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  1. Axodapanda

    Snail Invasion!

    I haven't been active on this forum for a while, but a new problem has come up that i need help with. Over the summer I noticed a snail infestation in my tank. I haven't added anything new for about 8 months, but it has probably been in there for a while.   Tank Specs: 37 Gallon pH: 7.4 ammonia...
  2. IMG_2494.jpg


  3. Axodapanda

    Reliable Pleco Store Online?

    Thanks! Aquabid seems like a great place to check out, Wetspot too! I wish that I had the money and time to get all the beautiful Plecs out there!
  4. Axodapanda

    Reliable Pleco Store Online?

    That place looks great, but do they ship to america? It seemed more of a local fish store that shows their stock off online.
  5. Axodapanda

    Reliable Pleco Store Online?

    Just found this site. Looks pretty good! Not buying anything yet though.
  6. Axodapanda

    Reliable Pleco Store Online?

    Hi, I am looking into plecos for my tank. I have currently 2 clown plecs, one 2 years old, the other one year. I used to have an bristlenose, but he died, and I want to get another pleco. I have a 37 gallon tank, and my fish stores dont have the best stock of plecs, usually only bristlenose and...
  7. Axodapanda

    Plant Help For A Newbie

    Okey, thanks. I was looking at a Fluval CO2 Kit, but also just getting a glass diffuser and sticking a pipe through a bottle of carbonated water and connecting it to the diffuser. On youtube a guy did that, and it seemed to work just fine
  8. Axodapanda

    Plant Help For A Newbie

    I dont really understand all those abbreviations, (the newb I am ) but I think you are saying that I dont need CO2 unless I want to speed up my plant growth. If I do use CO2, go pressurised because yeast isn't reliable. Also grab some fertilizers that contain what and what? I saw someone use...
  9. Axodapanda

    White Dots On Tiger Barbs Tail Fin In A Line.

    I would say ick. If it doesnt go away try treating it with medicine. Just happened to me like a month ago too
  10. Axodapanda

    Plant Help For A Newbie

    You sure? On one of your planted journals I saw you use CO2 on a tank that was about the size of mine. its 37 gallons not liters if thats any help.
  11. Axodapanda

    Plant Help For A Newbie

    What do you mean? It just says Flourish-comprehensife supplement for the planted aquarium It is in a bottle and is a liquid if thats any help
  12. Axodapanda

    Plant Help For A Newbie

    I use Flourish by Seachem
  13. Axodapanda

    Plant Help For A Newbie

    Hi last night I got 3 bunches of anacharis (I think that's how you spell it) and water sprite. I was wondering if my tank set up will survive, and if and what I need for CO2 The specs of my tank are: a 37 gallon tank http://www.petsoluti...O-Lighting.aspx (The 24 inch double system-48 watts) I...
  14. Axodapanda

    Problems With Bristlenose Catfish

    The same thing happened here, actually last night. I have been having an algae bloom, and so I wasn't feeding any algae pellets to my BP, and it died last night.
  15. Axodapanda

    Aug 2012 Fish Of The Month Comp. Entries

    This is my first try too! Its my new BN Pleco, Sonny. Entry: Verification:
  16. FOTM verify 7:14:12.JPG

    FOTM verify 7:14:12.JPG

  17. PLECO.jpg


  18. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    Well, at least you're more knowlegable than me. :P. Speaking of external parasites, my platys are "pooping" long strings of something.
  19. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    I'm not so worried about the ammonia and ammonium, I (finally) watched that thread, but another of my fish died, so back to the panic attack :P. The thread said its just a cycling thing, not a tapwater dechlorinator. Am I looking at the wrong thing? If my fish DO have Fish TB, (I've been...
  20. Axodapanda


    Wow! your second pleco, how/where did you get it? None of my local fish stores have any good pleco stock. :(
  21. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    Okay. All the other stuff is like "prevents sickness and stress! Gives good bacteria!" and I will try just using those 2 things
  22. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    Should I add Sea Chem to my other things i put in my tap water? or replace them with the Sea Chem? or add it directly to the tank?
  23. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    Thats great! thanks. I tested my water after a 90% water change and it said that I had an even higher ammonia than before, .25-.50 :( None of my fish look like dying today, to I think its okay. 2 days ago, a fish that looked pregnant died, so maybe it was a kind of fish STD or something like...
  24. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    Oops (again) in the formatted thingy where it says chemicals added, i said i use NutraFin Aqua Plus, but I actually use NutraFin Cycle. My question actually is should i use aqua plus too? or not? EDIT I forgot you can edit and stuff, but I just did edit it so don't worry about this post
  25. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    Ok. I was planning on changing the water today, not a big change though. I already added the pH down :( but I just have to hope it will not affect anything. EDIT: Sadly another one of my fish is dying. This time it is my Swordtail, which make me nervous
  26. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    I don't know how to test kh and gh, help on that? I got a water test kit today so I can post the whole format thing: Whats wrong with/what to give to my sick fish/fish tank Tank size:37 gallons pH:8.0 (will add pH down by API to lower to 7.0, what I want) ammonia:0-.25 (couldn't really tell...
  27. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    Ok.I was thinking about getting a test kit and I think i may be able to get one today, but, speaking of treating the algae bloom, should I use the algaefix and then clean the tank? or just use the algaefix. Speaking of the bacteria cycle, from one of the fish stores I go to, (I go to 2, and the...
  28. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    Oh. A little less than a year, so it seems really weird that there is now this sickness. It was just after a 2 week vacation, so maybe my tank got a little out of order, but it seemed fine when I got back. I boiled the driftwood for a long time, there was no tannins, and the gravel I rinsed...
  29. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    Well, i have a 37 gallon tank with 2 clown plecos (3-4 inches), 1 bristlenose pleco (4.5 inches), 7 cherry barbs (1.5 inches), 7 neon tetras (1 inch), 7 pricilla tetras, (I dont know how to spell it, they are transparent tetras) (1.5 inches) , 6 platys (1.5 inches), and 1 swordtail (2 inches)...
  30. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    Oops the photo was too big never mind
  31. Axodapanda

    Platys Dying Help!

    2 weeks ago i changed the gravel and added some new driftwood to my fish tank, then waited a week and put in some new Platys (Platies?) They were fine, until one started lying on the gravel, and trying to swim up, but it kept sinking back onto the gravel. It then died the next day, and another...