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  1. G

    Apple Snails

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  3. G

    Apple Snails

    Just as you do... I was browsing the web looking for a new pleco but I stumbled upon Apple Snails being sold. I loved these little guys but to my knowledge they were banned in the UK due to native wildlife risks etc. Are they still banned? I also saw they were advertising fish that have...
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    Guppy Sex Debate, Please Join in ?

    Curious... Why / how does pH influence the gender?
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    Word Association Game

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    Word Association Game

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    Driftwood Tannins

    Yep. Then coating it isn't an option. Personally none of mine are coated and have a nice amount of greenery attached
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    Driftwood Tannins

    Controversial here now and not something that I would do as I believe that beneficial bacteria works within the wood however... You could lacquer it. If you were to fully cover it then it would leech out any tannins. Not would it change the pH.
  9. G

    biggest mistakes you have ever made in fish keeping

    In order of mistakes, Used WCMM to cycle my tank. Always fishless please.... Bought a sucking loach for my first ever tank. LFS didn't explain how big it would get. Bought a 2nd hand tank which I didn't ask about leaks... Killed a tank for faulty heater (to be fair I did leave it plugged in...
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    favorite and least favorite things about fish keeping!

    Favourite: keeping fish healthy, having a clean tank to look at, feeding time. Worst: tank maintenance (got clever plans for that), people that have no clue and don't want to learn.
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    sun sun filters

    Also not to forget that the flow rates in real terms are much lower. Sunsun and aps are measured without filter media and at 0cm. In reality we are pushing our water through filter media and usually up by about 100cm before it enters the tank.
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    Liquid testing blackwater aquariums

    What about testing your tap water as the 'control' and then make a tap water appear as brown as your tank is by way of a teabag and see how it changes? Just a thought.
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    Never have I ever...

    Ok. So I figured we should put our worst things up that we have done and if you are sat with a beer in hand you should drink (responsibly) if you have done the same thing.... My worst... Accidentally killed a Cory with a gravel vac. Pushed it into the gravel behind the air stone and stopped...
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    sun sun filters

    Surprisingly not many replies. Basically the same as the one sold by all pond solutions. I have had mine from all pond solutions for the 6 years. Reliable units. Flow is debatable But obviously flow is based on having no filter media.... I took all the media out and used biohome ultimate and...
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    People that have no clue

    Haha. All sayings would be correct. I haven't subscribed, never have and never will. Joel (corvus) on the other hand I have. A lot of random chat but I like it because it is real life. Someone that knows how to care for plants and fish.
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    After keeping neon tetra alone for a year can a neon tetra live with other neon tetras

    Hi. First and foremost. Yes. What size is your tank and what else do you have in there?
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    People that have no clue

    So the update goes that he is now upset because all his fish got ich and died. He is blaming the fish store he bought from and is now taking legal advice.... Just plain stupid. Any good forum chats on here about ich which will prove it was avoidable?
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    People that have no clue

    Used to work in St Helens. That's a side point tho. The guy also has a tiger loach from what I can make out....
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    20L Filter Recommendation

    I've never had a tank that small but when I had a 60 ltr the fluval internals seemed to work well. No frills but easy to operate and clean etc
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    People that have no clue

    Haha. Well I'm from Warrington but now lived in Cheltenham for the last 15 years.
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    I made $12 off duckweed. Yes I am not joking

    Same in the UK. :)
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    People that have no clue

    Yeah, it's on YouTube. He is in the UK. Northern accent. I die a little inside every time he posts a new video. I won't post his channel name. Unless you want it. He has basically told me he knows how to look after fish so I have asked for him to do a video explaining his water change frequency...
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    People that have no clue

    Just to add, Roughly 24 ltr tank 2 angels 1 red fin shark 1 tiger barb which is now being kept in a cage Mixed tetras Mixed live bearers
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    People that have no clue

    So the joys of social media. I stumble across someone's channel where they clearly have no idea. I tried to be gentle in my words in the comments but he thinks his fish as 'happy'. What do you say to people that keep fish but clearly have no idea in terms of tank size and fish compatibility...
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    Most boring fish

    Just randomly thinking... What is the most boring fish you have and why? Mine has to be the Spotted Raphael. He has a slot inside some driftwood, sits there the whole day. Waits until we go to bed before coming out. Maybe once a month we will see him/her come out, other than that all you get...
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    Gill plates

    So realistically, reduced function but not loads :) Yeah, I didn't particularly mean abuse by a person intentionally. I was thinking more like mishandling by the wholesaler/breeder or the LFS.
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    Gill plates

    Hi all Just thought about this again as I saw my only named fish in this particular tank. His name is very inventive... Gilly, a Phantom Tetra which I took pity on. I didn't want him but pointed it out to the staff and I got him FOC. (He lives with 12 others of his own) He has no Gill plate on...
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    750ltrs new tank - ideas?

    I have never been sure with discus, maybe it is the body shape... Certainly not the colours. They are always in the top part of the colour chart. ;) I think I might be swaying towards tiger barbs with something. I like the idea on a geophagus. From what I have read and videos online it looks...
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    750ltrs new tank - ideas?

    Sounds like an interesting one. Top of your list with clown loaches is something I have never liked. I don't really know why I am clown loach adverse tho. I was just having a thought back to times of old. Keeping temperate and what may be the most underrated fish in the hobby.... White Cloud...
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    750ltrs new tank - ideas?

    Yeah. I kinda like the idea of tiger barbs. I think there would be plenty of 'in fighting' but with a larger shoal maybe a more clearly defined pecking order. Whatever happens in this sort of setup it would certainly be an active tank.
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    750ltrs new tank - ideas?

    Hi Yeah, the joys of water parameters isn't an issue to me. Starting a fresh means I have no compatibility issues and altering water parameters I'm happy with doing. I just have an idea in my head of maybe a large number of small fish would be more entertaining than one personable fish and...
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    750ltrs new tank - ideas?

    Hi all First post but looking at the activity on here compared to elsewhere I guess I will get plenty of opinions :) Basically I am due to get my new tank soon and I have various ideas in my head and I just don't know what to do.... Rather than answers on the back of a postcard I figured a...