Search results

  1. Discus-Tang

    Fp. Gardneri Eggs

    They will spawn without a clumpy plant like java moss, right? My tank just has ambulia and rotala (lots)
  2. Discus-Tang

    Fp. Gardneri Eggs

    Ohh. My bad.
  3. Discus-Tang

    Removing ammonia

    I'm not familiar with that product, sorry. If you use the API Test Kits, you will very likely still get an ammonia reading. The Seachem tests are able to distinguish between ammonia and 'bound' ammonia (often in the form of ammonium).
  4. Discus-Tang

    Removing ammonia

    What "Ammonia Remover" did you use? Most will still give a false positive ammonia test.
  5. Discus-Tang

    Old Betta Slowly Dying

  6. Discus-Tang

    Old Betta Slowly Dying

    Here's the link, that didn't quite come out right:
  7. Discus-Tang

    Old Betta Slowly Dying

    Stress Coat is actually the rubbish. Stress Coat is actually completely useless if you have chloramine in your tap. Quoting myself:
  8. Discus-Tang

    Could you at least send a PM telling me who you are?

    Could you at least send a PM telling me who you are?
  9. Discus-Tang

    Can you just say who you are? SeaAngel thinks you're Lucy, just not sure.

    Can you just say who you are? SeaAngel thinks you're Lucy, just not sure.
  10. Discus-Tang

    So, who are you?

    So, who are you?
  11. Discus-Tang

    Sitting in cupboard until I wash it w/ alcohol.

    Sitting in cupboard until I wash it w/ alcohol.
  12. Discus-Tang

    Old fishlore members!

    It's to do with the IP address you use.
  13. Discus-Tang


  14. Discus-Tang

    Old Betta Slowly Dying

    Euthanise when you feel is right. Maybe some more top cover as well, or a shallower container.
  15. Discus-Tang

    Old fishlore members!

    He wanted to get his pointed across to everyone. Welcome to the human race ;)
  16. Discus-Tang

    Is there a camera mounted to your pleco's dorsal fin?

    Is there a camera mounted to your pleco's dorsal fin?
  17. Discus-Tang

    Old fishlore members!

    That's very rational. I don't believe that this is a big deal but I know people (often mods/leaders) might get up on their high horse without even noticing. Note that Fishlore is incredibly strict compared to other forums.
  18. Discus-Tang

    Fp. Gardneri Eggs

    Does anyone know how moist the medium should be for incubating killifish eggs?
  19. Discus-Tang

    stocking my 15 gallon planted

    Sounds like a bit much to me. I'd choose: Either the Clown killies or the badis + Either the catfish or the gobies + 10 chilli rasboras + I don't know a thing about crabs.
  20. Discus-Tang

    Old fishlore members!

    You can?
  21. Discus-Tang

    Old fishlore members!

    As if you would ever be a mod
  22. Discus-Tang

    Old fishlore members!

  23. Discus-Tang

    Best Pellet Food For Bettas

    I use API's betta pellets.
  24. Discus-Tang


    I tried to click the "welcome" button but it's sadly non-existent here.
  25. Discus-Tang


    No-one would hunt you down, you're too nice!
  26. Discus-Tang

    Old fishlore members!

    Or I could continue it on your behalf, actually no thanks.
  27. Discus-Tang

    Old fishlore members!

  28. Discus-Tang

    Old fishlore members!

    I think I've seen you on FL before.
  29. Discus-Tang

    Old fishlore members!

    Some inactive mods lost their modhood, like Aquarist, Ryanr, Sirdarksol & Shawnie.
  30. Discus-Tang

    Separate species schooling together

    Maybe go to a public (freshwater) aquarium like Sea Life?
  31. Discus-Tang

    New Member!

    Haha, jumpin' on the bandwagon too. Welcome to TFF!
  32. Discus-Tang

    Old fishlore members!

    I put mine up too.
  33. Discus-Tang

    Hey Y'all

    @AquaticJ87 @Hollandthebetta Hi, do I know you?
  34. Discus-Tang

    Hello there

    @IHaveADogToo @BryanGar @AquaticJ87 @trash.binh91 @Hollandthebetta
  35. Discus-Tang

    welcome to the Mass Migration

    welcome to the Mass Migration
  36. Discus-Tang


    Mystery Snails are a small species of Apple Snail.
  37. Discus-Tang

    Random Death?

    Ich can; it stops reproducing at about 86F.
  38. Discus-Tang

    yes! Though it has Fish TB on it.

    yes! Though it has Fish TB on it.