Search results

  1. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    I really didn’t realise the science involved with fish keeping! yes bettas and setting up a community tank in the near future. I will invest in some salty shrimp gh/kh+ for my stock cupboard, I did a water change 3 days go on the tank in question and I’ve just tested the water, the kh has...
  2. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m gona get some pure water and have a play around until I feel confident I know what I’m doing, all the advice is much appreciated!!
  3. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    Yep, very confusing, so with using ro and adding equilibrium would this adjust kh? And if the ph of the ro water is neutral which would be perfect when I add what’s needed to bring kh up does this mean the ph will come up too? have a feeling that my tap water is going to cause more problems than...
  4. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    Ok so this explains a lot, I have mopani wood in one of my tanks and the ph has dropped slightly so I was adding Indian almond leaf extract to my water change water so it matched but I was wondering what would happen later on if it keeps coming down, I will test the kh in the tank in a mo to see...
  5. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    You are lucky to have good water. I only moved a year ago, my water before was much better, should of tested the new place beforehand. If I ever plan on moving again the water will be the first thing I test. Thank you for your kind words :)
  6. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    I’ll have a google ?
  7. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    What is the seachem aqualine for? And I assume the acid buffers are for ph? Thank you for the info.
  8. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    Thank you, i find it all so confusing! So my GH is 7 and KH is 3, not sure if this is hard?
  9. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    Thank you, I’m not really sure what’s best , to mix or just use pure? Any pros, cons I should consider?
  10. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    Ah ok, I will have a look at all of them. The tap has nitrates and I’ve been messing around with a nitrate removal system which is costly, it’s high in phosphates also I’m not sure how they correlate to one another. I’m very new to this but I’m sure that my tap water is not good quality, I’m...
  11. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    It’s reverse osmosis. ok great, thank you, so would I only need to add the rift lake water conditioner to make it suitable or is that combined with seachem equilibrium or something like that? How do I go about replacing the water in the tank, should the ro water be mixed with tap initially or...
  12. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    I have bettas atm both in planted tanks and I am setting up a community tank which will house neon tetras, guppies, bristlenose pleco, corydoras and a gourami. My tap water is such poor quality and I’m getting fed up with all the messing around. I will look at the equilibrium and the replenish...
  13. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    Hi, so I have found a local company that sells pure water, how do I remineralise it for my freshwater aquariums?
  14. xxamyxx85

    Naterjm - January 2021 Tank of the Month Winner (17 - 30 G)

    What a gorgeous tank, congratulations to you and your son :)
  15. xxamyxx85

    Fin rot seemingly returning immediately after salt treatment, help!

    I am just wondering about your ph? I have a Betta in a tank with mopani wood and Indian almond leaves and it has lowered the ph, a month or so ago I stupidly did a water change without using and Indian almond leaf extract to bring ph down and overnight he had spilts in his fins. Just a thought...
  16. xxamyxx85

    Gill Flukes??

    He also looks like he has some splits in his fins, check you water parameters and as you are using fake plants make sure there are no rough edges, it’s always better to use silk plants or for the safest environment, real ones.
  17. xxamyxx85

    Gill Flukes??

    One of my bettas gets those marks from flaring and they disappear after a short time, he rarely flares so this might be why he gets those marks and my other one who flares more doesn’t get them. There could be something stressing him out in the tank that is causing him to flare, keep an eye on...
  18. xxamyxx85

    Lol thank you ;)

    Lol thank you ;)
  19. xxamyxx85

    Sudden Loss of Tail Fin!! - Koi Betta

    The test strips are not reliable you should really be using the API master test kit, you definitely need to be testing ammonia! Nitrite should be at 0ppm at all times as should the ammonia, aim to keep nitrate as low as possible by performing water changes. do a water change as soon as possible...
  20. xxamyxx85

    chat feature

    Me too.
  21. xxamyxx85

    chat feature

    Hi, still not working for me?!
  22. xxamyxx85

    Razzmataz - 2020 Tank of the Year Winner!

    Congratulations, you have a really gorgeous tank! :hooray:
  23. xxamyxx85

    What to do if your fish gets sick

    Thank you so much for all of this info Colin_T, where should dechlorinators and other liquids I.e. stress guard etc be stored?
  24. xxamyxx85

    biggest mistakes you have ever made in fish keeping

    When I first got my Betta fish I had no clue what I was doing, TFF (essjay) helped me to finish my cycle and then rather than ask when he showed slight signs of fin rot I dumped melafix in his tank and he had a terrible reaction, in the panic of seeing him struggling to breathe I grabbed a my...
  25. xxamyxx85


    Hi My pozzani nitrate filter doesn’t seem to last long, especially as at the moment I am treating a sick fish and doing lots of daily water changes. I filled a tub with tap water, air stone, then I added salvinia, frogbit and a few pothos leaves but until the plants start growing I won’t have...
  26. xxamyxx85

    New betta resting on the bottom of the tank.

    His shape doesn’t look quite right to me, I might be wrong! Maybe some more pics and one from over the top of him (Aerial view), even a video would help.
  27. xxamyxx85

    Seachem Betta basics

    Thank you.
  28. xxamyxx85


    So I have just bought the pothos plant after doing a little research, thank you so much!
  29. xxamyxx85

    Seachem Betta basics

    Hi, does anyone use this? Was thinking of using it but wondering if adjusting the ph is a good idea? My PH is 7.6.
  30. xxamyxx85

    Help Determining Sex of Betta

    Wow you really know your stuff!
  31. xxamyxx85

    Help Determining Sex of Betta

    This can’t be right. My Male had a white ovipositor when he first came to me. I was sure I had been sold a female so I came on TTF for advice and essjay advised that the best way to sex is via the ‘beard’ if when flaring the beard goes all the way around the bottom of the head then it’s a Male...
  32. xxamyxx85

    Betta Fin Rot :( Desperate for help

    Hi, I’m so glad he’s still here, gives me hope that my little guy can possibly make it through this. The situation really does sound similar, I was just keeping the cottony bits away with daily salt water changes but he definitely wasn’t getting better, then slowly after time the water changes...
  33. xxamyxx85

    Betta Fin Rot :( Desperate for help

    Thank you, I am still waiting for the kanaplex to arrive however I have lowered the temp down to 24c and have upped the salt as I am pretty sure this is columnaris (he had white mucus coming from his mouth). I am really surprised but he has already perked up. I have read countless info on...
  34. xxamyxx85

    Fishy_Dan - December 2020 Tank of the Month Winner (16 gallons and smaller)

    Really beautiful tank, congratulations! :good:
  35. xxamyxx85

    Betta Fin Rot :( Desperate for help

    I still have furan 2 if u think I should try a second course! I really am at a loss and desperate to help him get better!
  36. xxamyxx85

    Betta Fin Rot :( Desperate for help

    On. I’m goino to leave him in methylene blue for 2 weeks and then as a last resort try kanaplex, do u think this is the best course of action? This was all originally caused by an injury that never healed.
  37. xxamyxx85

    Betta Fin Rot :( Desperate for help

    Hi deanasue, I did salt for 4 weeks, no improvement, the tried furan 2 with no improvement, I am now trying methylene blue which I am using direct in the tank as he gets so stressed with moving. The methylene blue I think has improved his situation but it’s hard to tell cos I can’t really see...
  38. xxamyxx85

    Betta fish resting more than normal?

    I’m so sorry about midnight. Stay strong! I would put him in the freezer to preserve him.