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  1. V

    Nitrite Problem!

    No. Ideally, the only time you'll need carbon is to get rid of any medications you may have to use in the future. Remember to just rinse filter media out in old tankwater when you do a water change. You can use the media until it's just about falling apart. The manufacturers would LOVE us to...
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    Updated - What Would You Do With It - Updated

    Shrimp will have a field day in there.
  3. V

    Stock Ok?

    The temperature seems a little high to me. Most fish are comfortable at around 76/77. The warmer the water, the less oxygen it holds.
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    Stocking Help

    If you're not doing a fishless cycle, then you're exposing any fish you add to Ammonia. At the least it will permanently damage a fishes gills and shorten it's lifespan. The best thing to do is either see if you can return the fish you have then do a fishless cycle, or try and get some mature...
  5. V

    Yes, good to see Greenline is slowly stocking up again. They were always my first choice.
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    What To Do?

    Best thing you can do is to go round your local shops to see what is easily available. Draw up a list of the ones you like the look of , then come back here and let us see the list. Oh, and read as many of the pinned threads here as you can.
  7. V

    Which Of These Fish Should Go Into My New Tank First?

    Hi Ed, TBH, I'd avoid the Dwarf Gourami, due to the fatal Iridovirus they can contract. Rams need absolutely top-notch water quality which, IMO, you won't get in a newly-cycled tank; try to wait a couple of months before adding Rams. You really need to be on top of your water changes, too, to...
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    Can I Add More Fish To My Tank

    Probably just me, but I'd add each new group separately, a couple of weeks apart, even though the filter is cycled.
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    What Is Attacking The Other Fish In My Tank?

    The Angels could well make short work of the Neon Tetras, too.
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    Remodeled Aquarium

    TBH, the last thing I'd put in a tank that size are aggressive - or even semi-aggressive - fish. Even aggressive fish need a break now and then and a 10G wouldn't give them anywhere to get away from the rough stuff.
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    Have You Bought From Here?

    Does anyone know if 'Last Trading Post' has their own website?. We've had our eBay access blocked at work.
  12. V

    Added Two New Fish On Sunday, One Died Next Day.

    In a Rekord 60, I'd be changing at least double what you are now. Also, it's far too small to keep the Angels; they'll need a tank at least 16'' tall. See if the shop will take them back and swap them for four or five Rummynoses, as they're shoaling fish that do best in a group.
  13. V

    Shrimp Tank Size?

    What?!?!. It was taken in a bar???. Never!!!!.
  14. V

    Remodeled Aquarium

    Your Cherry Barb REALLY needs some company of his own kind. You could get LOADS of real plants in there.
  15. V

    Shrimp Tank Size?

    Doresy, I'm so impressed; it's the first avatar I've seen of yours where you're not having a drinky. Mind you, we can't see your hands, can we?.
  16. V

    Cories Don't Count In Stocking?

    IMHO, if it dumps - it counts.
  17. V

    Fake Or Live

    Buy a couple of bunches of Elodea Densa. Even without a specialist substrate or ferts, they'll grow and benefit your fish.
  18. V

    New Tank, New To Fish

    Ziycon, Is there any way you could get some mature filter media?. Check the pinned threads and see if there's anyone near you that could let you have some. Also - and you've learned this the hard way - don't treat everything your LFS says as Gospel. Most of what they want to sell you...
  19. V

    Added Fish Yesterday And Now Nitrites Are Up

    You say you cycled the tank ''last week''. How did you cycle it?. As has been said, Neons aren't really suitable for a newly-cycled tank, if it is cycled.
  20. V

    Over Or Under Populated Tank?

