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  1. 7

    Uv Sterilizers

    Hi, Bought the big green killing machine for my 75 gallon. It worked at first in wiping out a blue green algae issue, I had. Took it out, since it is so unwieldy, and ugly. Algae came back; put the uv back in. Doesn't work as well as it did. Cleaned the sponge and impeller. Is this just a piece...
  2. 7

    30-40 Gallon Tank And Stand Available

    What kind of light? Brand wattage and age?
  3. 7

    Fiddler Crabs

    Was told that if you provide some floating object(s) for them to haul out onto they would be fine. True? MY main problem is a relatively high phosphate reading about 1.0 (was much higher)and blue green algea which I have stabilized with a uv sterilizer. I have been adding distilled water about...
  4. 7

    Fiddler Crabs

    Hi, is the web page. I called them, and the person I spoke to didn't know. But they Guarantee you a clean tank. How big do fiddlers get (assuming that I add some salt to get a brackish type water)? What salinity level would they need? Which fish could survive a brackish salt...
  5. 7

    Fiddler Crabs

    Hi, I got an e@mail advertising the "A Team". This is 1 nerite snail & 1 fiddler crab. They will eat all unused food etc., etc. Does anyone know whether they will attack/ eat small loaches,tetras, mini cats( small tropicals of about 1/2" to 11/2"'s?