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    How to PREVENT breeding/spawning/fry

    Okay, I wasn't aware of that. No mollies, so I guess that will make space for the four extra cories? My options for gouramis are limited to this: As well as a 'blue gourami' from another store. I'm not sure how to get a honey gourami. That's great that neons can't breed in the tank conditions...
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    How to PREVENT breeding/spawning/fry

    How do I ensure that I get male mollies? Would the people at the petsmart be able to help me? Is there a plan to fall back on if fry do hatch and don't get eaten?
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    How to PREVENT breeding/spawning/fry

    I am planning to set up a 29 gallon aquarium and stock it with: 5 cory catfish 8 neon tetra 1 pearl gourami 2 dalmation mollies This is my first tank, and I really want to PREVENT (in all caps) any sort of extra fish happening at all. I don't know how to deal with them, and it would overstock my...
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    I am not really set on goldfish, I just like them. I just made another thread called 'Stocking a 29 gallon?'
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    The tank has been measured and turns out to be a 29 gallon.
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    I don't think they have any double do I tell? the other options are comets, ryukins, and black moors. (also those ones with the puffy faces that I don't really want lol)
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Where do you get the substrate cleaner tube things? how do you do it without disturbing the fish?
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    After doing some thinking, planning, consulting, googling, and more thinking, I've come up with a plan: I'll accept the offer of the large tank. I'll wait until the next dollar per gallon sale at petco and get a 20 gallon tank for my hermit crabs. I'll move the crabs into that tank, leaving...
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Definitely. I may still start with my small 10 gallon tank, and then keep the big one in storage until I'm ready to use it.
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    That one looks great! I love it!
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    New tank possibility aside, here was the list I came up with for what I'd both need and like for the original 10 gallon plan. Green is need and blue is want. Both lists total somewhere around $280. Am I missing anything? Is anything on the wrong list? Links to what I chose: Heater Filter Hide...
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Do you have any pictures of structures that you have made like that? It's a great idea!!
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    I'd love to, but the main issue with that is that I wouldn't really be able to have the tank anywhere in my room, unless I put it on the ground. I'm not sure how much weight my poor old bedside table can hold, and that's by far the sturdiest spot to put it. I don't really want to put it on the...
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    It would come with: a heater, a lighting hood, the substrate, the background, the net thingies, the fake plant, and the rocky decoration. It is on it's side, but upright has three holes for fish to swim through. I'm not sure if I would still want to put a betta in it- it seems like a shame to...
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    MAJOR UPDATE- I was talking to a friend about my fish plans, and she offered me this empty tank that she has. She says that I can have all of the stuff in it, but the filter needs replacing. I didn't measure, but I took a picture of the other tank that she has at the corner (Same size) to give...
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  20. B

    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Water changes- this is the spot where I've got the second to most amount of conflicting information. I've been told to do everything from 40% weekly to 10% bi-weekly. And a gravel wash?? Do you need to do that with sand? Some things say that it's bad if your plants drop leaves and you should...
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    @mrsjoannh13 had recommended Eheim as a good brand, so I was looking at this one: It says that it can adjust between 65 and 93 degrees fahrenheit.
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    How many watts of light do I need if I just want java fern, anubias, and maybe some marimo moss balls or java moss?
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Ohmygosh- Lights. Confusing!!!! I looked and they're like $250 for these big lighting fixtures for like 23949 gallon aquariums, and all the smaller ones have bad reviews. Should I look on amazon instead?
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Oh, I didn't realize that! I'm really glad, because they are much cheaper and look much better IMO. I know that 'filter media' is a thing- do the Aqua Clear ones use that? I've also been told that cartridges are a waste of money, and you can use other things instead. Is that true? what would you...
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    Most popular fish species/subspecies/colors?

    I'll update you guys when fish designs are up. Thank you for the help!
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    I have a cat who would love to get his greedy little paws on a fish. I'm assuming I should go with a full lighting hood because it has pop out bits for cords and such, instead of a glass top?
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    I didn't know that, thank you! Even if they're low light, I'd assume I'd still need some kind of tank lighting fixture and not just rely on a desk lamp? I had been planning to get one of those suction cup fake leaves- do you think it would still like one of those? The filter is where I've...
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Ah, ok, thank you! For some reason I've stopped getting notifications for both this thread and the other thread. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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    Most popular fish species/subspecies/colors?

    Thank you! I know there are tail types for bettas? The most common are veiltail, halfmoon, and crowntail, right? Or am I completely off?
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    Most popular fish species/subspecies/colors?

    This is super helpful! Sorry, I wasn't really clear on what I was saying. I'm not trying to add fish to a real pet shop, just drawings of fish to my online shop. This is super duper helpful! Thank you so much!
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    Most popular fish species/subspecies/colors?

    Hi! I"m new to the forum, so I apologize if this thread isn't in the right place. I run a teespring store where I draw different common pet breeds/types. I've been wanting to add fish but I'm not sure how to. I know bettas are popular but I haven't really had success finding standardized colors-...
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Whoops, posted right as you answered some of those questions.
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Also: for plants, you need light. What kind of light would I need for anubias, java fern, and amazon sword? I'm assuming I'd need a tank light? This tank would be next to a lamp, but it isn't that bright.
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Last question(s) I'll bother you guys with for now: Live plants? What are some good ones? I"ve heard that Anubias and Java Fern are super easy, are there any that I should avoid? How does moss work? What kinds of moss are good? Does the substrate affect what plants you can/can't have or what you...
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Ok, thanks! I can't really see the reviews on my page. How did you get to them?
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    One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

    Yep, of course! I was going to ask about that stuff in a second. For plants, I know live plants are better, right? On the youtube channel Fish For Thought he mentioned something about having natural substrate? Is it harmful to have the colored gravel at all?