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  1. xxamyxx85

    How many fancy guppies and nerite snails

    Here’s a pic of the tank
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  3. xxamyxx85

    How many fancy guppies and nerite snails

    Thanks for this, I read the post and checked seachems website, from what I can gather, replenish is for tanks without plants, equilibrium is for planted aquariums, I will phone them tomorrow just to make sure. This is on the website Q: Should I use Replenish™ in my live-planted aquarium for...
  4. xxamyxx85

    How many fancy guppies and nerite snails

    @Essjay I want to weigh up all options, what GH do endlers and guppies need? I do have seachem equilibrium from when I used to use RO water so I could raise the GH without affecting the KH or PH. Also how many endlers would be suitable with how many snails?
  5. xxamyxx85

    How many fancy guppies and nerite snails

    That’s a cool idea, definitely something I’ll think about, thank you!
  6. xxamyxx85

    How many fancy guppies and nerite snails

    Ah okay, thank you.
  7. xxamyxx85

    How many fancy guppies and nerite snails

    Thank you, the tank was meant to just be a planted tank, no fish but the kids made me think about it. Sorry When I said fast flow I meant compared to a next to no current Betta tank, that is ALL I have experience with. I think I’ll just concentrate on the plants for now. Thanks again
  8. xxamyxx85

    How many fancy guppies and nerite snails

    I thought my water was considered hard. Tbh I was going to leave the tank fish free but my kids saw the fancy guppies in the shop and loved the rainbow tails lol, if the water is too soft then I probably won’t bother.
  9. xxamyxx85

    How many fancy guppies and nerite snails

    Just had to google endlers, yes, if they are better suited? Right I’ll stick to make only. My GH is 7 my KH is 3.
  10. xxamyxx85

    How many fancy guppies and nerite snails

    Sorry it’s a 10 gallon lol
  11. xxamyxx85

    How many fancy guppies and nerite snails

    Hi, My Betta Zilla passed away a few weeks ago :-( I have completely outed his old setup, it’s now a heavily planted tank, bright light, fast flow and I’ve added co2. I would like some fancy guppies and a few nerite snails, can anyone advise a good quantity for each? Also after some googling...
  12. xxamyxx85

    Not sure what is the right thing to do!

    Thank you, I feel that letting nature do it’s thing is probably the right way to go, and thank you for the positive thoughts.
  13. xxamyxx85

    Not sure what is the right thing to do!

    I heard stories about the clove oil being distressing, that’s why I’ve held off. Thank you for the alcohol suggestion I will keep it in mind.
  14. xxamyxx85

    Not sure what is the right thing to do!

    Hi everyone, I’m not sure if any of you will remember me from over a year ago, haven’t been on for a while!! My Betta Zilla is nearly two he had a large internal bleed to his anal fin when he was about 6months old from an injury, he jumped into a soap dish which I was using as a baffler, he...
  15. xxamyxx85

    Help me setup my Betta fish tank
  16. xxamyxx85

    Help me setup my Betta fish tank

    You have such a big task ahead trying to keep him alive, as you tank is not cycled you will need to monitor the levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, the best way to do this is with the api master test kit, look in you local fish store or Amazon! Until you have the kit, I would do daily 50%...
  17. xxamyxx85

    Betta Fin Rot :( Desperate for help

    Hi, I am no expert but I think as they get older they don’t heal as well anyway, it takes lots of effort for their bodies to pump the blood all the way to end of the fins, especially long ones. My little guy is just over a year and I am changing his water every other day, that was the only way...
  18. xxamyxx85

    Suitable rocks

    That really does look cool! I hadn’t thought of the garden shop, thank you.
  19. xxamyxx85

    Suitable rocks

    Hi again, I have mountain rock in my other Betta tank (only a very small amount) it doesn’t affect the water chemistry and My Betta has not damaged any fins on it, do u think this would be okay? It would obviously be a much larger piece then what I have in the nano tank so more would be...
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  22. xxamyxx85

    Suitable rocks

    Thanks for this. Seriyu stone is out the window. does anyone have a suggestion for rock suitable for Betta fins that won’t change the water chemistry? Preferably dark in colour.
  23. xxamyxx85

    Suitable rocks

    is this more like it? It doesn’t mention if this affects the water chemistry though.
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  25. xxamyxx85

    Suitable rocks

    Thank you, I will have a look :good:
  26. xxamyxx85

    Suitable rocks

    This is the heading: Aquarium Decoration Rock Fish Tank Natural Stone DARK GREY And this is in the description: 100% NATURAL. Every owner of underwater pets knows that decorations and aquarium substrates not only look nice, but also affect the environment of our fish. That is why it should be...
  27. xxamyxx85

    Suitable rocks

    Hi, thanks for getting back to me, no my LFS never seem to have very good stock of things like that. I was looking at something very similar, would these be okay?
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  29. xxamyxx85

    Suitable rocks

    Hi everybody, I am looking to add some large rocks to my 10 gallon Betta tank. I have read that some stones are too rough and can cause damage to the Bettas fins. Does anyone have any recommendations? I am after a dark rock preferable black/grey and something that won’t affect my water. thank you.
  30. xxamyxx85

    🐶 POTM Corylover 5 - January 2021 Pet of the Month Winner

    Congratulations, frootloop is super cute and a worthy winner! Well done.
  31. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    Ok great, thank you, I hope you have a good weekend :)
  32. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    What is the ideal GH for bettas?
  33. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    Kh is the same thank you.
  34. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    If my tank has a GH of 7, would putting water with a GH of 6 in a 50% water change be too much?
  35. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    Do fish get shock from GH or KH differences? Sorry probably a stupid question.
  36. xxamyxx85

    Show me your fishroom

    This is my dream, how totally amazing! Well done you, I bet you spend 99% of your free time in there.... I would.
  37. xxamyxx85

    What could this be?

    I think this could be caused by a slow internal bleed from the injury and it’s causing him to keep getting sick, I’m really not sure what to do for the best, at the moment he seems fine in himself. Thank you, I’m currently using hikari Betta bio gold, do u recommend something else?
  38. xxamyxx85

    What could this be?

    Oh my goodness, nowhere near as big, it’s only very slightly.
  39. xxamyxx85

    What could this be?

    Morning all My better Zilla has not been well following an injury, he ended up with a fungal and bacterial Infection, I treated with salt and furan 2, he seemed a lot better, however I noticed the other day when he flared that part of his beard was missing, I thought that maybe this might of...
  40. xxamyxx85

    Pure Water

    It does become very confusing and there are so many different aspects to the hobby to learn and get right, it’s the trial and error part that worries me, I just don’t want to hurt any of my little fishy buddies lol I’ve grown quite attached! Honestly can’t say thank you enough to everyone for...