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    Spots Of Hard Algae Covering Glass

    Hi, Thanks for the replies, I am in the UK & will try the sponge. I did clean my filter as it was blocking. Apart from CO2 injection what are other good ways of plant growing which may defeat the algae.
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    Spots Of Hard Algae Covering Glass

    My 4 foot tank has now got an Algae covering the glass, it's like small spots everywhere and is very hard, I can't rub it off or clean it. The tank is not in sunshine, lights come on for a couple of hours in the morning then again in the evening, I use Flourish Exel occasionally. How can I get...
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    Annoying Weed Spreading

    Ok, I have found my problem is something called Hair Algae, how can I get rid of this menace?
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    Annoying Weed Spreading

    It seems like an Algae, I forgot to add my lights used to be on for approx 9 hours. After reading on here my lights are now on 4 hours in the morning & 5 1/2 in the afternoon / evening to try to help. It's just that I can't stop this stuff, it's not in sun light either & it's starting to kill...
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    Annoying Weed Spreading

    I have a weed taking over the tank, I can't get rid of it. It is growing on everything including plants. When I try to remove it the weed seems to disintergrate & also clogs the filter intake. It is like fur spreads within days. It is making the tank look awful. Is there a way of getting rid of...
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    Blanket Weed & Duck Weed?

    I have just returned from a 2 week holiday, the fish and tank is fine with nobody feeding but I have a mass of blanket weed everywhere & also duckweed on top? I have no idea where this all came from. Can a solution be used to remove blanket weed as in outside ponds? & how can I remove the...
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    Platy Died?

    My tank, 170 litre 4 foot. Ammonia & Nitrite 0, Nitrate about 5, PH about 8. Water change during the problem with my Platy, also treated with Myxazin. The tank is well planted. A couple of days ago a female High fin Platy went to the bottom, other fish had little dabs at her. She seemed healthy...
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    Platy With Top Fin Fungus

    Thanks for the help, have ordered some & will try it.
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    Platy With Top Fin Fungus

    I purchased some Platies on the 11 April, I only noticed when I released them one of them was not in tip top condition, her top fin was only half there. She has been ok apart from the last few days when her top fin & back started to get some fungus, I have treated her with Interpet Anti Fungus 3...
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    Which Is Best, Feedblock Or Mechanical Feeder

    Cheers, I have a good stock of plants in the tank.
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    Which Is Best, Feedblock Or Mechanical Feeder

    Which would be best for a 14 day vacation, feed blocks or mechanical feeder? Neighbour is possibly no option. I have 21 neon tetra, 11 platy & 3 catfish. All young fish.
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    Removing Silicon

    You can try a silicon eater remover which is available from places like Screwfix.
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    Strange Furry Like Substance

    Hi, I feed them very little food but I do notice normally the fish don't come directly to feed, possibly because they have only been in the tank a couple of weeks. I will give it a go. Thanks, all suggestions are welcome & worth trying.
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    Strange Furry Like Substance

    Thanks for the help, I will leave it & observe to see what happens.
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    Strange Furry Like Substance

    Hi, The tank has had fish & plants in for about 3 weeks, this what looks like fungus is on a live plant. All of the plants are live. Should I treat this with some sort of fungal stuff or is it safe to leave?
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    Strange Furry Like Substance

    It's like white fur, like fungus you get on fruit.
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    Strange Furry Like Substance

    Don't know if this should be here or in the plant section. I have noticed today a strange furry like substance on 1 of my plants, I have seen a fungus on fish which looks the same [ sorry, thats the best I can do to describe it ] it goes up the stem and onto the leaves. Is this a fungus? or...
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    Rapid Ph Changes...harmful Or Not?

    I was about to post the same question, my tank has a PH of about 7.9 to 8, my tap water is about 7.5. I just have some Neon Tetras, Platies & cat fish. I have been using "Nutrafin PH - down". It says add 30 drops per 100 litres, my tank is 170 litres but on the side of caution I started on 30...
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    Where To Buy Just An Aquarium?

    I tried our local Pets at home & they were very limited, tried another local who only had a price list to 07. I visited an excellent well stocked place on a Roundabout on the A52 at Derby at the weekend only I didn't have space with 2 grandchildren. We have nothing like that around here. I will...
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    Where To Buy Just An Aquarium?

    I am looking to purchase possibly a 36" x 12" x 18" Aquarium, where is a good place to buy these possibly with delivery or in the King's Lynn area. Several places I have looked just want to sell the whole set up.
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    Hi, The external type I had seen was like the Fluval 304 or Aqua Pro? I had not thought of a HOB [ found what the abbreviation stood for. :good: ] Would a HOB be better than the others as they do seem fairly big & I suppose stand on the floor? I would just like easy maintenance of the...
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    Hi, I last kept Tropical Fish about 20 years ago & we have decided to start again. Also hello. :rolleyes: I will be having a 3 foot tank but as yet we are unsure as to what fish we will keep. Probably just community fish. To start with I require advice on filters, the last I used were...