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    Urgently Need To Get Rid Of My Tank And Everything In It!

    I hope so! Dont know what else I will be able to do if I dont manage to sell it :S
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    Urgently Need To Get Rid Of My Tank And Everything In It!

    Swinton in manchester
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    Urgently Need To Get Rid Of My Tank And Everything In It!

    Haha I know! just have done....been a long day today!
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    Urgently Need To Get Rid Of My Tank And Everything In It!

    I have a juwel rekord 96 tank and inhabitants that I urgently need to sell, my circumstances have changed and I no longer have the time to look after them properly which is unfair... In the tank there is 6 rainbow fish (sorry I dont know what species) 2 congo tetras 2 clown loaches 3 neon...
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    Slight Problem With Molly Fry!

    Thanks Miss Wiggle, will give that a go! :good: I just hope there is somebody out there who is willing to have them because I don't know what I will do with them if there isn't!!
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    Slight Problem With Molly Fry!

    My sailfin molly gave birth to 30+ fry about 4 months ago, I managed to save 27 at the time and now have 23 remaining. The problem is they are just not growing! They are in their own 20L tank with no other fish, therfore no competition for food so I just can't understand it! The biggest one is...
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    First Water The Nitrite Reading To High?

    Hi waterdrop! Nope i'm afraid I am cycling with fish, I know its bad but had no choice. My molly had 30+ fry 4 days after I bought her so I had to upgrade from a 20Ltr tank so the fry could live in peace! In my cycling tank I have: A pair of sailfin mollys (Boris & Doris) 2 male tuxedo guppys...
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    First Water The Nitrite Reading To High?

    First test results of my new juwel rekord 96 tank that has now been set up for 2 weeks: pH = 7.5 Ammonia = 0.01 ppm Nitrite = 0.5 ppm (is this way too high?) Nitrate = 30 ppm Temp = 26c (was 24c but turned it up slightly) I used my granparents test kit (purchasing my own tomorrow!) which...
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    Please Give Me Advice On What To Do

    Hi I know this is slightly off topic but I really really need some advice on what to do! I went to my lfs today and in the store they have 2 giant gouramis', one in a tank no bigger than 30ltrs and the other one in a tank about 60ltrs. These are really big fish and the one in the smaller tank...
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    Am I Doing Everything Right?

    Hiya I'm kind of a newbie to tropical fish keeping and would just like to make sure that I am doing everything that I should be! I have had a 20L tank for 3 months now which has fully cycled. In the tank I have 5 neons(had 6 but lost one yesterday, was probably due to all the commotion!) 2...