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  1. KevinZ


    :hi: :hi:
  2. KevinZ

    New to this!

    :hi: :hi: , hello If you just got your aquarium from 1 August then probably they got Ammonia burn / Stress Do you aware of cycling Process? You can read it here. :)
  3. KevinZ

    Water change now or wait? Fish in Cycle mayhem

    You should do 30% water change to decrease your nitrate, i believe people keep nitrate around 0ppm - 15ppm (Or at least i did), make sure you use dechloninator to treat the water :)
  4. KevinZ

    So many questions...

    Sand will be great, most member here use play sand :) If you use sand substrate you probably going to need root tabs for any hard root feeder plant (ex: Amazon Sword) Using Beach rock/pebble/sand/Dead Corals as Aquarium Hardscape is really dangerous because of unknown materials and a long...
  5. KevinZ

    Come and Confess!

    When i was @Kindergarden Someone told me that if you eat egg yolk that mean you eat Chicken Babies, so i should just eat the white part. Scar me for life, never eat egg yolk since then, and i'll hate someone that say "I Love egg yolk, its delicious." Or looking @someone enjoying breakfast with...
  6. KevinZ

    Come and Confess!

    I legitimately hate people that like to eat egg yolk for some reason. And i still do, :rofl: Not Sorry to said that.
  7. KevinZ

    First fishy friends

    1-5 gallons tank Cycling time is variety, some people take 3 months and some people can't finish the cycling process and always got an ammonia spike's somehow. You should increase water change to 50%-65% For now, if you going to buy another bigger tank you should keep them and maintained daily...
  8. KevinZ

    things that people not into the aquarium hobby say or do that annoys you?

    "You need to do a water change, you're so lazy. the water is yellow already ." Meanwhile, its a Blackwater Tank :)
  9. KevinZ

    I just can't...

    Yeah, that's My Reputable store. Always go there first and always give me the best price. I tried to Online & Local Pet Store. Most stores Sell it around 45.000 - 55.000. :-( And yet they need to be 7-8 School.
  10. KevinZ

    Meet Peach

    Stunning Colours.:wub::lol:
  11. KevinZ

    I just can't...

    Always wanted them. Sadly they cost me around 30.000 IDR/Each. So i need around 240.000 IDR Just for fish :( hopefully someday i'll have them. Just have to make sure i am not going Bankrupt after that :rofl:. Lovely Fish. <3
  12. KevinZ

    Water Changes to Lower Nitrates

    I'd say Increase it to 20-25% and see if there's Any change :)
  13. KevinZ

    Vote Now!.....August 2020 Tank of the Month Contest (30 US gallons and larger)

    Hello, This is my 66 Gallons Long-Tank. Set up from 2 month ago. Fish: 11 Congo Tetra & 9 Albino Corys Invertebrate: Around 30+ Cherry Shrimp Plant: Anubias Nana, Anubias Petite, Water Wisteria, Java Fern, Paris Bucephalandra, Fissidens Moss & Amazon Frogbit. No Fertilizer used. Feeding...
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  15. KevinZ


    :drinks: :hi:
  16. KevinZ


    This is AMAZING! Bazingless! Can't wait for my frogbit to take over my tank now.:rofl::rofl:
  17. KevinZ

    Please Help! Really Urgent :(

    Well, first i dont have any Container, only have that Jar. And 2 of them are inside un-cycled tank while 1 of them is inside my "Plant Restoration Tank." (Which is no problem at all, + still can't find divider for this 10Gal Tank) while 4 of them inside that only Plastic Jar that i have around...
  18. KevinZ

    Please Help! Really Urgent :(

    My tank doesn't big enough for this idea, :( Edit : Everything looks great for NOW. I'll try to find something for them to rest tommorow, (Its 1 AM alr) not going to sacrifice's my stem Plant tho. But i'll definitely find something that middle water floated for all of them.
  19. KevinZ

    Please Help! Really Urgent :(

    Guys, dont make this thread a Argument. My thread alone is stressfull enough, I live in Indonesian A lot of cultures for keeping betta here's and i do say i learn a lot. While people keep their betta together (No Sex / Gender Restrictions) in a really big plain bucket. But there's condition to...
  20. KevinZ

    Java Fern propagation

    This is great, While PhoenixKingZ Java Fern is Growing java fern to side way, and yours shooting up floating is really normal, The reason behind this is simple. While PhoenixKingZ Java Fern growth to side way because the baby plant Roots Grab on the wood and keep growing by creating more and...
  21. KevinZ


    Bad idea. Dont do it, The Frogbit looks fine IMO, only if they get worse then you should try Liquid Fert. Afterall even if you lose some frogbit all you need is to wait 1 month and a single of frogbit will cover your surface area, (Depend on your surface ;)) 20 ppm is really too high for Nano...
  22. KevinZ


    Its been a stressful day. Godness. I have to maintain 4 Jar and 4 Aquarium from today but most of the betta is doing pretty well. Bubble Nest is built at the bottom of frogbit, Scale Colour are showing up. Hopefully can maintain them daily, (Still Have Online class & Have to do daily Errand)...
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  28. KevinZ

    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    Looks wonderfull! That plant is at "Puberty Stage" probably have to wait them glow up and you'll see their beuty ;) Trust me when that happpen you wouldn't even notice it until you see this old picture
  29. KevinZ

    Java Fern propagation

    You can do both. But let it fall off is a better choice IMO, Bc when you try to cut it off the Rhizome part might get damaged and probably too small to attach to any hardscape
  30. KevinZ


    Looks pretty nice. I dont see any problems here. Most of frogbit will turn a little bit brown bc of water movement. And i also have the film at my frogbit area. Idk what is it or where it came from. :fish: someone might answer that. But i dont think its harmfull since i have them for about 2...
  31. KevinZ

    Please Help! Really Urgent :(

    Sorry for late replies. I just done with my class. I do have plant in 55&66 gals. But most of the plant are Attached to rock & driftwood. (Anubias, Bucephalandra, Java Fern) Except for my Amazon Sword & Cabomba. Both need a really deep substrate and alr esthabilised and i dont have any...
  32. KevinZ

    Please Help! Really Urgent :(

    Thanks! I put single frogbit in, barely have space for myself now, need to use my chair for laptop to do google meet right now. :fish: , Hopefully i can found someone to house them ASAP :no:. I dont have any floating stem plant to propogate. I found old hang on back filter to use, i can't find...
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  36. KevinZ

    Please Help! Really Urgent :(

    I have experienced to keep betta for 1 year. But not this much, is it okay to keep them until mid-august in that small container? Godness. They're going to suffer there. :no: hopefully only keep them until Mid August
  37. KevinZ

    Please Help! Really Urgent :(

    That is the bigger container i have. I tried to condition the water first. Because idk that the pet stores are going to refuse. Its only been 15 min. Going to check at 30 min. I dont have any budget for any external tech. For betta i dont conditions a heater bc i live in a tropical country. I'll...
  38. KevinZ

    Please Help! Really Urgent :(

    So i woke up at 8 AM today, then I was going to go out for morning run, but then i found a package then i thought it was for my family member. But then at 9 AM when i got home, my dad said that the package was for me! I dont even order anything. And then when i go to my room i check that there's...
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