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    100L Or 78L? Confused?

    No ideas from me right now in that case i'm afraid, far too late to concentrate! I don't suppose you have any chance of seeing it in person before buying to confirm the measurements?
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    Very Simple Diy External Background

    Sounds like an interesting idea. You could try an arts & crafts shop for some materials but i am unsure whether they are likely to have them or not, i do not tend to frequent such places :P
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    100L Or 78L? Confused?

    LxWxH is only going to work for traditional (cuboidish) shaped aquariums, different shapes have different formulas.
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    Air Pump

    In my experience they are, mine that i have at the moment is as quiet as anything. Strange, i guess it varies depending on situation.
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    Air Pump

    Eheim do a pretty decent one that is nice and quiet, it can be hung on a wall (inside a cabinet of course) so it has nothing to vibrate against. It's not overly cheap but it should last a while and be worth it in the long run.
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    New Era Food

    New Era are a brand of pretty good quality IMO, i tend to use their pellets quite a bit personally. Though having said that there is absolutely nothing wrong with most of the less expensive food. I really would not even factor money into the equation unless you really need to limit spending, it...
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    How Do You End The Suffering Fish?

    I really would not recommend flushing fish down the toilet even when they are dead. I mean, you wouldn't throw a diseased human corpse into the waterways, or would you? I personally seal their bodies as best i can in a plastic bag (sandwich/dog poo bag or something similar) and put them straight...
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    How Do You End The Suffering Fish?

    Clove oil or similar anaesthetics are the only way i can be 100% sure my fish are going out painlessly and stress-free, as long as it is done properly of course. I would not use the freezing method personally due to the theories that ice crystals can form in the blood of the fish, causing a...
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    What The.....?

    I probably should not find this as amusing as i do. Poor puppy.
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    Salt Tolerence For Ich

    I would really advise against trying salt with scaleless fish, it will be very uncomfortable and even painful for them.
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    Non-Swimming Platy Fry

    Don't worry, i'm sure there will be more than enough opportunities in the future :)
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    Non-Swimming Platy Fry

    It seems sad but hey, you can't save 'em all. Don't feel bad about it suffering though, it cannot be helped and to be perfectly honest at this young age i see them as more of a bundle of nerves than an actual fish, I honestly do not believe it will actually be 'suffering' as such. At least...
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    Non-Swimming Platy Fry

    I see, the fry i am talking about is actually a couple of centimetres big now so if yours is very small maybe putting it down would be the kindest thing to do. Lets face it, it would be long dead in the wild by now, natural selection and all.
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    Non-Swimming Platy Fry

    Well i can't comment on Platy fry specifically but recently i had a Killi fry (granted, a fair few weeks old) that would not swim and just stayed on the bottom, it appears to be making a bit of a comeback now. I would say that unless it is obviously suffering and will not make it then you may as...
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    Bizarre One - Discussion Only No Fix Reqd

    Ahhhh my bad, i read it as they were the only fish in the tank at the time. This being the case i am inclined the agree with eagle on this one.
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    Bizarre One - Discussion Only No Fix Reqd

    Oh yes, i completely forgot about parasites.
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    Bizarre One - Discussion Only No Fix Reqd

    Sounds like it could be some kind of chemical poisoning, could anything (aerosols, air fresheners, cooking fumes etc etc.) have gotten into the tank? I know your friend doesn't have them anymore but a picture would help.
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    Bacterial Bloom After Having To Change Tanks Due To Leak

    Nitrite is too high and I would say the salt you used may be burning the pleco as well. I would advise you take some water out and put new temp matched and dechlorinated water in all the way to the top. Do not use salt with scaleless fish. Do you have a picture and what kind of shrimp is it?
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    Beta Question

    From what I gather females tend to be just like males, it's down to the individual personality and the only way to know for sure is to try it out :) Though having said all that I would say the chances of the shrimp becoming snacks are higher than the chances of them not. If your shrimp are a...
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    Beta Question

    Depends on how good your shrimp taste to her :P
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    Tank Mistreatment

    Yes that pretty much what I would recommend, try to refill it when you know you are going to be around for a while to keep an eye on it. I wouldn't say stupid, you just got carried away, happens to all of us.
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    Tank Mistreatment

    Unless your tank has been exposed to UV radiation, is made of acrylic and gradually been worn away by extreme temperatures then I would say the chances of it going the way as the mall aquarium in Shanghai are pretty low :good: . You could however have stressed the tank and caused a leak...
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    Guppies! Where?!

