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    Help?! My molly is attacking new fish?

    I think the striped fish is a white butterfly skirt tetra but my Molly is a male dalmatian molly
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    Help?! My molly is attacking new fish?

    I'm not sure. They are a type of tetra but my Molly is chasing them and was rven burying in sand until they would pass by.
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    Help?! My molly is attacking new fish?

    So I have over a 20 gallon tank which my Molly shared with a DG. I got new fish which have bright stripes on them so I moved my DG into another tank. After I put these guys in my Molly started attacking them! I even watched him bury in sand until one would pass by!! I took my Molly pit...
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    Help?! My molly is attacking new fish?

    So I have over a 20 gallon tank which my Molly shared with a DG. I got new fish which have bright stripes on them so I moved my DG into another tank. After I put these guys in my Molly started attacking them! I even watched him bury in sand until one would pass by!! I took my Molly pit...
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    Is my betta sick or is this just his coloring?

    Like 6 hours before I took the photo but I noticed it the other day, it's just taken a while to actually get a picture of it
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    Is my betta sick or is this just his coloring?

    So I have a baby betta. I got him on Father's day so he's still growing. I noticed a whit blob on his chest and I can't tell if it's an illness since he seems fine, very active playing in the decor, eating. Or if just the way he is going to look. I currently have a bit of a snail issue so I'm...
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    Subbing ammonia

    So I actually bought the replacements like I'm the pictures in bulk. I think I have a total of 12 replacements. Can I use them and then replace with a sponge? Or should I just switch my filter complete ly? I was always taught to replace it every 30 days. But I never was taught to cycle your...
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    Subbing ammonia

    It hangs on the back of my 20 gallon. And I don't replace my bio wheel, correct?
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    Subbing ammonia

    When do I change it then? The box says every 30 days
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    Subbing ammonia

    Okay so silly question. When I do my final eater change (is it 100% water change or 80? I've read both) can I put in a new filter cartiage thing or do I wait a week or so so the bacteria stays in the new water for a bit? Thank you :)
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    Subbing ammonia

    Its fishless and I started with fish food and that aqua jump start bottle
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    Subbing ammonia

    I've been cycling my tank for a little.over a month th. I had to do multiple water changes because my nitrates keep getting to high and would stall. My nitrates are slowly going down. But my question is, after everything levels out it says to dose my tank with ammonia and see if after 3 days...
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    Is this set up good for dwarf african frogs?

    I THINK this is a long tank and I have a show cyrrebt filter for my betta and I think my gravel is big enough (its the glo fish gravel) and I have a mix of fake plants and live ones but if I need more just let me know! I keep hearing mixed things about their food. I currently have freeze dried...
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    Is this set up good for dwarf african frogs?

    Once my larger rank cycles (almost complete) the only fish in my 10 gallon will be my baby betta. I'm thinking of adding dwarf African frogs. Is this set up safe for them? All my big opening are covered. How many frogs should I get?
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    20 g high tank

    I've called my boro and they said they don't test for hardness since its not a requirement but its hard to very hard. I was looking at breeders online and almost every fish I've looked at they said have been raised in hard water with a pH of 7.8 and that most US water is hard but the fish would...
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    20 g high tank

    What about the butterfly liverbearer? Is my 20g big enough? Its heavily planted and I read they get along with my Molly. I'm still looking into livebearing fish. Or could I get a single ram and a small group of small live bearing fish?
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    20 g high tank

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    20 g high tank

    I think they're otto fish and everything i saw said 10 gallon would be fine? When I get home I will try to get a picture
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    20 g high tank

    So I have a 20G high tank and I think I want some gouramins or ram. I want fun active fish and looking for stocking advice. I do have hard water with a ph Around 7.6. I also have a single dalmatian Molly I plan on moving into the tank as well. Side note: I have a 10G long with 4 Cory catfish (I...
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    Do you do water changes while cycling?

    I dont know what I started with, so I should I do a change anyways? I started it the 1st
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    Do you do water changes while cycling?

    I have a 20 gallon high with a peguin 10 filter I think, its fishless. Will the bacteria or whatever I need for the fish stay in tank with a 100% water change?
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    Do you do water changes while cycling?

    I've read mixed things on if you're supposed to do water changes or not during cycling. My ammonia level is about 8ppm nitrite I would say is between 0 and .25ppm and no Nitrate is id about 20 ppm. I have 2 live plants in there if that helps. And im supposed to be doing anything to my tank or...
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