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  1. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    Unfortunately not. I live in a really rural area and I can’t seem to find any information on it.
  2. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    Yeah I have the API master kit. I just couldn’t find a GH KG test kit at my LFS
  3. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    Ahhh okay that makes much more sense. Thank you for not giving up on my fumbling mess ? I didn’t realize the scale on the strips for GH and KH weren’t correlated to hardness like I thought. Also: I have a picture of the tabs I use and the ingredients. Not sure if they helps at all but I won’t...
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  5. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    ?? so I retested the tap pH. ? I swear I’m trying to be helpful. I did the carbon thingy. And got a pH of 7.2
  6. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    Okay. Tank gH: 180 KH: 120 pH: 8.3 tap: GH: 180 KH: 120 pH: 6.8 ......I know it’s confusing. But. That’s what it is. I’m just as lost as you guys are lol.
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  9. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    Let me run into town to buy some more strips. It’ll be like at least an hour. But here’s my tap pH I tested for a second time. Thank you for the liquid fertilizer recs!
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  11. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    I use leaf zone liquid fertilizer every other week and I only put in root tabs once. I got them from a local seller. They’re not branded :/ My tap water pH is about 6.8 consistently and today. Now I ran out of GH and KH strips. But both typically always run on the extremely high end of the...
  12. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    Thank you!
  13. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    I’m okay with her eating them ??‍♀️ Protein. Maybe that’s really messed up lol. I’ve wanted a cichlid tank for forever and so I’ve been trying to lean over into an aggressive tank. Probably won’t really put any other occupants in there besides her and the corys.
  14. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    Update: I found a dead snail in a crevice under a decoration. Probably where the ammonia came from.
  15. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    And also: the tetras and corys are established inhabitants they’re used to the hardness. They’ve been with me for a long time. The cichlid is a newer addition though.
  16. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    Normally my tank sits at 7.4. My tap water is 6.6. And my gH (I ran out of strips this week) is usually very hard, in the top of the chart. The water we get where I live is just really really packed with minerals
  17. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    It’s a peacock cichlid. And my tank has been set up for ten years. I use sand. The wood decor is all fake. The coconut shells are real though. My pH is usually super stable and never does anything. And I haven’t added anything new
  18. Br@in

    pH/parameter troubles?

    Alright. I’m at a loss. My tank is being super weird and I’m throwing a tantrum. I’ve had it for ten years. It crashed about two months? Ago. I’ve been testing it. It stabilized within a week. I waited a long time to add any fish to it (re-stocking basically) I added slowly starting last week...
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  20. Br@in

    Why are my moss balls stringing out?

    This is so interesting, mine don’t do this. I pick mine up and massage them into a ball when I feel like they need a haircut so to speak. But usually mine never grow quite like that. That’s so fascinating.
  21. Br@in

    Plant growth

    I have snails for the algae that they like to eat. I get blue/green algae that they won’t eat. That I just have to manually remove before it becomes a problem. It doesn’t really grow that fast honestly, my plants usually take up all the nutrients. The algae sticks to the glass and nothing else...
  22. Br@in

    Plant growth

    I loveeeeee Amazon for plant shopping. I get those mystery ten packs, just always read the reviews first. Most sellers are okay, but some are known for their snails and parasites. I’ve not yet had an issue, thankfully ?
  23. Br@in

    Plant growth

    Thank you! I’m not sure what kind it is actually, I got it from a Petco and they didn’t really label them ?. But they usually have tons of wood and rocks and stuff there, unlike my local Petsmart
  24. Br@in

    Plant growth

    Did some cleaning and re arranging of my aquariums. Since my cycle crashed with that whole bacteria infection fiasco, I took some time to focus on my plants and their care while everything settled back down. My tank is back on track, and I’m fairly sure my plants saved my butt. My 40 gallon got...
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  28. Br@in

    Natural disaster

    Hey fish friends! So I don’t know if this is the right forum for this. But there’s a wildfire very close to my house. Im waiting to see what the fire does. Might not be evacuated today, but the power is likely to go out. Who knows when that’s going to get fixed given the circumstances. Any...
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  30. Br@in

    New plants ID

    Here they are ? thank you!
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  33. Br@in

    New plants ID

    I got a new plant haul, and I can’t tell what is Anubis and what is not. I struggle when it’s not like super obvious. Can you guys tell me if these are plants to tie to something or plants that need legit planted?? Thanks!
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  35. Br@in

    Gourami sick. Need help please.

    Here’s the kicker: do I continue dosing melafix for the bacterial infection or just let everything work itself out for a while til the column is back? My gourami is surprisingly happy and satisfied. Along with the Cory catfish. This is like playing with the devil now
  36. Br@in

    Gourami sick. Need help please.

    I gotta go buy a new liquid test kit. My tanks been stable for so many years I just never needed a new one. ??‍♀️ I got too comfortable. I tested with some strips I have for emergencies and my nitrites were extremely high. I also tested a week prior and they were 0. My pH was also strangely down...
  37. Br@in

    Gourami sick. Need help please.

    I didn’t touch my filter. I have a cascade canister and I don’t rinse it precisely for the BB. I have a rinse schedule and I’d rinsed it a few weeks ago. My tank has been established for ten years. Tho my canister I got in January. I used old media to set it up. I don’t swish around my filter...
  38. Br@in

    Gourami sick. Need help please.

    I also have sand substrate and I was really stirring it up to clean the tank. Any chance that could’ve done something? And I scraped off all the algae I had on the glass. There was a lot because I enjoy the natural aesthetic of algae. Could that much loss in algae cause it?
  39. Br@in

    Gourami sick. Need help please.

    I added conditioner as I normally would, alongside the melafix. I had given them a salt bath over the weekend since I was snowed in. But I did a water change to get rid of most of that before adding melafix.
  40. Br@in

    Gourami sick. Need help please.

    I got Melafix because it’s the only bacterial remedy my LFS has. I live in South Dakota..... I’d already did a massive cleaning job like suggested. The only thing I didn’t do was rinse my filter because I don’t really ever like rinsing it unless I need to in case the water column crashed...