Search results

  1. Paws&Fins

    Oscar and Electric Blue Acaras.

    Ok, thank you
  2. Paws&Fins

    Free 75 Gallon tank

    HATE humidity, thinking Eastern side of El Paso.
  3. Paws&Fins

    Free 75 Gallon tank

    Give me time, give me time ... We are thinking about Texas as our retirement place ....
  4. Paws&Fins

    Oscar and Electric Blue Acaras.

    I 'might' (;)) be getting an adult Oscar. He currently lives with Cichlid (not sure what type) and has lived peacefully with an upside down catfish. He is currently in a 55gal. I would move him into my 75gal with my adult EBAs (mated pair). Would this be a good match?
  5. Paws&Fins

    Free 75 Gallon tank

    Hmm, sure no meet ups? I'm thinkin South Dakota would be the half way point between SE Texas and Eastern WA. ;)
  6. Paws&Fins

    Rosy Tetras?

    Thank you! Sounds like my Betta might spend a few days in a bucket with a heater and bubbler until I can get the new tank clean and running. Fortunately I can use water from my 75 gallon to get it up and running quickly. Once it is settled I am putting a sponge in it for good bacteria collection!
  7. Paws&Fins

    Rosy Tetras?

    I'm so excited, I just bought 110g tank off Craigslist!!! It is stocked but needs major cleaning. What products do I use to clean the scale off the glass? I'm pretty sure the fish in the picture are Rosy Tetras and Glo Tetras. My quarantine tank has a Betta in it. Will these fish nip at him? I...
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  9. Paws&Fins

    My discus are going to be parents

    It's a good thing I can let nature takes its course. I do not have a breeding tank. I suspect the fry will become someone's snack.
  10. Paws&Fins

    My discus are going to be parents

    I am so not set up for this!
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  13. Paws&Fins

    Helper or fishing?

    I thought about it ....
  14. Paws&Fins

    Helper or fishing?

    Ooohhhh .... I LIKE this idea! Put the little freeloader to work!! :lol:
  15. Paws&Fins

    Helper or fishing?

    This is what happens during a water change. Not sure if she is just curious about the fish or actually fishing.
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  17. Paws&Fins

    Hole in head???

    I have ordered the Indian Almond Leaves, but if tannins in the tank is the goal my new driftwood is already leaching a good amount. The meds are helping the Gloshark not flash but I lost my Pleco. I yesterday water and the results were ammonia 0, nitrates 0, nitrates 5. There are no sharp...
  18. Paws&Fins

    Hole in head???

    Thank you! Nitrites/ammonia/nitrates run mostly zero. I dechlorinate my water changes with a filter and stress coat. I will look for Indian Almond Leaves.
  19. Paws&Fins

    Hole in head???

    Thank you so much. No known sharp objects in the tank. The little guy hangs against the Green Machine most of the time. I know he is growing so maybe he tried to wedge himself into a spot he no longer fits? About 3 months ago I lost more than half my tank due to either a parasite or bacterial...
  20. Paws&Fins

    Hole in head???

    Thank you so much. 9 Thank you so much. I wondered about possible injuries but his/her fins are closed as well. Then there is the Gloshark rubbing on everything. Kinda like he is tagging things???
  21. Paws&Fins

    Hole in head???

    I understand your concern. I really do, but this is not helpful. Do you know what is wrong? Do you have a suggestion other than antibiotics? I'm completely open to not using meds.
  22. Paws&Fins

    Hole in head???

    Is that what I'm seeing? I've started General Cure and Erythromycin as recommended by my LFS rep. My Gloshark keeps rubbing on the gravel and decorations as well. Whatever is going on I cannot seem to stop it. Help please.
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  25. Paws&Fins

    Discus hang in corner of tank

    Sorry. Ammonia (0), nitrite (0), and nitrate (approx 5). Ph in my area is 7.6 and gh is 13gp or 218ppm.
  26. Paws&Fins

    Discus hang in corner of tank

    Thank you so much for your reply. I meant Stress Coat, not Slim Coat. The dechlorinator filter is simply that. A filter that attaches to the faucet and removes the chlorine from the tap as the water runs through it. No chemical is used. It is something my husband uses when he makes beer. I've...
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  28. Paws&Fins

    Discus hang in corner of tank

    Let me try one more time. Pictures ... Maybe ...
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  31. Paws&Fins

    Discus hang in corner of tank

    Hmmmm where'd my pictures go????
  32. Paws&Fins

    Discus hang in corner of tank

    Pictures of my tank (and 4 paws ;)). I'm guessing the Discus weren't thrilled with the decor changing and got over pouting. They were not hanging in the corner last night. Yay!
  33. Paws&Fins

    Discus hang in corner of tank

    I try not to change it too much, but I really needed to add plants.
  34. Paws&Fins

    Discus hang in corner of tank

    See answers above - I'm not yelling at you, just figured the caps would be easiest to see.
  35. Paws&Fins

    Discus hang in corner of tank

    I will be adding 4 more large Amazon Sword plants to the back of the tank this evening. I think I am done with the habitat for a while. I have 6 Honey Guramis in my QT right now that I will move into the bigger tank in about a month.
  36. Paws&Fins

    Discus hang in corner of tank

    I'm still trying to figure out if I have a male and a female. They are between 6 and 8 months old and about 4/5 inches in diameter. However, looking at the tail fins it looks like the smaller one (I'm guessing the younger one) is male and the larger one is female. Of course, I'm just...
  37. Paws&Fins

    Discus hang in corner of tank

    Pictures this morning at feeding time.
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