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  1. D

    Molly problems?

    Ph is about 7.4 Ammomia was .25 but did a good water change and have been doing ammonia treatments Nitrites were 0 Nitrates were also around .25 I believe And its a long 10 gallon with heavy live plants
  2. D

    Molly problems?

    Okay so last month or so I got two dalmatian mollies, a betta and an assassin snail. My betta died and I thought maybe it was because of an infection, I never noticed my mollies bothering him I always saw them minding their own. Then this week I noticed my snail was dead. I did see my one Molly...
  3. D

    Assaian snail dead?

    Okay so he smells but not like rotting flesh bad. Do snails orginally smell bad?
  4. D

    Assaian snail dead?

    But I can't smell ?? my sinuses are badly swollen is there any other way to tell besides smell?
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    Assaian snail dead?

    So I got an assassin snail a while ago and kept thinking it was dead because I didn't know they would hibernate. I went away for the weekend and he hasn't moved expect it kinda looks like he is out of shell? Ft Tony, hes an attention hog lmao
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    911 BETTA HELP

    Unfortunately I had to get a new quarantine tank so its mid cycle. I have a big bowl that floats and was thinking about keeping him in that in tank so its still heated and putting my air stone in with it. Will that work for now?
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    911 BETTA HELP

    Okay I did a 80% water change and used some terta aqua safe for now, can he go back in his normal tank woth his mates like this since he isn't swimming or should I keep him in a shallow one?
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    911 BETTA HELP

    Do my stores only have tetra ones in stock, would that work until the kind I order off maazon arrives in like 3 days? Also can I put him back in with his tank mates? They seem to be doing well. Im also a little worried about the spot by his tail. It almost looks like he got crushed.
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    911 BETTA HELP

    Yes! I Meant .25 ppm
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    911 BETTA HELP

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    911 BETTA HELP

    Also I found him under a decoration he played in and my other fish seem to be doing fine. I did a 75% water change like 2 days ago
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    911 BETTA HELP

    I've been using betta conditioner
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    911 BETTA HELP

    I just replied to someone else with the tank parameters, I did find him under a decorations that he loved to play in
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    911 BETTA HELP

    My ammonia was high was I did q 75% water change like 2 days ago and it went down to 25ppm. I know its still high so I've been using ammonia down. My ph is 7.4 (working on getting that lower) nitrates was 0ppm and nitrates is 20ppm i do believe but I have plants that should help lower it. This...
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    911 BETTA HELP

    bavent been able to find my betta since last night, it took about 10 minutes of removing stuff from his tank to find him and he was laying in the gravel on his side not swimming. I took him out of tank so I would could see if he would swim and he didn't move. He's still breathing. Whay can I...
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  22. D

    30 Gallon tank, stocking

    So they said they don't test the hardness since its not a requirement. He did say that we do have hard water
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    30 Gallon tank, stocking

    So I found a site where it tells you how many gallons since it was given to me used and it says its actually around 20 gallons, I have to wait until Monday to call my Boro to find out my water hardness
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  25. D

    Is this normal betta behavior?

    I made sure to get two small male dalmatian mollies. Everything I read said they could be housed together. My mollies and betta seem to not pay attention to the other. I thought bettas performed pH was between 7.0-7.5?
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    30 Gallon tank, stocking

    Is there a way I can find this out without going to a fish store? My closest one is over an hour away. Im still leaning towards dwarf gouramis and bristlenose if my water is allotted:)
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    30 Gallon tank, stocking

    How do I lower it?
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    Is this normal betta behavior?

    I bought some PH down to help lower the PH levels to a more favorable level for my betta. Last week it was 7.4 and I plan on doing a water change in about 2 days, is there anything I can do to make my water hardness more favorable for my betta? I have betta water conditioning
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    Is this normal betta behavior?

    Thats a bad quality video of it lol and I dont really see the mollies bothering him. They did the first day but haven't really cared since. And I JUST found about about water hardness. I thought everything I needed to check came in my API but I pulled this off my towns lists
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  31. D

    Is this normal betta behavior?

    Oh! Everything i looked at said that mollies was recommended to be housed with bettas! My last ph was 7.4 and im unsure what gh means
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    30 Gallon tank, stocking

    I'm thinking dwarf gourami and a single Bristlenose. I wanted a angel fish but others have currently advised getting just 1
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    Is this normal betta behavior?

    I tried posting a video of how hes swimming but it won't allow me. I got him omegs one betts buffet pellets and some flakes and have seen him eat it maybe once or twice. I feed him about 2 pellets twice to 3 times a day and have offered him bloodworms once. Im not sure what water parameters you...
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    30 Gallon tank, stocking

    Do I need to lower it? If so how can I do that so its safe for fish?
  35. D

    Is this normal betta behavior?

    I recently got a betta. I've always read that they hang out at the top of the tank but mine likes to hang out in his skulls and he keeps swimming like this. I really haven't seen him eat much either. He's housed with 2 mollies and an assistant snail. He's in a 10 gallon tank with live plants, is...
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  38. D

    30 Gallon tank, stocking

    I found this online for my town, is this what you mean?