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  1. 1stRaven

    The Infinity Tank Project

    It looks great. Good idea well executed.
  2. 1stRaven

    Rio 240 Lighting

    I have a plantgro bulb at the front on my rio and a blue aquatic one at the rear. Both are T8 38W ones. I used liquid ferts and now liquid CO2 (which the plants have responded well too) so I think the 2 bulbs will be enough for your plants. The flaps appear to be the same size but the front...
  3. 1stRaven

    My 240L Tank

    Tank is a Rio 240 with Aquaone 1200 filter, 1 38W Marine Blue bulb (at the back) and 1 38w Plant grow bulb (at the front) and a Rena Smart heater. Pictures aren't great but only had a smaller camera to use. Still waiting for my main camera to be returned from my dad. Current Stocking is 20...
  4. 1stRaven

    6Ft Tank...

    I have a 4ft tank filled with tetras. 23 Neons, 10 Black widow and 12 Penguins. Lots of lovely activity but a bit mad at feeding time. They do enjoy having a planted tank as well, as far as I can tell.
  5. 1stRaven

    Show Off Your Tank!

    My Rio 240 after 2 and a half months. Just added a another few fish in. Mainly tetras at the moment. Just got to get a better camera than my phone for the next photos.
  6. 1stRaven

    New Member With A 55G Tank

    Yeah, I found the homebase product online for a picture but one of the attendents there said that they had removed it from sale. I'll keep looking.
  7. 1stRaven

    New Member With A 55G Tank

    well, ph test is done and I'm guessing its around the 7.6-8.0 mark. Also visited Boots, Homebase and (dare I say it) Pets at Home but none stock Ammonia anymore so might need to search further afield for that. Thats said, I did take a look at some fish there and liked the corys and tetras...
  8. 1stRaven

    New Member With A 55G Tank

    I agree but will be good to get a ph and water hardness reading (i think the kit includes this) to then help with fish stocking. May as well match the fish to the water than the water to the fish. Homebase is on my way home so will pick some up then.
  9. 1stRaven

    New Member With A 55G Tank

    Well, tank has been running for two weekends but haven't tested it yet (will do tonight) so no idea. Only prime has been added to the water so I need to read up on the 'how to cycling the tank' thread a bit more. Not looking to stock with fish until after Christmas anyway. As for fish ideas, I...
  10. 1stRaven

    New Member With A 55G Tank

    Hi, Just purchased a used Juwel Rio 240 2 weeks ago and just in the process of getting it ready for plants and fish. Picture of the setup below (although the tank light is nowhere near as blue as shown) Its filled with Black Sand Substrate and two pieces of driftwood (soaking in the tank...