Search results

  1. dmpfishlover

    Propagating Amazon Swords

    Thanks! Since there are three nodes, I may separate some of the duplicate plants from one or two of the nodes, and keep the other duplicate plants together, so I have a mixture of singles and double(s) (If that makes sense?) Thanks for the information! I am excited that my plants are doing...
  2. dmpfishlover

    Propagating Amazon Swords

    Thank you so much! I will wait until they have roots and remove and plant them then.
  3. dmpfishlover

    Propagating Amazon Swords

    I planted Amazon Swords in my aquarium two weeks ago, and one of the plants has already sent up a stalk from the middle and has produced three baby plants. I know that you can cut the baby plants off and plant them in the substrate, but not sure how developed they should be before I do that...
  4. dmpfishlover

    Juice’s Fish art

    Love it!!! Beautiful job. You are very talented!
  5. dmpfishlover

    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    I agree... What are the bronze colored plants? All I have in my tank right now are green plants and I would like to add another plant with a slightly different color like bronze/red, etc.. But from what I hear, a lot of red plants require High Light...
  6. dmpfishlover

    New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

    Looking good so far! I love the driftwood. Two suggestions for you:. Add a background to your tank....Black is a great color, it makes the plants "pop" and look more vibrantly green. It also hides any cords behind the tank. You can use black poster board or card stock, or even a black trash...
  7. dmpfishlover

    Just not loving it

    Looks like a Rainbow fish to me?
  8. dmpfishlover

    How else should I improve my Tanks Looks?

    I would recommend you put a background on your tank...Black is a great color and makes plants "pop" and makes them look more vibrant green in color. You can just use black poster board material. Your plants look sparce right now, but they just need time to fill in. You could add some mid...
  9. dmpfishlover

    Do Mystery Snails grow fast?

    I have been considering Zebra and/or Tiger Nerites... They have such beautiful shells!
  10. dmpfishlover

    Do Mystery Snails grow fast?

    Hmmm.... not sure I want "pooping machines" in my tank! LOL :D :p But they are pretty! I guess beauty has a cost, right?! LOL
  11. dmpfishlover

    Do Mystery Snails grow fast?

    Fingers crossed that my Mystery Snails don't start eating my plants... I will keep a close eye on them, and if there are signs that they are eating plants, I may have to consider re-homing them, sadly. I really hope they don't, as I really enjoy watching them glide around the tank. They are so...
  12. dmpfishlover

    Just not loving it

    I grew up just 45 minutes from Portsmouth!! I go back to NH twice a year to visit my family (around the 4th of July and Christmas) In the same town I grew up in on the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee. In the Summer we go to the ocean in Maine (Ogunquit Beach). I would love to move back, but my...
  13. dmpfishlover

    Just not loving it

    I do love Michigan.... But my heart belongs to the Granite State (New Hampshire)...Always will... I am sure it is because I grew up there, and I am a little biased, but it is so beautiful... I think if I lived further north, near the UP, I would probably not be as homesick for New Hampshire...
  14. dmpfishlover

    Do Mystery Snails grow fast?

    Everything I am reading online indicates that they don't eat live plants. What I am reading is that they will eat plants that are melting or dying, but won't eat live parts of a plant. All of the research I have done indicates that they eat algae and detritus (which includes dead plant matter)?
  15. dmpfishlover

    Do Mystery Snails grow fast?

    I heard that they only eat parts of plants that are dead or dying, and so far that has proven to be true? Hopefully it continues to be the case.
  16. dmpfishlover

    Just not loving it

    I am really close to the lake, but for some reason I don't go to the beach often.. not sure why? I just don't. I guess that to me, it doesn't feel like a lake, it feels more like an ocean. I didn't grow up in Michigan. I've only lived in MI for 14 years. I grew up in New Hampshire next to...
  17. dmpfishlover

    Do Mystery Snails grow fast?

