Search results

  1. beechey

    Cherry Shrimps £15 For 20

    Sorry form coventry and yeah do have pics but not sure how to copy and paste the link from my blackberry I've downloaded them to photo bucket. I will figure it out soon
  2. beechey


    Hi I will have all the tetras and rummy nose and shrimp. Pm sent.
  3. beechey

    Cherry Shrimps £15 For 20

    Yeah will accept paypal p&p will be £5 for 1st class recorded next day delivery My paypal is [email protected]
  4. beechey

    Plecs Giveaway

    How much for postage
  5. beechey

    How Do I Set Multiple Tanks Up

    Both tanks are 2 and a half foot by 1 foot suitable for 2 discus each for a Breeding tank setup so now think all I need is a big pump and think I've already got heaters and got 1 light strip that might be long enough for both tanks .
  6. beechey

    How Do I Set Multiple Tanks Up

    Cool did not thimk of that thanks cool .
  7. beechey

    How Do I Set Multiple Tanks Up

    Yeah how does air pump filters hold good ph levels and good bateria etc and I will be using mostly tap treated water as my tap water is perfect ph I just use half ro and it always makes them lay eggs... quote name='Monty-2010' date='01 March 2011 - 09:04 PM' timestamp='1299013462'...
  8. beechey

    How Do I Set Multiple Tanks Up

    Defo goin to look in to this just gotta make a sort of stand for them ... If anyone has pics of there set up please post .
  9. beechey

    How Do I Set Multiple Tanks Up

    Yeah are large air pump might be a much better option. Have u done this yourself as pics would be great
  10. beechey

    Cherry Shrimps £15 For 20

    As title says £15 for 20 cherry shrimps will post for £5 but perfer collection Will be willing to swap for any corys , neon tetras n hatchet fish or keyholes
  11. beechey

    How Do I Set Multiple Tanks Up

    As the title says I've got 2 tanks in garage both decent sizes for whati want but all are just glass no lids etc how can I get one filter to run both of them as what to set both my discus pairs in the tanks been wanting to do this for ages but just don't know how to do it
  12. beechey

    Light Issue

    Fixed I think been on for a hour now and aint turned itself off . Had over 20 screws lol how the hell did all that salt and dust get past it all I don't know But thanks guys
  13. beechey

    Albino Black Neon Tetra X 10 For Free

    Tat far doh
  14. beechey

    Light Issue

    The whole unit looks like there is salt in it but looks like lots of hassle to even get to the bulb
  15. beechey

    15 Corys

    How far from cov are u As ill have your skunks and sebs
  16. beechey

    Light Issue

    Ok ill take the bulb out and clean connectors
  17. beechey

    Albino Black Neon Tetra X 10 For Free

    S that near cov
  18. beechey

    Light Issue

    I've got a lovly small nano tank but my light keeps turning its self on a off every 5 mins does any one know why ? Or any ideas what to try
  19. beechey

    Wanted Fish In Midlands

    As the title says has any one got any cory serbi or bandits , neon or cardinal tetras or keyholes or hatchet fish
  20. beechey

    Free Keyhole Cichlids

    Will u post other 4 ill will pay the pistage thanks
  21. beechey

    Breeding Schooling Fish

    I've got a small school of corys serbi and aldofs for the bottom and a small school of hatchets for the top after a different type of small schooling fish for the middle , been thinking of dwarf rainbows I think there called
  22. beechey

    Breeding Schooling Fish

    Are they fin nippers? I just seems to always be buying cardnal tetras the temp needs to be at 30 deg also
  23. beechey

    Breeding Schooling Fish

    Any one know of any schooling fish that's easy to breed idealyto mix with discus
  24. beechey

    Wanted -Red Cherry Shrimp

    I will sell you 20 for 17 delivered also .
  25. beechey

    The New Tiger Oscar

    i really want a oscar !!! has any one ever kept discus with a oscar?
  26. beechey

    Please Delete

    I'm from cov how much mate
  27. beechey

    Discus Personality?

    I have a stunning blue discus that has a weird personallity compaired to the rest as he will shoel with the rest but now and again likes to chase the bubbles and likes the flow straight out of the filter and weird of all when the rest sleep when the lights are off the blue discus aka bluebell...
  28. beechey

    Marine /nano Question

    got myself a cleaner shrip today seems expensive at £15 but what a beauty , seems happy in the tank didnt get any snails or crabs yet as there is 2 lfs near me and one sells them for a £1 each and one sells them for 2.50 so guess which one is sold out!!! also do the feather dusters have any...
  29. beechey

    Marine /nano Question

    na its all good learning by the day
  30. beechey

    Black Bush Algae

    easy carbo whats that? yeah i fort that it would get a taste for the slim coat, as there a realition to a flying fox which ive tried with the discus before and that to had a taste for the slimcoat
  31. beechey

    Black Bush Algae

    what power heads for a 85 gal tank?
  32. beechey

    Black Bush Algae

    got a very mild cash of this Siamese Algae Eaters are ment to get rid is this true would these be ok in a discus tank?? found this web site
  33. beechey

    Marine /nano Question

    im strting to think that the green algie is happening due to direct sunlight on to the tank as the tank is next to the window and she has taken the curtains down!! so sat i reckon im goin to swap the regal tank for a CUC ( turbo snails, shrimp, urchin) any thing else? ive been naughty and...
  34. beechey

    Marine /nano Question

    im glad you a urchin as i seen one of them at the fishshop i liked
  35. beechey

    Dumb Fish In Bioube Tank

    na the fish was stuck nose first down, the fish has always spent most of its time on the side of the glass, in both tanks
  36. beechey

    Marine /nano Question

    lol thats good then i just fort i had one angry clown fish goin the lfs on sat now goin ask about trading the tang in , my little girl is not happy lol she says she wants a star fish instead ? could i do that?
  37. beechey

    Dumb Fish In Bioube Tank

    theres lots of smooth rock on top of the media now thats a old pic bless the fish has came out of hiding now and its got a pink nose where it must have been rubbing at the bottom of the tube, ive taken a pic last night of him but waiting for my batterys on camera to charge before i can post them...
  38. beechey

    Marine /nano Question

    ive got a little nemo fish that bites me every time i put my hand in the tank is this normal?? also can i feed them my discus food? ie beefheart, shrimps or tetra tropical food!
  39. beechey

    Marine /nano Question

    ok ill have to get a test kit also like i said ive had to jump straight in with marine due to getting it all for free could not turn it down lol
  40. beechey

    Marine /nano Question

    i dont have any thing for a clean up crew but there is a snail in the tank whitch i see from time to time was gonna get some next weekend the algie seems to come when the light is on, i might try and trade the regal tang for some clean up guys i like the look of the kenya tree