    I agree about the Loaches, they should really be kept in groups (not that i would recommend adding more to this tank) of at least four or they can become insecure and aggressive.
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    Painted Tetra

    As in Albinos? If so then it's not quite the same as 'painting' fish, the albino colour is achieved by exploiting a genetic deformity (or something along those lines) that causes a complete lack of pigmentation just like in albino humans, albino fish can live full, happy and healthy lives as far...
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    A Better Diet For My Fish?

    Frozen and fresh bloodworms would be great for the GBR's, Gourami's, Danio's and Pleco (depending on species), i do not have any experience with the Tinfoils (if only i had the tank) or Tigers but i would imagine they would love it to. I would also recommend Daphnia/Brineshrimp. One thing i...
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    Minerals And Ro Water

    You could always filter it through an ammonia remover if you really don't like using just RO water. I would imagine it should be fine for the others, especially if it is a biotope. After all, it's no like Discus live in their very own body of water :good:
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    Diy Lighting...

    Sounds like a 'shocking' () combination.
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    The Most Overstocked Tank On Fleabay?

    A lot do but forcing employees to get customers to fill a form does not make them care unfortunately. I know of shops that get people to fill out forms but they still give out the usual bad advice as the employees know no better.
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    How Many In A 10 Gallon Tank?

    I am awfully sorry to threadjack you but i must ask, is that the same as a Sparkling Gourami? I see you are fairly new, welcome to the forum!
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    It is quite difficult to overdose on most dechlorination products but i believe it is possible for it to happen. If there is any chlorine it the water it will damage (and completely kill at higher concentrations) the kind of bacteria we keep in our filters, so yes, it is possible under dosing...
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    The Most Overstocked Tank On Fleabay?

    Lets just hope they have, like star4 said, received some complaints and rehomed the fish. That is what i was thinking. My faith in humanity dies just a little more every day so although i like to think they did something good for the fish i have a feeling they have probably just returned them...
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    The Most Overstocked Tank On Fleabay?

    'has been extremely well looked after - you can see this by looking at the fish!' ​If it was not so sad i would almost find that quite amusing. Edit: I see they have relisted it after getting no bids but without the fish, not sure whether to be worried or not.......
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    Female Jumbo Eye Pop

    Glad she is feeling better. It is always sad to see an impaired fish but don't worry, she should still be able to live a pretty good life once she adapts properly.
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    Interesting Info On Copper In Shrimp Diets

    Good find. I suppose it's only like how humans require certain heavy metals in their bodies.
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    The Most Overstocked Tank On Fleabay?

    Pretty awful and shocking to see, what is more awful and shocking is that i have seen worse! Oscars seem to be a common favourite for tanks around 20x too small for them. I have always been curious as to the thought process behind things like this, surely it is obvious to anyone that the fish...
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    Betta Staying At The Surface?

    Yeah, what KCB said :)
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    Help - Tropical Fish Tank

    I am not being rude, simply pointing out that these fish need to be fed twice a day. I am sorry if it came across wrong but the reason i emphasised it was in an attempt to stress that it is very important for the fish, not an attempt to make you look bad or anything like that.
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    Betta Staying At The Surface?

    Test it again, water quality will rapidly deteriorate in a tank that small. Get the precise numbers as well, 'all normal' does not really give us much to go off.
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    Help - Tropical Fish Tank

    You seem to have missed the point N0body was making, these fish NEED to be fed twice a day. Sounds like good advice and information to me, i would follow it.
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    What Order To Add Fish? (neons & Cories)

    Softening water can be achieved by using peat (must be proper peat mind) in the filter, this can be difficult to maintain and if the pH swings rapidly while the fish are in there then it will cause them to go into shock and die. I only recommend this method where it is entirely necessary...