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  1. Anon_05

    New Aquascaper here

    Thank you! :) i can't wait till they grow, it will look much different once im done with it. Love this community thanks everyone for the input.
  2. Anon_05

    New Aquascaper here

    Thank you :) yeah it was like 95% brown algae the green was on the back side and i wiped it with the algae sponge. That's what i had read about the brown algae im just wondering when it will stop growing haha.
  3. Anon_05

    New Aquascaper here

    Haha thank you no worries! Ok so i have 2 angels, 3 danios, 3 neon tetras, 20 little ghost shrimp in there hiding lol, the little red ones are bloodfins and then regular small tetras. Yeah im definitely getting more plants i wanted to get some java moss (taxiphyllum barbieri) and add some amazon...
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  5. Anon_05

    New Aquascaper here

    Thank you for your response Wills! haha regarding the plants my fiancée did say that i never listened to her lmao will do! here you go with the pic! my plan after i removed the top was the raise more driftwoods and lower the water level, i wanted to eventually add some little vampire crabs so...
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  7. Anon_05

    New Aquascaper here

    Hello all so i recently changed from my standard 55 gallon glass tank to a new 55'' acrylic tank that i have begun aquascaping in :) i have so many questions but i want to start with a few big ones for me. So attached below are the current pictures of what it looks like. My first question is the...
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  11. Anon_05

    My Rainbow fish woke up with this white stuff all over the top of them

    Yeah i see that thanks guys, my water readings have been checked every week and they were perfect 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and light orange nitrate but today when the rainbows woke up like that we saw some ammonia and nitrate at 20 which is actually the third to last reading as im looking at the...
  12. Anon_05

    My Rainbow fish woke up with this white stuff all over the top of them

    Ammonia was very light green almost yellow nitrite was that perfect blue (0) no purple at all and Nitrate is the red before the last. I been doing 20% water changes every 2-3 weeks, every level was perfect besides nitrate that was a little orange. I do see now though though after this water...
  13. Anon_05

    My Rainbow fish woke up with this white stuff all over the top of them

    Thank you i appreciate it!, yeah i was thinking maybe ich? i just did a 50% water change, ammonia was very lightttt green so not bad but the nitrate was RED, ph perfect and nitrite was also perfect. I read rainbows are more susceptible to ich but i would like an expert on here to confirm maybe.
  14. Anon_05

    My Rainbow fish woke up with this white stuff all over the top of them

    Hey guys/gals experts my rainbow fish(them only) have this white stuff all over the top of them and white stringy stuff as well on the sides of one of them. Can anyone please tell me what that is?
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  19. Anon_05

    My Angelfish laid eggs don't know what to do noob here

    That's amazing, do you know what other medium size fish like them that have higher than normal intelligence?
  20. Anon_05

    My Angelfish laid eggs don't know what to do noob here

    I definitely noticed that it's amazing as soon as i wake up in the morning and go look at them they all follow me everywhere lol even after i feed them they're just looking, following, spinning around and looking lol.
  21. Anon_05

    My Angelfish laid eggs don't know what to do noob here

    10-4 thank you! will do
  22. Anon_05

    My Angelfish laid eggs don't know what to do noob here

    Got it! will do thank you so much :)
  23. Anon_05

    My Angelfish laid eggs don't know what to do noob here

    Thank you for the fast reply i just put them back asap :) so no hanging mesh breeder tank or anything? just let it be?
  24. Anon_05

    My Angelfish laid eggs don't know what to do noob here

    Hey everyone so after my little cycling incident i had as a noob previously i finally got my 55 gallon almost cycled and all is well i have 4 angels, 4 danios and 2 Rainbow fish however one of my angles laid eggggs by the filter and now her and the male are soooo aggressive with everyone else i...
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  28. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Hello everyone im back! lol all is well my tank is finally almost cycled i have more fish now, 4 angels(including the one that survived), 4 danios and 2 rainbow fish with 0 ammonia whatsoever but my nitrite is what was a little up almost to the final purple other than that perfect water but the...
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  31. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Yeah i was I agree hence im here asking you guys questions :) , thank you all so much. So here are my updated water results everyone PH, Ammonia,Nitrite and Nitrate The nitrite in certain angles seems to have a pinch of purple barely. Ammonia continues to get lighter than before. Nitrate...
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  33. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Yes that's it exactly. Hmmm i mentioned pre filter? the only thing ive changed on my aqueon 75 was the two cartridges in the back i just replaced them both but the two little mini spongy things in the front i have not yet changed
  34. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Ok guys so now im confused with my filter lol, i have the Aqueon 75 filter how often should i change mines specifically?
  35. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    So from here on out the water changes i do in this phase of my cycle that i am currently in should be what 25% from here on out, any specific % on my 55 gallon with my one lonely angelfish? Lol :)
  36. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Thank you! Once i finally get the ammonia down to that would it be safe to add more fish? when exactly should i add more fish?
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  39. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Im using a Aqueon 75, im happy to report she is soooo much better than before not even going up, clear difference when i installed this aquaflow sponge filter with Aquator Breza air pump. The ammonia has dropped even more to between 0.25-0.5 now vs 1.0 water looks way better with this Prime...
  40. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Thank you all again so much, so i put her back in the tank and though she doesn't look distressed shes still swimming to the top and then comes down a bit and swims then goes back to the surface again... =\ im not sure why but i was thinking of maybe getting an air stone? every water test has...