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  1. David J

    How Much Sand To Use?

    Hi I put sand in my Fluval Roma 90 which measures 60 x 35cm on the bottom. I put 8kg in which makes it just over an inch deep. If your tank is 84 x 44cm it is no more than 1.5 times the size of mine so I would say a 15 kg back should give you at least an inch and a half, maybe more. David
  2. David J

    Floating Plants Not Doing Well With Spraybar

    Hi I tried lowering the bar but because the frogbit had long roots it still got caught up in the flow. I will have a look at repositioning the spray bar from back to front though. Thanks
  3. David J

    Floating Plants Not Doing Well With Spraybar

    Hi I have had amazon frogbit in my aquarium since the beginning. I started with 6 plants which soon turned into 12. They were doing very well. At the beginning I was using a fluval U2 internal. A couple of months ago I upgraded to a Fluval 206 external filter and added a spray bar. Since...
  4. David J

    Ahhhhhhh! Snails! I Think?

    This will happen to everyone with live plants pretty much. I worried like you when I saw my 1st few pest snails. They take hold quick in the right conditions. They breed quickly. You will start to find clutches of eggs stuck on leaves or on the glass. In my tank, when they started getting out of...
  5. David J

    Should I Introduce Another Bolivian Ram?

    Maybe not but I feel it would've had a better chance. We will never know. I now have approval for the 2nd tank after carefully timing my suggestion after a few glasses of red. Hope to get it sometime in the next few weeks.
  6. David J

    Suitable Hospital/quarantine Tank

    Hi Thanks to everyone for the replies. I probably knew my suggestions were too small but I really am limited for space. Managing to get somewhere for my display tank was hard enough. But like freshwater afishianado said, any QT tank is better than no QT tank so i will go as big as I can. I...
  7. David J

    Suitable Hospital/quarantine Tank

    Hi I am looking into getting a basic small tank to use as a hospital or quarantine tank. My intention is not to have it running constantly but to store it and bring it put when required. I have extra mature media in my external that I would put in the filter for the small tank so cycling...
  8. David J

    Should I Introduce Another Bolivian Ram?

    Hi I wouldn't want to add numerous rams with a view to reforming the ones that don't pair so think if I do decide to add another I will look out for a good healthy male. I've been thinking about what happened with the one that died. It bothers me and I wished that I had a hospital tank that I...
  9. David J

    Should I Introduce Another Bolivian Ram?

    Hi About 6 weeks ago I bought 2 bolivian rams. I tried for one of each sex but ended up with 2 females. One was smaller and weaker than the other and got bullied a fair bit. She lost lots of weight and hid most of the time and died about 2 weeks ago. The other is doing well. I am wondering...
  10. David J

    Lone Female Ram Nesting?

    Hi I got 2 bolivian rams about 5 or 6 weeks ago. After much help on here we decided they were both female. I had tried to get one of each sex. One was bullied by the other and got very stressed and weak and died about a week ago. The remaining one is doing well. Tonight I noticed the ram...
  11. David J

    Best Snail Eaters?

    I had the same problem with live plants introducing pest snails. They quickly got out of control so I had to change things. I cut my feeding down and added 3 assassin snails. The assassins certainly started eating pest snails but they didn't even make a dent at first. It got to the point that...
  12. David J

    Sexing My Bolivian Rams

    Sorry to hear that too. I might just stick with the single ram. Ive read lots that they do well on their own in a community. The remaining female is really nice and looks very healthy. I know the bullying is just nature but I can't help but feel I've put the survivor in the bad books. The...
  13. David J

    Sexing My Bolivian Rams

    Sadly I lost the smaller ram last night. I had tried rearranging the tank last weekend and added lots more plant cover. She almost straight away found a great hiding place in amongst the new cabomba and the larger ram couldn't see her. I was hopeful that with less bullying going on she would...
  14. David J

    Sexing My Bolivian Rams

    Hi Update: both rams are eating but the weaker one not as much. The larger one is still bullying the smaller one. I've seen them locking lips a couple of times. The larger is almost always chasing the other. Watching them last night, after much chasing, the smaller one started hanging round...
  15. David J

    Sexing My Bolivian Rams

    Hi Yes I did find that one thanks. It's a great guide. Thanks for having another look at my pics and I think you are right that they are 2 females. The bigger one has started to be a little more aggressive over the last 24 hours. I am a bit concerned about the smaller one. She is eating but...
  16. David J

    Sexing My Bolivian Rams

    I fed frozen bloodworms yesterday and everything's seemed to red well but I will keep a close eye. I will see what I can do with a pic of extended dorsal fins. Easier said than done lol. Thanks David
  17. David J

    Sexing My Bolivian Rams

    Hi Here are some more pics. I took some video but for some reason photobucket keeping failing when I upload the video from my ipad so just. Photos for now. This one is the larger of the 2. And these 2 pics...
  18. David J

    Sexing My Bolivian Rams

    Hi Thank for replying. Obviously I have very little experience with this but after reading up etc I felt the one at the front was a male. Reasons are that compared to the other ram, this ones vent seems to point backwards and slightly pointed. I know you can't see the other one very well. The...
  19. David J

    Sexing My Bolivian Rams

    Hi I've just bought 2 bolivian rams at the weekend. I have tried to get one male and one female but as I'm sure some of you know, it's not all that easy. Here is a pic. The best pic I've managed to get tonight that shows them reasonably close and you can see their vents. I will try for more...
  20. David J

