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  2. Tropical Tony

    A good general fish treatment to use with shrimp?

    Cheers guys. Imma but worried about using salt as I thought it would harm my plants?
  3. Tropical Tony

    A good general fish treatment to use with shrimp?

    Hi guys, I’ve got a planted tank with fish and shrimp. I like keeping medications in incase anything breaks out in the tank but a lot of the treatments that treat common diseases (white spot, fungus etc) all have copper in which is bad for the shrimp. does anyone know of any good general...
  4. Tropical Tony

    Live food

    With bloodworm just drain them through a net over the sink they should be fine. I’ve used live daphnia for quite a while and had no problems also.
  5. Tropical Tony

    New addition!

    Caught him again tonight with his dorsal fin up. Stunning
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  7. Tropical Tony

    Flying foxes, workaholics!

    They are fantastic! So fascinating to watch too haha
  8. Tropical Tony

    Flying foxes, workaholics!

    They are fantastic! My tank is spotless haha
  9. Tropical Tony

    Flying foxes, workaholics!

    Hi guys, I got a couple of small flying foxes for my tank in the hope that the would clean up some algae for me. Wow! They are amazing they never stop they have cleaned my rocks and cleaned lots of green spot off my plant leaves and even some hairy algea off my dwarf hair grass. My plants look...
  10. Tropical Tony

    Thinking about getting tiger barbs

    If you keep small groups of them their aggression is seen a lot more. If there is a shoal of 12+ they tend to be less aggressive. Not sure why but there you have it haha.
  11. Tropical Tony

    New addition!

    They had some l236 creamy plecs for £250 about 3-4 inches long haha. I’d love one
  12. Tropical Tony

    New addition!

    I paid £24 which I thought was really reasonable. The lfs has some incredible plecos some going all the way up to £400 haha.
  13. Tropical Tony

    New addition!

    Cheers for the replies guys. I’ve got him in my 150l at the moment (he’s only 2 inches long). I’ll be getting a 350 litre at the end of the year which he will be getting transferred to. He’s found a home in the tank inside the driftwood he loves it it’s covered with java moss haha.
  14. Tropical Tony

    New addition!

    Hi guys, went to a brilliant fish store yesterday and purchased this little guy. Blue phantom L128 pleco. I love him! Has anyone else kept these before and if you have any advice on them? Thanks, TT
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  17. Tropical Tony

    Algae wafer suggestions?

    Like some people have reported their fish dying after feeding them haha. I’m guessing it’s an over reaction haha.
  18. Tropical Tony

    Algae wafer suggestions?

    I have a l128 pleco, and some different types of corys. I was thinking about Hikari ones but have heard mixed reviews on them.
  19. Tropical Tony

    Algae wafer suggestions?

    Hi guys, I’m looking on getting some algae wafers for my bottom feeders and was just curious as to what people are using and if you could recommend any? cheers, TT
  20. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    haha makes sense. I’ve got fluorish comprehensive and flourish potassium should I dose these for now?
  21. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    Wow thanks for this Byron. I’ll keep the pink and blue off for a couple of weeks and see what happens. I tested for phosphates and in the tank it was between 2.0 and 5.0. Then I tested tap water and that was showing 5.0 too. This is way too high right?
  22. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    thanks for this. How else can I get rid of phosphates besides using RO water?
  23. Tropical Tony

    Finally, a crystal shrimp baby!!!

    Well after many failed batches from my crystals, I have been away for about 5 days and come home and spotted this little guy! He definitely isn’t newborn he’s about a centimetre. How old do you think the little guy is? Sorry about the blurry pic
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  25. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    i was dosing liquid Co2 at the start but stopped about 2 months ago after reading negatives about it.
  26. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    i started noticing it a couple of weeks after adding feet’s but that was also a couple of weeks after adding the light haha so it’s hard to see which one has caused it haha
  27. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    thanks for this. Would you recommend getting another white one and just getting rid of the blue/pink?
  28. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    just tested my nitrates and they are 5. This shouldn’t be a problem right?
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  30. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    I can turn it off but since I’ve put it on the plants seem to be growing at a faster rate. They still grow with the white but just really slowly. I think I’ve got some green spot algae on a lot of the plants leave too
  31. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    Thanks for the replies. I can’t control the colours of the lights. I have a pure white light which come with the tank that’s 6500k. The second one is an additional light called the Ciano CLE80 plants. Can’t find the kelvin rating for that on their site. In terms Of plants I have quite a lot...
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  36. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    I did introduce a new light about a month ago to help the plants it’s a blue and pink one. But like I say I only have. The lights on for 4-5 hour a day.
  37. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    I did but I stopped about 2 weeks ago. I’ve been away for 5 days and come back and there’s a small buildup of algae. It’s a little bit frustrating haha.
  38. Tropical Tony

    Hair algae problem.

    Hi guys. Hope you’re all well. I’m having a algae/hair algae problem. Keeps growing on my plants and rocks and even just the normal green algae. My phosphates are high in my tap water so I have phosphate remover filter media which has brought it down a little. I only have the light on for 4-5...