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  1. KevinZ

    Preg??? If so roughly how long?

    Hello. I am not the best at livebears fish but I think that guppy is pregnant. Or you can check this Sticky Treads.
  2. KevinZ

    Injured Zebra Danio

    Yes API Melafix can be used to treat infection like open wound and abrasions skins. Make sure there's no ammonia on the tank if you want to use it. But if the red side is @ the gills then probably the fish got Ammonia Burn How about the rest of danios? Any update or 4 of them are just fine
  3. KevinZ

    Buying Carpet Plant with Shipping Expedition 3-4 Days

    Hi! So I always trying to cover my gravel substrate. But I can't find any Carpet Plant near me. And all I can do is Buying it Online. And the fastest Shipping Time is 3 Day! I tried to buy Monte Carlo and it's a waste. All of the leaf already melted I can barely touch it without destroying the...
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  7. KevinZ

    Ring on cherry shrimp

    They need high calcium for their shell growth. Just like how snail need calcium for their shell. If you found Shrimp Molt. Don't siphon it up. Just let it sit there. The shrimp molt contain Enough of calcium for your shrimp.
  8. KevinZ

    Blue Diamond Shrimp Random Death.

    Well I can't count a 10 gallon full of Shrimp. I should say around 30-50 I only found 2 death since that happens I think there's more but we know that even shrimp eat death shrimp.
  9. KevinZ

    Ring on cherry shrimp

    I suggest you buy some Water Test Kit. They're cheap and last long enough for you to buy 10 more. And if your water is very hardy that's mean you need to balance it. At first all Shrimp need a consistent Water Parameter. Changing 50% at one time of water is too much for shrimp. The trick is...
  10. KevinZ

    Blue Diamond Shrimp Random Death.

    Welp. No. It's the whole body. It turns Red Pinkish. I believe liquefied is because of ammonia spikes? And yes I didn't occur any death today. But I still want to prevent them to die I can't do any research at all and all the website said is "When Shrimp Death they turn they colour into pale...
  11. KevinZ

    Changing tank over advice

    Yeah I agree with PhoenixKingZ. If you want to move the fish. Just do it like the first time you get them in the first place
  12. KevinZ

    Ring on cherry shrimp

    Hmm. Idk but when I got that disease 1 by 1 my shrimp is dying. And I do some research and most of them said "If the shrimp failed to molt then the shrimp will have extra Exoskeleton and they can't move their Legs or Head Properly to do the U shape to do the next molt and in some case shrimp...
  13. KevinZ

    Ring on cherry shrimp

    If that's the white ring of death disease then it's probably on live to death Side. It's really dangerous and deadly.
  14. KevinZ

    Ring on cherry shrimp

    Hi can you sent me some information I might help :) I need Water Parameter. GH especially, I believe that is RCS but I can't grade it since the shoot is kinda blocked by the algae. And how many of them inside this tank? What kind of tank? Shrimp only? How long did that shrimp live inside...
  15. KevinZ

    Changing tank over advice

    Do you set up the new tank already? Or you want to Move The Entire Tank including plant, substrate, fish, and Any Attachments and left the old tank Blank?
  16. KevinZ

    Bottom Dweller / Invertabrate For Low PH Aquarium?

    Oh alright! I guess I ill try Searching for Brownish colour Sand to be used, I have a lot white play sand to be used that's why I want to use white one. tbh, I never kept Corydoras species on my Tank :rofl::rofl: So this is really helping me since I doing a biotope which is "creating natural...
  17. KevinZ

    Noob with a Big Tank

    Comparing A Natural habitat to the tank isn't logical if you don't do biotope. Using fish tank = New Home for Fishes While Fish Staying at 1 place they adapting. Inside Tank, they have a limited way to go and Fish do remember tank size. Tankmates, and even every single hardscape placement...
  18. KevinZ

    Dwarf sagittaria Emergencies.

    Okay. I'll try my best to save this plant
  19. KevinZ

    Noob with a Big Tank

    I don't think so. Neon tetra are Bottom - Mid swimmer And Danios keep staying on top. I have 40 Gallon of 12 Neon and 8 Danios. They're great companion IMO. They life together for almost 9 month now.
  20. KevinZ

    Dwarf sagittaria Emergencies.

    I cut the rot a because they're 7-10 CM Long. I left it to be around 1-2 CM. Is that fine?
  21. KevinZ

    Blue Diamond Shrimp Random Death.

    Hi. I just found out my Blue Diamond shrimp are death, and turning into red. ( the whole body ) It's a shrimplet. I have 10 gallon tank With Peacock Moss on Rock, 3 Anubias Nana And 1 single Cobomba Plant. I found 1 death yesterday. And I found another one today. Rest of the shrimp are really...
  22. KevinZ

    Dwarf sagittaria Emergencies.

    Hi I want to ask again. Can you grow the saggitaria with only 2/1 Leaf left? Most of the leaf are dead so I chop it down. The rot are really long so I cut it a bit and then plant it. So will the saggitaria still alive with 2-3 leaf? I use Tropical Specialised Fertilizer. I don't have any CO2...
  23. KevinZ

    Bottom Dweller / Invertabrate For Low PH Aquarium?