    My Ever Changing Stocking Plan

    Hi Quick update for anyone this interest. Tank now has the following inhabitants. 8 Lemon Tetra. 5 Panda Cory's 6 Glowlight tetra I have swapped my internal filter to a fluval 206 external with a spraybar. The tank is looking great at the moment. Tomorrow I'm intending on adding the...
  21. David J

    Bolivian Rams

    Hi In the next few weeks I am getting some Bolivian rams and I'm doing some more research on them now. Can anyone answer the following: 1/ How many should I get? I have a planted 90L tank. I would like a breeding pair but I'm getting differing advice on whether to simply get 1m and 1f or 1m...
  22. David J

    Where At In The Cycle

    From the way you've worded the OP it sounds like you think that the water is the key but its the filter you need to cycle, not the water. Have read at the cycling resource in the beginners section. While I think some bacteria may be in the water itself, the bacteria mainly populate on the filter...
  23. David J

    Dead Fish - What Should I Do?

    Hi, yeah I did that and it does reduce it a little but also made the filter louder which bugged me.   Hi, that's funny because I was thinking that too. The lemon tetras are apparently on of the hardiest so it would be surprising if what I've done has caused this. As time goes by I'm getting...
  24. David J

    Flow Rate Too High?

    Lol. I'll do that then. I'm nervous about moving the media. I'll be doing daily water tests for a bit until I gain confidence in it.
  25. David J

    Flow Rate Too High?

    Cool. Sounds kinda obvious but I wondered if there might be a knack to it such as put everything in the first stage for a week then move some to the next and so on.
  26. David J

    Flow Rate Too High?

    On the left, the first stage of filtration is 3 sponges totalling about 2 inches thick. Those take up the entire left side of the canister. The right hand side has 3 drawers. The bottom one contains another sponge for finer debris. The middle section has the biomax and the top section has...
  27. David J

    Flow Rate Too High?

    Hi again, Been worried all day while t work, expecting to come home to a disaster but no. Everything seems fine. No losses and everything looks happy and no leaks. I did a 25% water change tonight. I haven't had time to check the seal but I will be doing another water change in a couple of...
  28. David J

    Flow Rate Too High?

    I'll check it tomorrow night after work. Do you think it'll be ok until then? It's running and definitely not leaking.
  29. David J

    Flow Rate Too High?

    Cheers Eagle. They seem to have settled into the new flow. I guess I need to give it time to gain confident of the new equipment. I had a mini disaster when I first switched it on when water started pumping out of the side. About 8 litres of water ended up on my floor before I stopped...
  30. David J

    Flow Rate Too High?

    Thanks for the compliment. The tank is a bit messy at the moment. Tuesday night is clean up night lol. I see what you mean about moving the intake to the left but I can't because the tank has little half moon cut outs for cables etc to fit through. I used those to sit the U Pieces for the...
  31. David J

    Flow Rate Too High?

    Thanks Livewire, what about the oxygen? Does it look like the spraybar is position ok? Do I need bubbles or not? Tonight I've noticed twice a lemon rushing to the surface as if to get air and then rush back down. I can't say I've noticed this before.
  32. David J

    Flow Rate Too High?

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice on the flow rate of the water in my tank since installing a new fluval 206 external filter to replace my U2 internal. My tank has been cycled since February and i have been stocking gradually starting with lemon tetra then glowlight tetra and most recently...
  33. David J

    Dead Fish - What Should I Do?

    Hi Ok, almost 24 hours later and no further fish lost. I have just put the external back on now after switching back to the internal last night. I think it was just a coincidence. Time will tell. I'm going to make a new thread on another board regarding flow rates etc. I'm doing it on...
  34. David J

    Dead Fish - What Should I Do?

    I see your point but I don't think the water has been bad because my water tests have been really good since my cycle finished, but like you said before, test results aren't always reliable so who knows. The U2 should be fine for the size of tank along with the number of fish i have. I'm...
  35. David J

    Dead Fish - What Should I Do?

    Hi Thank you for the reply. Regarding surface agitation, I have the spray bar positioned on the side wall bout 1-2 inches under the water. When I first put it in I saw that there was a strong ripple on the water but no bubbles or broken surface at all so I raised one end of the bar until on...
  36. David J

    Dead Fish - What Should I Do?

    Hi Ok, here's the bullet points of what's been going on. I have a 90L tank, fully cycled. First fish went in about 3 months ago, lemon tetras. Since then I've added glowlight tetra and panda cory's. Water stats have been fine for months. I do at least one 25% water change every week but...
  37. David J

    Glowlight Tetra Fry

    I tried vallis before the cabomba and it just didn't do well. I later found out that my soft water isn't good for it. Java fern was something I was looking at but will also consider swords. Thanks.
  38. David J

    Glowlight Tetra Fry

    Hi Daize, I can only guess but yes, I think around 6 weeks but who knows how long they've been hiding. The snail is about a cm or so. Im fairly certain its a pond snail. The snails are getting out of control so need to act. I took a very quick count tonight and found 35 without even trying...
  39. David J

    Glowlight Tetra Fry

    Hi Here are a few links: This is a short video of the tank. You will see the 2 baby lemons, both out of the plants today for the first time that I've seen. This is a pic of one of the largest pest snails I have in the tank...
  40. David J

    Fluval 206 Spray Bar?

    Thanks for clarifying. I will order it ASAP and a spray bar too. I read reviews online for a particular retailer. One of the reviews said they loved the product but it would be nice if they told you in the description that it comes with the spray bar because this guy bought one aswell so had...