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  1. W

    Can I put a crayfish in an African tank?

    Ok but what about my Africans?
  2. W

    Would my ebjd get beat up?

    Ok I definitely will. How fast do you think he will get to 3-4 inches? He is almost 2 right now
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    Can I put a crayfish in an African tank?

    I’m doing a crawfish boil today and I was wondering if I could put a crawfish in my 75 gallon African peacock tank? It also has 3 clown loaches in the tank.
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    Would my ebjd get beat up?

    Thanks! Yes they are mean but I’ve only seen them chase of another fish and it’s usually the pictus cat or a tiger barb who is curious and it’s only when they go near the eggs/babies. They actually just laid some more eggs the other day! (It’s water change day so the tank isn’t looking it’s...
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    Would my ebjd get beat up?

    I can’t do that. They have been breeding for a few months now and haven’t hurt any fish in the tank. They are polar convicts so they have a parrot fish mouth and can’t really bite anything
  7. W

    Would my ebjd get beat up?

    No the 29 is my heavily planted tank with tetras and community fish. The 40 has the convicts, the eba and firemouth
  8. W

    Would my ebjd get beat up?

    Ok I was thinking the same thing as he is expensive. They grow extremely slow so it wound take him many months to double in size. I’ll wait a few more months and see where he is at size wise at that point.
  9. W

    Would my ebjd get beat up?

    I have a 2 inch ebjd in my 29 as a grow out. I would like to move him to a 40 breeder but since he is small I am worried about moving him since he is so small and costs $20. I have a 4-5 inch electric blue acara in that tank as well as a 5-6 inch firemouth cichlid. It also has a 3 inch polar...
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    Random peacock gudgeon death?

    I tested ammonia and nitrites and both were 0
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    Random peacock gudgeon death?

    I went to feed my fish and when I looked in my 29 I noticed a dead peacock gudgeon. I had 2 in that tank and I have another 2 in a 20. Is there any explanation for this? They have been in this tank for at least a month now and I’ve never seen anything pick on it or it be aggressive to anything...
  12. W

    Can I add an African dwarf frog to this tank?

    Ok. I was curious if I could add one or 2 to my tank. Why do they not go together?
  13. W

    Can I add an African dwarf frog to this tank?

    I have a 5 gal betta tank but not really
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    Can I add an African dwarf frog to this tank?

    Ok. I don’t have space for a 10 right now. Would 2 work in my current?
  15. W

    Can I add an African dwarf frog to this tank?

    Ok. I thought about switching to a 20 long when petco has a dollar per gallon sale
  16. W

    Can I add an African dwarf frog to this tank?

    Ok. I understand that I would have to almost hand feed them
  17. W

    Can I add an African dwarf frog to this tank?

    I understand. This tank is the most peaceful tank you will ever see so I don’t think they would end up getting picked on
  18. W

    Can I add an African dwarf frog to this tank?

    Ok. I thought I saw somewhere that they could be kept in community tanks but I could be wrong. I am pretty interested in these guys and this is they tank I was considering them in but I guess not.
  19. W

    Can I add an African dwarf frog to this tank?

    I put everything on the aquarium stocking calculator and it said it’s not overstocked. I do 25-50% water changes every week. Would an African dwarf frog work?
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  21. W

    HELP! What do I do with these guys?

    Ok I do have a snail catcher for pond snails
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    HELP! What do I do with these guys?

    Ok. I know people put them in containers with wet paper towels to keep the moist and I want to do this so I can control what tank they go in. It’s impossible for me to get every snail in my tank that they bread in know so I guess I’ll have to wait till they get bigger. How long do they take to...
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    HELP! What do I do with these guys?

    I definitely want them to maybe sell. 2 have already hatched so leaving them would work most likely. I don’t want them to hatch in that tank tho so how can I “artificially” hatch them in a container?
  24. W

    HELP! What do I do with these guys?

    So I found 3 mystery snail eggs the other day. I also noticed a bunch of little snails that looked like mysteries in my tank. Well this morning I look and I see 4 CLUTCHES, I REPEAT 4 CLUTCHES. 2 have hatched and 2 haven’t. I would like to do the container with moist towel method. Can someone...
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  26. W

    Dead nerite snail?

    Thanks for the help
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    Dead nerite snail?

    Ok. It must’ve been sick. It was very active tho.
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    Dead nerite snail?

    Like I said she got it from the substrate and she was very careful with it like she didn’t yank it or anything. Maybe a fish pecked it hard enough when it was on the glass? That’s the last I saw him moving was on the glass.
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    Dead nerite snail?

    nope it was just the regulator flourish. I am treating for ich atm but it’s just a heat treatment at 86 F.
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    Dead nerite snail?

    No but I did dose seachem flourish as it is a heavily planted tank
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    Dead nerite snail?

    Ok so he was already sick basically?
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    Dead nerite snail?

    Yes. It was a lfs and she picked it off the bottom. You think one of my fish ate it?
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    Dead nerite snail?

    Ok so he is most likely a goner? It sucks as I just got him and he was beautiful
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    Dead nerite snail?

    I got this snail about a week ago and he was fairly active. I saw him on the glass 2 days ago and after that he has not moved. I picked him up and he didn’t smell like anything. It looks like his insides are taken out maybe? I have an angel, kribensis, and electric blue Jack Dempsey as a grow...
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  36. W

    Betta nipping his fins

    Ok I’ll try that
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    Betta nipping his fins

    That seems like a fun idea. I don’t know if it will fit under the lid tho. I’m going to look into “toys” for my betta. Maybe I’ll make a ring out of airline tubing for him to swim through
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    Betta nipping his fins

    Lol. Yea that place is starting to sound worse and worse.
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    Betta nipping his fins

    Nice. That honestly my goal when I retire or something. Yea I am very lucky. That’s honestly what’s kept me in this hobby so strongly. She always has a smile on her face and helps me fix any problems I may have.