    Well. The tank is dim light and tan brown colour so there's not much light to be reflect at all So I can't use White colour one? Or there's other specific reason that the colour have to be dark colour? Both are really peacefull fish idk if there's a problem.
  24. KevinZ

    Bottom Dweller / Invertabrate For Low PH Aquarium?

    Yeah.. I think stick with Albino Cory & Congo. Or Panda Cory since I am going to get Pure White sand substrate. Play sand would be nice? :nod:
  25. KevinZ

    Bottom Dweller / Invertabrate For Low PH Aquarium?

    My Tap water is soft but not to soft. I think the best choice is going to be 9-10 Congo Tetra and 7-10 Cory. I don't think it's really overcrowded but I don't really like too many fish. I really like loaches species, But some specific loaches is really prone to disease. So I still thinking...
  26. KevinZ

    Bottom Dweller / Invertabrate For Low PH Aquarium?

    I don't really like cichilds TBH. So I am going to skip that. Idk the actual PH since I can't test it but if I guess the water PH should be around 6 - 6.5, Almond leaf going to reduce some of the PH and I heard that over time Driftwood can reduce PH too. About corydoras, is there any specific...
  27. KevinZ

    Bottom Dweller / Invertabrate For Low PH Aquarium?

    Hello! So I was thinking about doing a Black water Biotope Aquarium for Congo Tetra that I Pre-order. But I can't find any bottom dweller fish or invertebrate that can be comfortable with Low PH water or Acidic water. Do you guys have any idea what can I get? I was going to make Congo Tetra Fish...
  28. KevinZ

    Dwarf sagittaria Emergencies.

    Owh okay! I'll do it Do you have any recommend on the fertilizer? I only used base high nutrient soil to all of my tank.
  29. KevinZ

    Dwarf sagittaria Emergencies.

    Hi.. I bought Dwarf Saggitaria / Sagittaria subulata at online shopA nd the description tell that's it's going to arrive around 12-24 hour. But it took them 2 days to arrive. It's just arrive now and the saggitaria leaf are yellowish. And some of the leaf are Broken or even turning blackish. so...
  30. KevinZ

    That's a great idea. The bigger the tank is the less work you need to maintenance

    That's a great idea. The bigger the tank is the less work you need to maintenance
  31. KevinZ

    Help Stocking Fish tank :)

    Oh okay. Thank you for the advise. I am kinda a noob at small fish tank. My first tank was 20 gallons long and it's really easy for me to set up with some research. But for smaller tank like this. I didn't even find a suggestion by any website all they said was "5 gallons is too small for...
  32. KevinZ

    Help Stocking Fish tank :)

    Oh. That's really make sense. I never think it that way. I will try to look for the cory. And i'd like to keep a group of dwarf rasboras or maybe CPD/Galaxy Rasboras
  33. KevinZ

    Help Stocking Fish tank :)

    Isn't keeping 8 corydoras is too many? I heard that group of 6 corydoras need minimum 30 gallons tank. But keeping Boraras sound like a good idea. Edit : I just do some research and pygmaeus corys are smaller size's of corydoras species. Thank you for your suggestion :)
  34. KevinZ

    Help Stocking Fish tank :)

    The last time I test it out I got 7 PH Ammonia 0ppm Nitrate 0 ppm Nitrite 8/10 ppm The water hardiness is 125 ppm / 8 degrees I believe and with 8 DKh
  35. KevinZ

    Help Stocking Fish tank :)

    Hello I am new at this forum. I just wanted to ask about stocking fish tank. So I have experienced to keep 10 gal tank, 20 gal and 55 gal tank But I have never in my life stocking 5 gallons tank or less. So my friend bought me a Mini Aquarium tank. And I think it's 5 gallons or even less...
  36. KevinZ

    When cleaning my I remove all decorations?

    I don't think it's really necessary to clean your tank every week. I think 25% water change / week And clean the filter every 2/3 weeks (depending on how big your tank is) its okay. I do any deep clean every 4-5 months and my fish is happy with it. I had some hiding space for my upside down...
  37. KevinZ

    Hello. TFF

    Hello I am new to this forum. Nc to meet you all :)
  38. KevinZ

    But if you want to newly set up any tank Dry Start will be the best option.

    But if you want to newly set up any tank Dry Start will be the best option.
  39. KevinZ

    you can make water "fish safe" using some dechlorine. It's cost me 2$ for 1 single bottle. But...

    you can make water "fish safe" using some dechlorine. It's cost me 2$ for 1 single bottle. But you have another choice. You can keep your tap water for 24 hour and the chlorine will evaporate. If you want to make chlorine evaporates faster. Use airstone to burst out some air to make the...
  40. KevinZ

    Any Pet shop Would like to keep them if you doesn't interbreed the betta. Or give it to someone...

    Any Pet shop Would like to keep them if you doesn't interbreed the betta. Or give it to someone that you know that going to make a happy home for your "too much betta fish" Because I know some people kept betta on a plastic bottle. I just want to smack people like that. Jk.