    I have never kept Mystery Snails before. I bought three Mystery Snails about a week ago. When I put them in my aquarium, one of them was emmediately active and perusing the tank. The other two took a little while to become active and start moving around the aquarium. One of them started...
  18. dmpfishlover

    Just not loving it

    I live on Lake Michigan as well!! Well...not "on" it...I live "by" it....I don't live on a house boat or anything...LOL....I live within a mile of it's shore. :D
  19. dmpfishlover

    Just not loving it

    Beautiful Location... You are very lucky!!
  20. dmpfishlover

    Just not loving it

    Glad to help! :D
  21. dmpfishlover

    Weird bug in my tank

    Definitely a damselfly nymph (larvae). They are very efficient aquatic preditors that feed on anything small enough for them to handle, just like Dragonfly nymphs. They are smaller, longer, and more slender than Dragonfly nymphs, but still very capable preditors able to eat shrimplets and fish...
  22. dmpfishlover

    Just not loving it

    Testing rocks using vinegar for the presence of carbonates works, but because vinegar is a weak acid it will only work if the carbonate concentration in the rock is relatively high. So testing using vinegar can sometimes be unreliable. If there isn't enough carbonate present to react with the...
  23. dmpfishlover

    MTS invasion. Problem?

    I had a huge population explosion of MTS in a 30 gallon tank years ago. I didn't even put MTS in my tank, they must have been hitch hikers with some fish I added to the tank. I didn't even add the bag water when adding new fish, so there must have been some eggs or something in the little bit...
  24. dmpfishlover

    Where should I mail order Java Moss From?

    Awesome, thank you... I will check it out! :)
  25. dmpfishlover

    G'day, new to the forum

    Welcome to the Forum!!! :hi:
  26. dmpfishlover

    Where should I mail order Java Moss From?

    I would like to mail order some Java Moss, but no Pet Stores around me Cary it. So I will have to mail order some. Any recommendations for a good online aquarium supplier that sells live plants? I've ordered from Jacob's Aquarium and was very pleased with the plants I received, but he is sold...
  27. dmpfishlover

    I'm considering buying a ten gallon hexagon tank. Talk me down.

    I'm guessing around 100 gallons depending on the width and height.
  28. dmpfishlover


    He is absolutely correct!!!! In my 10 years as a Vet Tech, I came across hundreds of tortoise-shell cats and I think maybe only a small handful of them were nice...The rest were nasty! I think that a cat's temperment can be a trait that is linked with color/pattern..A lot of Calico cats can...
  29. dmpfishlover


    Love the Irish accent!!! I'd pay a little money just to get Vet advice in an Irish accent!!! :p
  30. dmpfishlover

    I'm considering buying a ten gallon hexagon tank. Talk me down.

    I would always lean towards a tank that can accommodate more fish!!! :p Or shrimp, etc..
  31. dmpfishlover

    Little guy

    They look like Giant Cories! LOL :D
  32. dmpfishlover


    Yes, nothing smells worse than anal gland fluid!!! Even after 10 years of working as a Vet Tech and smelling it on a regular basis...It is a smell that you never "get used to"...It is foul beyond belief!!
  33. dmpfishlover

    Water Sprite question

    Great Information... Thank you!!!!
  34. dmpfishlover

    Water Sprite question

    Thank you! I added the plants to the tank "as is" after rinsing the roots. They are floating nicely and are really green and healthy looking. I am already using Seachem Flourish Comprehensive because I have Anubias in the tank, so I am all set! Thanks again!
  35. dmpfishlover

    Water Sprite question

    I received some Water Sprite today. It came in pots, and I plan on adding it to my tank as a floating plant. I took the plants out of the pots, removed the planting "wool" and rinsed as much of the planting substrate off of the roots as I could. Should I just add it to the tank and let it...
  36. dmpfishlover

    Juice’s Fish art

    You are very talented!! I agree, you could sell your artwork. You should look into it. I would love to see a Rummynose Tetra with the black barred tail fin and a splash of red in it's nose/head.. You would only need to use a little color for this species! :D
  37. dmpfishlover


    I can handle slobber, I'm a big girl! :p I used to be a Veterinarian Technician, so I am no stranger to Slobber... Plus, in my opinion, dogs are well worth the slobber... So, bring on the Slobber!!! :lol:
  38. dmpfishlover

    Just not loving it

    I agree with @seangee, @Retired Viking, @PheonixKingZ, @WhistlingBadger, and @AdoraBelle Dearheart .... I think a rearrangement of some of your driftwood so that they are LESS evenly spaced and fewer peices being vertical would make the scape look more natural... Adding stones of differing sizes...
  39. dmpfishlover


    I have a Great Dane cross... But I have always wanted a pure bred Great Dane...and a Blue Great Dane is my dream dog!! Your boy is beautiful!:wub: