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  1. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    is that the corydoras bondi? black stripe cory
  2. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Yes that's the one! They have them in at the LFS I get my cories from. They are beautiful but no doubt too big for my tank :(
  3. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Sorry guys I am back!  FM1978-my little ones 4, if she was still in nappies there would be a problem! I had to go to the post office to pick up my parcel I missed and of course there's nowhere to park so had to walk! I was laughing at the notifications whilst walking back!   Here is mine-look at...
  4. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    dwarf gourami!
  5. Ny82

    Guppy Gender Trouble

    I used to have all females and just a few males too. The last batch however only had 2 females and the rest males. The only thing I did different was turned the temp down, it was 28 I lowered it to 24, I have very soft water PH of 6.4. I don't know if temperature or water softness has anything...
  6. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Lol! we may need to wait a few more hours!
  7. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Morning game players!   dreamer - That is a very informative answer!
  8. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Yes same time here lol. I will post mine tomorrow morning :)
  9. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Is it a burbot? scientific name lota lota
  10. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Devils hole pupfish - cyprinodon diabolis Lol I did that one on one of my turns-the only way I recognised the pic!
  11. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

      Ah didn't know if it was a loach or a catfish! Thanks
  12. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Can you make the pic bigger? I can't see it's mouth.
  13. Ny82

    Some Numbers Required

    I think 10 is a bit much since they need swimming space Saying that, I have a 64L fry tank with 1 male guppy, 1 male endler and 5 male fry. I rehomed all my females but found 6 newborn fry, I will be at max with all of them!
  14. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Thank goodness for that lol. 
  15. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    haha! I have no clue what it is! 
  16. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Scarlet cactus pleco, L25 isn't it beautiful! MBOU wins! Your go!
  17. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Aww! What just happened? Do we have 2 on the go? :p    I have an easy one, since we are playing in wills absence   Absolutely gorgeous-again too big for my tank *cries*
  18. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    ah is it formosae instead?
  19. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Rubber lipped pleco - chaetostoma milesi?
  20. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    I hadn't noticed before, but the fry actually have half orange and half black pectoral fins! You can just about make it out on the pics. I hope they stay that way! Very unusual, never had any with orange in them before. 
  21. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Yeah, wake up and mail on my phone is into 3 figures! Love this game!  Patiently waiting for someone to take their turn...
  22. Ny82

    Scotlands Heatwave?

    Must just be this heat hahaha! On that note, the rest of the week is meant to be raining. We quickly forget the beautiful sunshine we've been getting with just 1 rainy day!
  23. Ny82

    Scotlands Heatwave?

    Are you having a thunder storm too? It's so refreshing, just want to run out into the rain and get soaked without looking like a maniac! What did I say about us turning out fine...:p
  24. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    I'm back! Looks like I didn't miss much lol. 
  25. Ny82

    Scotlands Heatwave?

    Thanks guys, he was stable then took another turn, was on the drip for dehydration but is back to normal now. I am going back through tomorrow. The heat in edinburgh was a nightmare, i'm in central scotland, I came back over and was like it's not even hot lol.  Oh they are only kids, we didn't...
  26. Ny82

    How Can I Lose All My Fry?

    Lol lets hope so!
  27. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    I am in the process of bathing the little one and bidding on something on ebay! Will be back shortly!
  28. Ny82

    How Can I Lose All My Fry?

    I didn't even think about breeding, first spawn was when I lowered my temp for my platies. 2nd spawn I had been away to my parents for the week and came back on friday to eggs everywhere. The tank lights had been left off because of the heatwave the temp managed to stay at 24. Now that I want...
  29. Ny82

    How Can I Lose All My Fry?

    I didn't promise them anything, it's like with any fry, you don't know how many will survive until adulthood. They were just friends who said oh I will take some then they tell someone else then they want some then word spreads lol. 
  30. Ny82

    How Can I Lose All My Fry?

      I had 4 people wanting groups of 6 each. Nevermind. 
  31. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    good 1!
  32. Ny82

    How Can I Lose All My Fry?

    It's ok, always me. The 5 I have who are 3 weeks old, had a similar disaster. The fry trap tipped and I didn't notice. 5 left out of about 40 - keeps it manageable I suppose :/
  33. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    It's not a barb is it? hahahahaha!
  34. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    No it's a melon barb - puntius fasciatus I think lol
  35. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Is that a banded barb?
  36. Ny82

    How Can I Lose All My Fry?

    I got the fright of my life when I moved a rock in the main tank-about 3 or 4 little fry darted out! That will have been the eggs I dropped whilst removing them. They could be hiding if any got away, I wish at times like these I had white substrate not black in my fry tank so I could spot them...
  37. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    I will give it to you lillefishy, it is indeed the mighty L264 sultan plec. So pretty :)
  38. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Do you know the number for bonus points? :p
  39. Ny82

    How Can I Lose All My Fry?

    That's what I was thinking too. The trap itself was hooked onto the top of the filter and the other end hooked onto the thermometer. I looked this morning and thought it was tilting, the filters low so the water level could have been the same as the trap. I don't know but all of them? :(
  40. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    It's lovely! I can never remember the various catfish, the LFS my friend added me to, hold auctions with loads of different catfish and plecs I remember seeing one similar!   Here is mine, I had to turn this beauty down as it would get too big for my tank :(