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  1. S

    Cycling a new tank :unsure:

    If you are going for tiger barbs get as many as you can safely fit in the tank, otherwise one or two tend to get too dominant and the rest get bullied especially at feeding time. I started off with 6 tiger barbs and ended up with one big chief left on his own! I have seen posts which suggest...
  2. S

    Why has it all gone horribly wrong?

    I wouldn't add de-chlorinator directly to the tank it will not do much good at getting rid of the chlroine as it will become too diluted. If you are not treating your water at all before putting it back in?! You are probably killing a lot of your de-nitrifying bacteria each water change...
  3. S

    Lake Malawi Community tank

    Thanks for all that advice CA. I think I like the sound and look of the less aggressive mbuna tank species you suggested. If I went for: L. Caeruleus P. Acei P. Saulosi L. Trewavasae A. baenschi How many of each would I want to go for. In your eariler post you said that p.acei and L...
  4. S

    Lake Malawi Community tank

    Well CA that is why I want to kepp them! No more faffing to adapt water to the fish, I am gonna fall in love with these amazing fish that also like my water!! And on a side note any one who would like to buy this amazing water endorsed by thecichlidaddict, it is only 50p a litre!! :rofl: Right...
  5. S

    Lake Malawi Community tank

    I am gonna have a look at all the spcies I like the look of and then ask for advice on whether they go together! I would hate to be one of those people that puts loads of inproper fish together just because they look pretty! CA my pH is around 8 to 8.5 which is fairly high. I have so much...
  6. S

    Lake Malawi Community tank

    Good afternoon all! I have been running small community tanks and marine tanks for a while but have just bought a new 230l tank and want to set up a lake Malawi community as we have failry hard water (and I think they need that?) and like the colours of these fish. Apart from reading and...
  7. S

    Do common plecs eat other fish?

    There are no fish in the filter either, that was the first thing I had a look at!! I would have thought I could see some remnance of a body/skeleton if they were dying in the night!! I am down to one lonely lampeye now but he seems to be holding up lasted a whole week on his own! Do you think...
  8. S

    Do common plecs eat other fish?

    Do you have any idea where else these fish could be going? I had a major clean out last weekend and pulled up the ornaments no bodies any where but another 4 fish have gone missing! Nitrites, Ammonia and Nitrates are fine so there is no other reason these fish should be dying! I am totally...
  9. S

    How much for a Uaru?

    Hi guys, Does anyone know how much Uarus cost? The ones I have my eye on are fairly large. Just a ball park figure in sterling would be great. Thanks Skips
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    Juwel Vision 260

    Cavafish: Where abouts did you find your tank in the end and if you don't mind me asking how much did you get it for?
  11. S

    Juwel Vision 260

    Does anyone have any comments on this tank? I want to get a new tank and like the idea of having all the essentials in one unit. I like the look of these Juwel visions but are they any good!? Skips
  12. S

    Hi all

    Hi everyone, I am new to all this fish forum frenzy, but I must say since finding this site two days ago I am hooked. You guys have an answer for everyhting what a useful resource! My name is Skip by the way, I have been keeping tropical fish on and off for the last ten years. I have a BSc and...
  13. S

    Do common plecs eat other fish?

    Hi guys, I have two common plecs both quite big now probably over a foot each. I have had them for 2 years and they seem happy and healthy and have never been any trouble. However in the last fortnight I have introduced some new small neon tetra and lampeyes and about 4 of them have now totally...