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  1. dmpfishlover

    Dream tank thread

    Agreed!!! :lol: I am already planning out my second tank (10-20 gal planted tank, with Nano Fish and Shrimp), and my first tank (55 gal) isn't even done Cycling yet!!!
  2. dmpfishlover

    Dream tank thread

    I'm currently working on my dream tank... Well, it is my "realistic" dream tank anyway. :D I also have an "unrealistic" dream tank that I will share with you as well... My "realistic" dream tank is a 55 gallon, planted community tank. It is set up already with a sand substrate and lots of...
  3. dmpfishlover

    Filter baffling

    Yes, and yes. :)
  4. dmpfishlover

    Filter baffling

    Unfortunately, without being able to visually see the "flow" in action (see it in person), it is hard to say whether or not it is sufficient in creating enough water circulation with the sponge installed on the outlet... It may be enough flow as is? One positive thing that the installed sponge...
  5. dmpfishlover

    Filter baffling

    I think that Stacey mentioned that it was a sponge filter? Although, it doesn't look like the ones I am familiar with anyway?
  6. dmpfishlover

    Filter baffling

    This is true. Betta are "air breathers" and can deal with low oxygen levels, as they did evolve this way (with this as an adaptation), however, I would imagine that having some surface agitation would still be beneficial to the betta and the overall "health" o the tank, would it not? I would...
  7. dmpfishlover

    Filter baffling

    It is possible that an air stone might produce a more gentle current then the filter outlet. It is not possible to tell from a picture, how much current is actually being produced by the filter outlet, so it is hard to say. The picture is also of the filter after "baffling" it with a sponge...
  8. dmpfishlover

    Filter baffling

    Often times, if the filter outlet produces sufficient surface agitation, then an air stone is usually not needed (but it never hurts). I guess my question would be... Why are you trying to "baffle" the filter outlet? Was it creating a current that was too much for your betta? And how could you...
  9. dmpfishlover

    Filter baffling

    One of the main purposes of the "outlet" of a filter is to provide flow and surface agitation, which helps to introduce oxygen into the water. If, by covering the filter outlet, you have decreased the flow to the point that there is little surface agitation, then this could be a problem, as...
  10. dmpfishlover

    I think something else instead of triops hatched...

    Yes, shrimp will eat Copepods. Baby shrimp especially like to eat Copepods from what I hear.
  11. dmpfishlover

    I think something else instead of triops hatched...

    If it came as a kit in liquid, the copepods or amphipods could have already been in the water that they were raising the triops in.
  12. dmpfishlover

    I think something else instead of triops hatched...

    Looks like they could be amphipods (closely related to a copepods) they are found in almost all aquatic environments and range in size from a millimeter to around 13 inches (usually marine species are larger). They are detritivores or scavengers feeding off of decaying organic matter. They...
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  14. dmpfishlover

    What?! Is this duckweed???

    "Well gosh darn it, this discussion thread went sideways!" Yes, I would definitely have to agree.... What started out as an innocent discussion regarding the possible miss-identification of duckweed, has turned into "How to get away with murder"... LOL!! :lol:
  15. dmpfishlover

    Day #7 of a Fish-less Cycle...weird water parameters?

    I added bottled bacteria...I wish I had access to mature media, as I have a feeling that would speed things along more so than bottled bacteria. But at least I have the bottled bacteria in there. Thanks for the advice!!
  16. dmpfishlover

    Day #7 of a Fish-less Cycle...weird water parameters?

    Good to know!!! I will continue to monitor pH as well... So, should I wait another three days and then test the water again? I'm guessing that I should see some Nitrites by then? Or could it take another week before Ammonia goes down significantly and Nitrites start to rise?
  17. dmpfishlover

    Day #7 of a Fish-less Cycle...weird water parameters?

    I have just been testing the other parameters out of curiosity. I know that I should mostly be focused on Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate. Thanks!!!
  18. dmpfishlover

    Day #7 of a Fish-less Cycle...weird water parameters?

    I am on Day# 7 of a Fish-less Cycle in my 55 gallon aquarium. The tank has a sand substrate and lots of driftwood and some stones. No plants so far. I tested the water this morning and some of the water parameter results seemed strange (at least to me they did). They may be normal...
  19. dmpfishlover

    Corydoras or Kuhli Loaches?

    Personally, I like both Cories and Kuhli Loaches, but if I had to choose, I would go with Cories...They have great personalities, plus a real "cute factor"
  20. dmpfishlover

    What?! Is this duckweed???

    I agree, it does look a lot like a terrestrial seedling.... But I am by no means an aquatic plant expert....So, what the Fuplie do I know!
  21. dmpfishlover

    Neon's Are Dead!

    I agree with what everyone has said thus far, but I believe it is Colin that is getting to the heart of the matter. I agree that Neons may not be as hardy a fish as they once were, but if ALL of the fish are dying within 12 hours of being placed into the tank, then something is not right with...
  22. dmpfishlover

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    "Like" that you will add a school of bigger Tetras... NOT "Like" that you lost another Honey :( Sorry.... Another suggestion, that is not a Tetra... Harlequin Rasboras. They are a shoaling fish so they should be kept in groups of 6 or more, much like most Tetras. Although they don't come from...
  23. dmpfishlover

    20 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    I would agree with essjay. I had Dwarf Gouramis in the past, and it can be "hit or miss" with them as to whether or not they get along well together in a group of two or more. I had to move fish out and into another tank until I found the right balance of personalities. I would feel lucky...
  24. dmpfishlover

    Fish Store Pictures

    :hyper: I wish I had a fish store like this one near me! Wow!!!
  25. dmpfishlover

    Medium sized fish suggestions

    I'm not sure that Geophagus would be a good idea with Neon Tetras? Even some of the smaller Geo's might be big enough to eat the Neons once full grown?
  26. dmpfishlover

    Medium sized fish suggestions

    I agree with all of Utah's suggestions! As much as I would love to suggest German Blue Rams (I Love them, as my profile picture clearly shows), I don't think they would be a good fit, because from what I hear, they tend to be sensitive to water parameters (Temperature being one of them)...
  27. dmpfishlover

    Stocking my 55 gal Tank... Advice Please! :)

    Here are some pictures of the tank after moving the driftwood around
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  34. dmpfishlover

    Stocking my 55 gal Tank... Advice Please! :)

    I took your advice and moved the driftwood in my tank around today and I think it looks a lot better. As soon as I rearranged things, I realized what you were talking about! Thank you so much for the suggestions. I will post updated pictures later...I will wait to take pictures u til after...
  35. dmpfishlover

    Stocking my 55 gal Tank... Advice Please! :)

    Thanks for the advice... I may try to move things around a bit to "play" around with perceptions and focal points. It will definitely be easier to do that now, while there are no plants or fish in the tank. I took some pictures with the flash, and then realized I was getting a glare, so I took...
  36. dmpfishlover

    Stocking my 55 gal Tank... Advice Please! :)

    Awesome Tanks!!! Beautiful... I can't wait to add plants!! And fish of course... I just think live plants take an Aquarium to the whole next level!
  37. dmpfishlover

    Stocking my 55 gal Tank... Advice Please! :)

    I found it hard to really get a good picture because of the glare on the glass, bit here is how it looks so far Just Driftwood and Stone for now. One the fishless cycle is complete I will be adding a bunch of Live plants and the first fish. I painted the back of the tank black and my husband...
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