    If it's a Neon Tetra you have in there, don't add any more - they'll find the Betta's fins irresistible. As you've got a decent sized tank, go for another few Swordtails, but stick to a single sex. Do you know the sex of the ones you have?.
  21. V

    What Hapened To My Fish

    Best to keep everything you use in the tank in one place, preferably in the cupboard underneath (if it has one) that way, you know it's not been used for anything else. Do you use the bucket(s) you use for water changes for anything else?.
  22. V

    Updated - What Would You Do With It - Updated

    TBH, it's not going to give many fish decent swimming space; fish prefer a decent tank length to swim. How about a few pieces of Bogwood and some Shrimp with a Betta?.
  23. V

    Isopropyl Alcohol

    I wouldn't let any type of alcohol ANYWHERE NEAR aquarium sealant. If there's some stubborn marks, try cutting a lemon in half and rubbing that on. The acid should move most things.
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    Noob With Questions Alert!

    I take your point, BUT the weight of the tank will be constant and over a period of time ANY weakness in the table's structure will be found out. Also, the stand you saw may be made of MDF, but it's the quality of the screws etc., that give it the strength it needs. Also bear in mind your...
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    Keeping External Filters Healthy

    Cleaned one of my externals out on Friday; the water always goes on the plants in the garden. The best fertiliser you can get and it's free. VERY effective if you have plants in the house, too.
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    Harlequin Black Shark?

    I'm afraid that tank is a disaster waiting to happen. And it will.
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    Tingley Tropicals, Leeds

    The Manager obviously has special powers. Shame he doesn't use them to keep their fish alive.
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    Tingley Tropicals, Leeds

    It's a real shame about THAT place in Armley; the dried goods upstairs are fabulous, but the first time you go downstairs will probably be your last. As for Tingley Tropicals, yes, it's a small shop and choice is limited BUT - the fish they do have are fabulously healthy. I've only been there...
  29. V

    Stocking Help

    No Neon Tetras until the tank has cycled AND matured (4/5 months); a lot of fish are very poor quality these days and nowhere near as hardy as they used to be.
  30. V

    Help With Stocking

    Just don't forget that, with the different fish you're looking at, the limiting factor is your 10G tank. Danios are VERY active fish and need a lot of swimming space, a long tank is always best for Danios and other active fish.
  31. V

    Noob With Questions Alert!

    I'd be very careful about putting your tank on the ''side table thingy'', too. Even tanks smaller than yours will need something that's up to the job. It's just not worth the risk. If you knock over a cup of tea, it looks like a bucketful, doesn't it?. Imagine a tankfull of water over the floor...
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    Whenever I added a piece of Bogwood to the tank, I used to buy it on my way to work on a night shift, then soak it in the sink for the twelve hours I'm here, then put it in the tank when I got home and discolouration was never a problem. The first piece I bought, though, I just gave a quick...
  33. V

    Are Two Filters Better Than One.

    Two filters also allow you to alternate cleaning/maintainance on them.
  34. V

    Water Change.....

    Well, that's the secret, isn't it?. If you're asked to do a job you don't fancy, make a mess of it and you'll never be asked again. Sorted.
  35. V

    Water Change.....

    I like doing mine, too - doing it tonight when I get home - I've managed to get a water change and gravel vac on my 4ft down to around 30 minutes. The main reason I enjoy it is that however clean the water and substrate looks (and I have 10 Corys, so there's almost no uneaten food in there) I...
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    Dirty/algae-y Tubing

    Or you could buy a trumpet/trombone brush. Mine cost about £3 and it's some of the best money I've spent on the tank. Easy to clean the taps with it, too.
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    Just Started Up A New Tank But Do I Keep It Or Not?

    Indeed they do, but there's a lot of substrate in there which means a lot of water displacement, particularly as it's not a large tank to begin with.
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    Will These Fish Jump

    Do you have any floating plants?. They could deter any potential jumpers.
  39. V

    Fish Recomendations

    I'd consider Pencilfish, too - endlessly entertaining.
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    I'd go for a Fluval internal; never had a problem when I ran my 4ft tank with a single 4 Plus. You may even find some cheap as they're being with a newer model. Lovely big sponges in the Fluval 4 Plus.