitrite ?
  7. KevinZ

    Halfmoon Nemo Betta

    Wahh, Stunning Colours !
  8. KevinZ

    Shiny scales ir patches near the betta gills

    Ammonia burn. Check your water parameter maybe your Ammonia is about 1 ppm or even more. Change 50% of water immediately if you found ammonia in the water. Good luck.
  9. KevinZ

    Plant ID.

    Thanks!! :X
  10. KevinZ

    Plant ID.

    I found this picture at google. Wanted to give it a try hopefully My Featherfin doesn't rip it apart. going to Re-Scape 55-gallon tommorow.
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  12. KevinZ

    Rebuilding my colony

    :fish: Can't wait For picture!
  13. KevinZ

    Neon tetra

    Neon Tetra is eggs Layer. they will Spawn on Bottom of leaves and the male will Fertile the egg. Within 24 hours it will be hatched. (Not All of egg will hatch) :)
  14. KevinZ


    :hi: :hi: . Hello, and welcome ^_^ hope to see you around here.
  15. KevinZ

    Betta Fish Breathing Heavily + Laying at the Bottom of Tank

    Do you have the water parameter info ? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, KH and GH will help us to give you information :)
  16. KevinZ

    Monkeys take over cities in Thailand :)

    :rofl: :rofl: i would like go to thailand just so i can look at the situation
  17. KevinZ

    When to add shrimp to newly planted tank?

    Nitrate are too high. Do water change to reduce it. You can add your shrimp at this point just make sure you acclimated the shrimp the right way Drip method is the best for shrimp. Good luck !
  18. KevinZ

    Jungle val vs Italian val?

    Italian Vallisneria have a wiggly shape and thinner leaf Jungle Vallisneria will grow straight up and have a thick leaf, looks like Sagittaria Both of them will growth really high and cover most of your aquarium top tho. :blink:
  19. KevinZ

    Is seiryu stone safe for my aquarium?

    You can try Ohko stone (Dragon Stone's). Doesn't affect your Chemistry and looks like Seiryuu stone imo, a little bit spikey tho :fish:
  20. KevinZ

    Help Betta Fish

    I do have this kind of tank when i was a beginning my adventure on aquascape. I see the main problems is that you change & wipeout all of your water. This is not Good for any tank. You should only change's half of the water and because you dont have filter, you have to vacuum up everytime you...
  21. KevinZ

    Is seiryu stone safe for my aquarium?

    Dont know for sure. But seiryuu stone's are sold in Big Piece's and their effect can't be negligible (Even if its relatively small piece) This is because the concentration on PH is really strong. And yet seiryuu stone's also affect your GH so you might have some problem if your fishes are soft...
  22. KevinZ

    Anacharis keeps dying. Are there other fast growing plants that fill that niche?

    Anacharis Need Hard Water to growth, maybe thats the problems?
  23. KevinZ

    Cleaning help

    I only did Vacuum Cleaning 1 Time Per Month... So... I dont think it necessary as long as your Aquarium Is fully Established with Benefit Bacteria that will breakdown the waste on/in Gravel. There's A lot of BB on Substrate than Filter if your Tank is 4-6 Month+ Old.
  24. KevinZ

    Frogbit Bugs Investigation!?

    Any Idea what is this ?, there's A lot of them.
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  27. KevinZ

    New guy

    :fish: :hi:
  28. KevinZ

    New Shrimp tank & Trying to Plant Carpet Plant again.

    Yes, i know about this. I dont use Co2 @my Shrimp tank. Only @my main tank. No shrimp. Shrimp is really sensitive. I farm all kind of species neocaridina. Really fun, i personally really like High Grade Green Jade Shrimp. Sadly something happens and make me stop farming shrimp. I kept my Blue...
  29. KevinZ

    Fish can drive you mad. Tail fin damage.

    I learn that fish will grow back any damaged Fin. I have Long-Finned Danios, Her tail was Ripped by other danios. And now it's growing back. Probably going to be completely healed up next weeks. I got advise that keeping Water Clean will Help them regenerate their damaged Fin. :fish: Good luck!
  30. KevinZ

    Help Cory Internal Bleeding ?

    Yes, i remove some of the Indian Almond Leaf at the moment. To observe how they doing, I didn't add anything to the tank
  31. KevinZ

    Recap of the last 7 days

    I always wanted to keep Tarantula. Blue Bolt Tarantula. But i can't find any Seller & i dont think my parent will let me too keep one :rofl: The only No-No for me is Cockroach, especially flying one. :-(
  32. KevinZ

    General Consensus on Light Levels at Night

    Well, I dont really know that much but. i know that Fishes Dont Really Sleep. They do "Rest / Nap" but they still Aware of their surroundings in case of any predatory. While in a Completed dark room. While we can't see at all. Fish still can still see their Environment somehow, I read this fact...
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  34. KevinZ

    Best betta tankmates that can move into a community tank?

    That's Amazing Idea! I always wanted to keep Betta again. But i am still maintaining 2 Big Aquarium and still got some problem with it. Probably in the future, hopefully will house some betta again :angel::fish:
  35. KevinZ

    Help Cory Internal Bleeding ?

    I post some Other Corys pict To be sure that they're fine, any Help & Advise will really Help me a lot! First timekeeping Corys. I dont want to mess it up:(:(
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  39. KevinZ

    Best betta tankmates that can move into a community tank?

    Betta has a lot of personalities, some people really like the common one. Which is Koi Betta / Plakat, unlike me. I always like any fish with a Flawless Long Fin, so its a really perspective side, betta fish are really hardy, trust me @Indonesia people really like's to keep them in A really...