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  1. L

    Albino Clawed Frog Not Eating

    also, is it okay to stick a frog in a 56 gallon square tank? I bought it 3 years ago and I want Jeramiah to have loads of room.
  2. L

    Albino Clawed Frog Not Eating

    Okay, so I bought an albino clawed frog from walmart about 4 days ago. they told me he had been eating ghost shrimp and i have tried them and he's not responding and growing thin fast...should i try a small feeder fish to get him eating? Also, are there any downfalls to putting him in a tank...
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    Need To Rant About Work

    I am so sorry to hear about this. It seems like you CARE for the welfare of the creatures whereas they do not. As for yelling at you in front of custmers and demeaning you saying that you had gotten loads wrong, that is defimation of character and I think it is a violation of their work...
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    Gagged Water Onto Tank

    yep did it one time with a saltwater bout disgusting lol thank goodness it was in my hospital tank and i was able to save the fish. :sick:
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    Just Starting Again

    Okay, I have had saltwater tanks for years and last year I lost my fish due to a BAD infection that was never identified by me or my lfs, so I gave up on my saltwater tanks temporarily. My mom told me to start a fresh water tank because they are less of a hassle and everything because I am...