Search results

  1. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    They might do, females tend to look a bit bland but if you keep looking you do get some lovely ones., I chose the ones with patterned tails and I remember putting pics up and people mistaking them for males cus they had lovely big tails lol. They might get more colour as they get older. 
  2. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    They have gravid spots, they are females! One of them looks like she is about 2 weeks pregnant. 
  3. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    How small are they? They could be fry that haven't coloured up yet. 
  4. Ny82

    My Bronze Corys Have Laid Eggs - What Next?

    I have turned the temp down, didn't realise it had gone up by 2 degrees that's probably what the issue was! 
  5. Ny82

    My Bronze Corys Have Laid Eggs - What Next?

      They got bigger than this    The ones in the main tank were a cm long but the angelfish ate them. They haven't spawned since :(
  6. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V4

      You got it!
  7. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    That's good you have young ones. Have they been bred before? Did you get a male for them?   On closer inspection, 2 of the fry I kept from the 2nd batch are actually female. I have 5 males which are the pics I put up, and I have 2 females. I also have 6 fry who were born before I gave the...
  8. Ny82

    Sand Vs. Gravel

    I have both, I find gravel better to plant in, but the cories prefer sand, so I have sand in 3/4 of the tank and gravel at the end for the amazom swords to stay planted. 
  9. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

      They were all black to begin with but I am happy with how they have turned out!  This is what they looked like when they were just young    These were the females    This was dad.   He died, then I sold all my guppies and just kept these 5 fry. They will be my foundation stock as I was...
  10. Ny82

    September 2013 - Pet Of The Month Entries

    Here's butterscotch. One of Princess's litter of 4. He is a dilute ginger and white. I just call him beige lol.      Verification  
  11. Ny82

    August 2013 - Potm Banter

    I entered on the 13th I was late too! It's ok, we will enter next months :)
  12. Ny82

    August 2013 - Potm Competition Entries

    I just took more photos so I can enter in september, don't want to make it unfair. I didn't enter until the 13th, didn't know what the cut off date was.   I will put them up on the september thread.
  13. Ny82

    August 2013 - Potm Competition Entries

    Ok I will need to change the "aug" to "sep" and see if she lets me put the paper and quickly take a pic! They are 6 days old today :D
  14. Ny82

    August 2013 - Potm Competition Entries

    Ah ok no probs! I thought I hadn't got a good enough verification! Should I just use the last one instead of posting them all again lol 
  15. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V4

    I cannot keep my eyes open any longer so am off to bed, if anyone gets it, then take your go :p
  16. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

      Thanks, yeah I know what you're saying, this is why it's important to breed something unusual or a different colour to what's already there to enable them selling and stop you getting over run!
  17. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Ok, both names please  
  18. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Giant gourami - colisa fasciata?
  19. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    So, I started off with 3 guppies. My all black male, a half black female with a lovely big tail and a half black female with a cobra tail. Here are the fry I kept.    I love how this one has patterned fins!   This ones tail is purple     This ones the only one with a light coloured tail but he...
  20. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    What I usually do is stand for a while and pick out the one which is the most unusual-that's how I came back with my lime green/yellow endler cross. Looking for a female for him too!  Just keep going back and see what catches your eye.  I will post a pic of my males if that's ok, just to show...
  21. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    I personally found the all black male first then found females of the half black variety to match him as I had never seen an all black guppy before. I had some all black fry which the LFS took off me as they had never had any either. The 2nd batch however have electric blue and purple tails with...
  22. Ny82

    Rewarding Myself To New Aquarium

      It really does, it's deceptive, makes it look 3D I really like it. 
  23. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V4

      yeah! You got it!   your go!
  24. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Not a leopard danio but very, very close ;)
  25. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V4

    I know they are gorgeous! Nope not a tetra :)
  26. Ny82

    Rummynose Tetras And Final Stocking

      Aww why don't yours look good? Maybe it's my bin-bag background?  lol the only time I saw them break up is when I put the treats in for the cories! Then it was like SCATTER!  Thanks, I am hoping this is it for the foreseeable future :) 
  27. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V4

    Both names for this beauty please  
  28. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V4

    I know that pic!   Mosquito fish - gambusia holbrooki?   ;)
  29. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    If you have 2 tanks and you want to selective breed, why don't you get 2 males in 1 tank and 2 females in another. When you want to breed put a male and female together in each tank, make sure you have lots of plants for fry to hide if you want to save as many as you can. Once they have bred...
  30. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

      This is very true, my LFS don't take them, although the one I get my live food from took some black ones as they didn't have any black strain. Then I was supposed to sell all my guppies and give it up, so I kept some males but I miss it so much that I am going to get females again!
  31. Ny82


      That's so stupid. That's probably why I have never heard of them, I am glad we have some sense here :p 
  32. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

      I keep my good ones and sell the rest as males only or females only. The female fry go into the 2nd fry tank in the kitchen, the males stay in the 1st fry tank. I have seen some lovely cobra tail females at the LFS I was really interested in them (this is after I gave up my guppies lol) Would...
  33. Ny82

    My Bronze Corys Have Laid Eggs - What Next?

    Aww they are adorable! How are they doing? I keep losing mine :(
  34. Ny82

    Look Who Moved In!

    Congrats! The first fry are always so exciting-then you will say that about all the batches of fry you have lol! Keep updating the thread, we love progress threads. 
  35. Ny82

    Inveritas' Guppy Tank

    Your tank looks good. I like crystal clear pics too! 
  36. Ny82

    White Fungus On Neons

      This sounds like what I used to get on them. I was never able to keep neons alive, they would go white and fluffy then die. It was a lot fluffier than the pic prairiesunflower put up but it was definitely some sort of fungal infection :(
  37. Ny82


    Am I the only one who doesn't know what a glofish is?   I would also ask basically what's already been asked, how long the tanks been set up, when the fish were added and the water stats.
  38. Ny82

    Odd Or Even School Size?

    I have a touch of OCD so I would have to get an even number ;)
  39. Ny82

    Rewarding Myself To New Aquarium

    Ooh I like the background is it 3D?