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    2 X Lamprologus Meleagris Free To Suitable Home

    Hi, I found the post! These are tropical african cichlids from lake tanganyika, high ph high kh water with rocks and plenty of shells. Thanks for your help... I am still looking for some! Alan
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    Fish Tank For Christmas!

    Hi, Heaton Moor is about 5 miles up the A6 from me, I'm in Hazel Grove. I have been looking at Meleagris on google and have taken a liking to them! Any ideas where to buy the little fellas? Here is what they look like! Shame none of my local shops have them! Pics borrowed from google images.
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    Fish Tank For Christmas!

    Hi, A bit of an update on this tank... I have started decorating it today and although very cloudy at the minute I hope you can see what I am trying to achieve. Any comments or advice appreciated Thanks Alan
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    Fish Tank For Christmas!

    Hi, Yes it looks like the shell dwellers might get a look in, not sure where to look? Any good info/species listing on the net? I live in Stockport U.k. If not shellies I'm leaning to a single species Neolamprologus Brichardi set up. Thanks again guys Alan
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    Fish Tank For Christmas!

    Hi, thanks for yoour input but this tank is going to have a high pH and hardness, see op, I dont think some of the species you mention are suitable.
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    Fish Tank For Christmas!

    Hi, Thanks for the input so far, I quite like the idea of some small cichlids, anyone have experience with shell dwellers? Other than that what about N.Brichardi and or N.Lelupi? Would these guys have to be a single species set up or would they be good together in such a small set up? Quite...
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    Fish Tank For Christmas!

    Hi I was kindly given a small aquarium its only 50cm x 30cm x 30cm, bow fronted, by my sister for Christmas. I am looking for inspiration on how to stock and plant the tank. Its an Aquael pearl with a trickle filter in the hood and a 15w lighting unit. I used to keep Malawis and still...