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  1. omega59

    My plants die

    Did I water change today. The algae is more hard and flat no fuzzy stuff.. (maybe bc it's still producing?) Anyways I will leave it a lone until I see things getting worse. It would of been nice to get some algae eating critters,. It my Betta would probably eat them lol.
  2. omega59

    My plants die

    since there are no responses. i just wanted to post a pic of the algae growing to possibly ID so i can research it some more before i scrape it away. If it is not harmful i may just leave it a lone as it is pretty to me :-) Here is a quick pic of the stone effected...
  3. omega59

    My plants die

    My plants are holding up, this one has developed roots all along it's stem, not sure if i should pluck them away. But I'am positive the other is just going to die away shortly, as you can see edges are going white. Your thoughts? Some new pics...
  4. omega59

    Hydrogen Peroxide?

    I have this tank, here is the info on light and filter, if it helps you. 7500khigh, (35 white LE Ds) 460nm blue LEDs. And the filter does 53gph.
  5. omega59

    Safe fixative for DIY plastic plants

    I wouldn't add plants that are not aquarium safe, some plastics will breakdown as mentioned already. Toney that is a great idea!
  6. omega59

    Cloudy Water

    Julie how much Flourish do you add, as I was trying to calculate the amounts for my plants, in my fluval v. It came down to one thread in the cap once a week after a water change. Also let water sit for a day with dechlorinate liquid before adding any Flourish.. the good people on this forum...
  7. omega59

    My plants die

    Ok good to know thx!
  8. omega59

    My plants die

    I thought Java moss needs higher light , is it the same across all moss variety? I can try it too.
  9. omega59

    Funny or what?

    Haha funny, like swatters lol
  10. omega59

    My plants die

    Was the Java moss placed close up to the light , how was your placement? Ludwigia type plant needs higher light I don't want to risk it.
  11. omega59

    My plants die

    I've come to find I will try these plants, Anubias Nana Lobelia cardinalis mini I would like to try also moss but I read they need higher light. I'm also thinking of adding driftwood and attach the Anubias to it. What do you think, these are ok?
  12. omega59

    Cloudy Water

    Awesome to hear. Does this mean you'll have to use these chemicals every time in order to get clear water?
  13. omega59

    Cloudy Water

    Any updates, iam curious how this goes.
  14. omega59

    Breed Identification-HELP

    Hi, yes the two dark ones are mollies, other is platy. The platy look pregnant to me. I can't tell but I hope you have enough females to male ratio?
  15. omega59

    Cloudy Water

    Looks good so far.
  16. omega59

    My plants die

    Thank you.
  17. omega59

    My plants die

    I understand, atm i've not bought any new plants and these are slowly almost gone. It's too bad bc i really liked these. I'm just waiting for another plant sale at my LFS and i will do my research of course to make sure they are low-light-plants and not demanding. I may just buy the suggested...
  18. omega59

    Cloudy Water

    How did you go with this, any chances of a picture?
  19. omega59

    Cloudy Water

    From what I understand, cloudy water can be from various reasons. Bacteria, food waste, fish waste, uncycled, gravil residue, ornaments, high PH, over stocked, and filter needs a squeeze bc it's goged up. I have the same tank with a single Betta. I'd suggest you perhaps get your water fully...
  20. omega59

    Bud's community tank

    I seen these loaches at my LFS, they do they big wow. But they are pretty interesting to watch. Maybe you should consider Corey cats?
  21. omega59

    Bud's community tank

    Very nice never seen plants like this. I do like the balloon mollies. Btw, you might wanna remove that hose pushing water, it's blowing your fish they seem stressed. I hope it doesn't knock them against anything.
  22. omega59

    My plants die

    Will those plants die too or will I waste money.
  23. omega59

    My plants die

    Hi just want to say plant is going dead.
  24. omega59

    My plants die

    Ahh maybe that would explain why in the past my Anabis grew fine while everything else died.
  25. omega59

    My plants die

    The info I found out the light is. 7500k high, (35 white LE Ds) 460nm blue LEDs. And the filter does 53gph.
  26. omega59

    My plants die

    I added the Flourish today mixed with some water. Here is the pic... i just realized i used tap water and not tank water... what to do now...
  27. omega59

    My plants die

    Yes, i wasn't able to find the time to search for a dropper. But my new plants leafs are turning black and the stems clear, it is slowly dying much like the other.
  28. omega59

    My plants die

    Still not sure how much Flourish to add. I did a water change this morning and the new plant had die off :( i added one thread line of dechlorinate to the tap water instead of a full cap. Tomorrow I will be add-in Flourish to the tank. Is one thread on the cap ok?
  29. omega59

    My plants die

    I just tested my aquarium water here are the results. Aquarium Water Natrate 0 Ammonia 0.25 Natrate 5.0-10 hard to tell Ph 7.6 Ph High 7.4 Tape Water Nirite 0 Ph 7.6 Ammonia 0.50-1.0 cant tell Nitrate 0 Note: The bottle of Flourish says "Use 1 capful (5ml) for each 250L (60Gals) once or twice...
  30. omega59

    My plants die

    Nice wow.
  31. omega59

    My plants die

    Okay. I always was told any extra conditioner added isn't going to harm, so I put a full cap in the bucket. So do you suggest half a cap of conditioner in the bucket of new water. My bucket is 10kg not sure what's that in litres, but I do half of the bucket. Note. My Hygraphila plant has lots...
  32. omega59

    My plants die

    I use nutrafin Betta+ conditioner 1cap full. I always do half the tank water changes. So if I understand, Water change 50% once a week. Use flourish once a week, and day after water change add a cap. Note. Since I already added all three seachem products yesterday should I start over do a...
  33. omega59

    My plants die

    I only add the supplements each water change, which is every 1-2 weeks. That said I don't do a full cap (from bottle) as it states that is for 10galls as I have 5. (19l). I'm not sure which GH. I live in Vaughan, Ontario which is north of Toronto here in Canada. Another note. It's the fluval...
  34. omega59

    My plants die

    It is called, Seachem plant pack fundamentals level 1. Flourish, flourish excel, flourish iron. The Hygrophilas has nice roots but it keeps dying away.
  35. omega59

    Plastic Plants From Ebay...... :/

    Thx for the info. I may switch to fake ones, since I'm having a difficult time with live plants. Just got one live new today, if it dies like my others, I may switch. The bases do look like it may dissolve over time. Sorry to hear about Your troubles. Decor is not cheap for sure.
  36. omega59

    My plants die

    Hi everyone. I been having problems keeping plants alive. They eventually start to turn mush and brown/black goops. I use Seachem #1 (3 bottles) once every two weeks. It has led light from the tank. Today I bought a new plant hopefully it will survive? I didn't separate the new one bc I like to...
  37. omega59

    Alasse's Tanks

    wow that is an amazine thing too see :D your fish are cool , the eggs too!
  38. omega59

    My Betta Tank, 5gal (19L) Fluval Spec

    No I don't use any Prime products. Unfortuneitlymy plants died. I'm looking to replace them soon.
  39. omega59

