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  1. Aussie_Bristle

    Video Patience of a saint

    This is just beautiful. What a good little daddy he is :wub:
  2. Aussie_Bristle

    Please help me

    Exactly what I’ll be doing. In a couple of hours I watched my albino Cory’s flesh in my OP getting eaten alive. It was horrendous and traumatic.This is something I never want to experience again.. EVER! If Colin has suggested it, I’m happy to do it.
  3. Aussie_Bristle

    Please help me

    @Deanasue can you please delete this post for me hun
  4. Aussie_Bristle

    Please help me

    Right I have done abit well quite a lot of reading on here and am going with Colin’s advise with treating with salt. 70% water change and substrate clean and cleaning of the glass has been done.
  5. Aussie_Bristle

    Please help me

    Post 2 stated my readings hun.
  6. Aussie_Bristle

    Please help me

    Yeah sand
  7. Aussie_Bristle

    Please help me

    A: 0 N02: 0 N03: 0
  8. Aussie_Bristle

    Please help me

    Hi all Hope you are all well?! I have had 3 cories and 2 guppy girls die in a matter of 2 days. I’m not sure if it’s gill flukes or columnaris. The cories have had their flesh eaten around there gill area and back around there fins almost like bruising and the guppies have been clamped fin and...
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  10. Aussie_Bristle

    Random Discussion

    my Mumma, my brother, nana and grandad and I think my great grandad was. I wish one of my girls were but I got jibbed with that end
  11. Aussie_Bristle

    Random Discussion

    I was cleaning the outside of the tank glass and was trying to get this mark off that was being stubborn.. turns out it was a baby ramhorn :rolleyes: so not only could I not get the mark off but it was also inside the tank!:dunno:
  12. Aussie_Bristle

    Random Discussion

    Lefty here too!! Got a family full of lefty’s
  13. Aussie_Bristle

    I’ve found a girl for sailor

    I have just added it so waiting for it to settle in. I’ve read it throws shoots out everywhere which gives your tank a bottom covering of grass. Will look beautiful once it roots and takes off
  14. Aussie_Bristle

    I’ve found a girl for sailor

    Not a problem. It’s hairgrass hun
  15. Aussie_Bristle

    Panda Cory’s Dying!

    I am really glad you have mentioned this as I’ve been looking at adding pandas to my herd. I will rethink that now. I am so sorry hun, I hope the rest get better.
  16. Aussie_Bristle

    I’ve found a girl for sailor

    Uh oh so it looks like Kayla may have come already knocked up :oops: but looks like sailor is happy to take on the parenting role!
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  18. Aussie_Bristle

    I think I hate snails

  19. Aussie_Bristle

    I think I hate snails

    Tbh I think it’s the MS I am not a fan of anymore. I was looking in the tank when lights were out and could see my MTS population had minimised a lot from the huge cull. The MS do nothing really for me beneficial wise. All they do is breed, eat, poop, make a mess and breed more.
  20. Aussie_Bristle

    I think I hate snails

    We are just coming to the end of winter so the days are getting warmer etc this might be the problem then. Thank you for that I will remember that as it warms up
  21. Aussie_Bristle

    Is it ideal to have more than one pleco?

    I house 3 plec’s (or BN) 2 ladies and a handsome gentleman and they live together fine. My girls get a bit boisterous with handsome Kevin my male at times but nothing to worry about. He hangs out and cleans his ship wreck ornament most of the day. The girls are always out and about cleaning...
  22. Aussie_Bristle

    I think I hate snails

    they are super cute the loaches but I would need a few to company each other and don’t think I can accommodate that many due to the cories and plec’s I have now
  23. Aussie_Bristle

    I think I hate snails

    I also notice the difference in the substrate as it is sand but they just seems to be hundreds of them lately. I would like to keep quite a few for their beneficial ways but not that many. In saying that, I was just at my tank with my phone torch checking something and found heaps on my java...
  24. Aussie_Bristle

    How else should I improve my Tanks Looks?

    I think it looks lovely. Love the black substrate, it really brings everything out nicely. Another piece of drift to add in with the other one would look great as that drift pops really good with the plants and dark surroundings
  25. Aussie_Bristle

    My newest boy arrived today and I am thrilled!

    He’s beautiful and his colour look so vibrant with the green background
  26. Aussie_Bristle

    I think I hate snails

    I don’t want to bring anymore into my tank. I have had a few die off as they were older when I got them but I’m just really over them. I can pull about 15 clutches off my hood and top of water level in a week. They don’t really clean tbh just eat breed and be annoying!
  27. Aussie_Bristle

    I think I hate snails

    Hi all hope all is well?! Well exactly what it says in the title... I am over snails and I think I hate them!! I want to get rid of my haters snails that are in my tank but not sure how.. maybe I’ll keep 2 and that’s it! And MTS well these guys are a different story, I have been culling these...
  28. Aussie_Bristle

    My Livebearers

    Yep all mine do too :rofl: I have my male Plec named handsome Kevin... I got a Cory named Karen as you was having a Karen moment and well that’s what she got. My common black swordtail male is called Gary glitter
  29. Aussie_Bristle

    I’ve found a girl for sailor

    I was born with one of those cork brim hats
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  31. Aussie_Bristle

    Bronze cory coloration and size

    Cories are pretty easy little ones to care for. Sand substrate as you mentioned is a must as they are a filter fish and gravel can damage their barbs and also a group of 6+ more as they are a shoaling fish but you know this so at least they have each other until you get the bigger tank for them...
  32. Aussie_Bristle

    My Livebearers

    I love how you name all your fish, it’s exactly what I do when I get them. Must be a crazy fish lady thing :rofl:
  33. Aussie_Bristle

    Dwarf Molly

    I actually saw these little one when I was on google about mollies last night. They are such a super sweet little fish :wub:
  34. Aussie_Bristle

    Cryptocorine affinis, Vallis and Giant vallis for sale

    This is almost how long my jungle Val gets if I leave it. Such a great plant
  35. Aussie_Bristle

    Bronze cory coloration and size

    I would say it’s a little lady. Girls are more plump and bigger then the males
  36. Aussie_Bristle

    I’ve found a girl for sailor

    Thank you guys... she is very sweet. He absolutely loves her, they are swimming around like 2 peas in a pod
  37. Aussie_Bristle

    I’ve found a girl for sailor

    She has come out from the corner and has had dinner and is swimming around. Sailor is in his absolute element and just swims around with her. It’s so cute :wub:
  38. Aussie_Bristle

    I’ve found a girl for sailor

    she’s a little shy but she’ll come around once settled. He was so excited when I put the bag in, it was like he knew it was a girl for him. So cute
  39. Aussie_Bristle

    I’ve found a girl for sailor

    Hi all Hope you’re all well?! Well it’s happened, I found a gorgeous little hifin girl for my boy sailor. Meet Kayla :wub:
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