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  1. 1650FEF5-F5F0-4CB1-B523-AA168E66C8DC.png


  2. NannaLou

    Anyone know anything about this tank..?

    Yes, a quid is the same as a pound, and having just googled 1 Great British Pound is worth 1.36 United States Dollars.
  3. NannaLou

    Water changes during cycling.

    I’m not an expert by any means but the anubias that is in the substrate will need removing, if you bury the root bit it will rot which is why they are generally attached to wood and rocks. Anubias are probably not the best if you are attempting a silent cycle, you need much faster growing plants...
  4. NannaLou

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    Still horrible, they can barely turn around, and there is no stimulation at all…I think the lfs has a mini hotel lol it’s only about 5x5…
  5. NannaLou

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    I wasn’t sure this thread was going to have such a positive update, fingers crossed he keeps improving. I will just add my thoughts on “rescuing“ Betta fish from these “tiny cups” in pet shops…if we refused to buy them, the shops would either stop selling them, or improve the conditions in...
  6. NannaLou

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    Its tough when you know they are struggling. well done on all the effort you are putting in for him.
  7. NannaLou

    Anyone know anything about this tank..?

    I saw that picture (the circle with the three types mentioned) but don’t have enough knowledge to know ‘what’s what’…but I knew that someone on here would. I like the Eheim filters and heater that I have, and I have said I wouldn’t buy another “all in one kit“ after my first tank….I might try...
  8. NannaLou

    Anyone know anything about this tank..?

    Thank you for that reply, is it just a case of taking out the other “stuff” and adding more sponge..? Ill look at getting the plant version I think, I do like plants
  9. NannaLou

    Anyone know anything about this tank..?

    Thinking I might need another tank….and this will fit perfectly next to the bookshelves…I wouldn’t even have to move anything…so it’s got to be the right thing to do 😂 Just wondered if anyone has any feedback on this brand, or if there’s something similar you’d recommend over this one...
  10. F92C86D9-E682-4B2E-B0D1-E0D1FE79148D.jpeg


  11. NannaLou

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    Do you think we were too late to help this one..? Nothing since the original post….
  12. NannaLou


    I have a work colleague who is having similar issues with EE broadband here at the moment. She’s moved house and the people who put the lines in are too busy to connect her at the moment, so EE have given her a dongle with “unlimited data”, we’re all still working from home so she used all the...
  13. NannaLou


    Brilliant news Colin 🙂
  14. NannaLou

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    Hello, he’s going to be very stressed and water quality and temperature are going to be very important. He needs the water temperature to be 75-80 degrees F and if it’s colder than this then his immune system will be affected and this will make him more susceptible to other illnesses. He also...
  15. NannaLou

    An Illustrated Article to the Bichir - Folio #1

    That’s brilliant news! Well done! What will be your next subject..?
  16. NannaLou

    An Illustrated Article to the Bichir - Folio #1

    This was a really interesting read, thank you for sharing. Is there a specific purpose for doing this? I found the conversational style easy to read, but it seems a little ’relaxed’ for what looks like a more serious, scientific piece of research.
  17. NannaLou

    Breeding Fish. What a surprise

    Breeding fish has never been part of my fish keeping plans…what would you do with all the babies..? My lfs store told someone on Sunday that they don’t take livebearers anymore because of “issues”. I don’t see the point in just breeding readily available fish (guppies etc) and not have a plan...
  18. NannaLou

    Betta Research Paper

    Let me start by saying that I’m not in any way questioning your work/grades…but just finding out about the system. There has been so much challenge in England when teachers in the education system have graded exam coursework because of Covid/enforced home schooling…so in The States, generally...
  19. NannaLou

    Betta Research Paper

    Your mum would obviously be very objective and ensure her grades matched the national average in terms of quality and would never have showed any bias or favouritism…😂😂😂
  20. NannaLou

    Betta Research Paper

    Sorry, another thought, who does mark your work when you’re homeschooled..? I would have thought for some things it would need to be externally marked, so that it is bench marked against other peoples work to ensure grading is consistent…🤔🤷‍♀️
  21. NannaLou

    Betta Research Paper

    As above, I’m certainly not questioning your work…but it published now 🙂
  22. NannaLou

    Betta Research Paper

    Lecturers/ colleges have software that can scan papers/information on the internet and see if any of the phrases/paragraphs match the students work…your paper is now on the internet, possibly in more that one post…you could get a plagiarism “hit” from your own paper…
  23. NannaLou

    Betta Research Paper

    @Myraan was saying that as YOUR paper is now online it might get checked against itself…not that your paper was copied…
  24. NannaLou

    I am sorry...

    I think for us English (and this is a huge generalisation) we assume that everyone else will learn English as a second/additional language and we don’t need to bother. And if you are writing and speaking in your first language, you started to absorb those speech patterns in the womb!! So...
  25. NannaLou

    I am sorry...

    No, very sadly not, at that point (not sure what’s happening in schools now) and certainly when I was at school we weren’t taught the formation of the grammar for English - I had to find out what a ‘past participle’ was 😳😢
  26. NannaLou

    I am sorry...

    Oooo…now that’s a question….probably, but do they need fixing..? I used to host French students (aged about 15/16) and I’m ashamed to say that they knew the English grammar system better than the English students…
  27. NannaLou

    I am sorry...

    Now, that’s the beauty of people speaking (and writing) in a second language…it may not be 100% grammatically correct - but it is so charming…and close enough that I know what you mean. I’m ashamed to say that I wouldn’t even know where to start a sentence in French 😳☹️
  28. NannaLou

    I am sorry...

    Mmmm…I’d make that assumption too, but people do move around and live in different places I’m not sure that’s the date of birth - I think it’s something to do with the boat…
  29. NannaLou

    I am sorry...

    @Avel1896 - I do think that sometimes you do seem a little ‘short’ in your replies, but I then always wonder if English is your first language, and if some of the subtleties might ‘get lost in translation’..? You do have lots of knowledge, so please don’t stop sharing 🙂
  30. NannaLou

    Ammonia Spiking!

    Get some fast growing live plants in there as well…doesn’t matter if they don’t look pretty, you can take them out after they’ve helped absorb some of the ammonia.
  31. NannaLou

    How does one afford this hobby??

    Do it! Do it! Do it! 😂
  32. NannaLou

    Said goodbye to our beloved dog, Jack - feeling guilty as well as devastated.

    I’m so very sorry at you loss, and for your your thoughts that you didn’t do things quite right. Hindsight is a wonderful, you clearly gave him every bit of care he needed day and night. He was very lucky to have you x
  33. NannaLou

    Beginner planter tank…

    I have all live plants, but keeping plants alive is really not my ‘thing’. I don’t do the very ‘scaped look - more of the jungle look 😂 and like @Essjay short ones at the front… I have simple tanks, no flashy lights, bells and whistles but the “easy” care plants in play sand seem to be doing well 🙂
  34. NannaLou

    Does Anybody Know Where is Colin

    I’m worried too, he’ll have had to have moved out of his home by now and I’m not certain he had anything sorted to move into.
  35. NannaLou

    Tough Decision

    When my son had a bearded dragon that was ill we were told they they don’t always cope with the anaesthetic very well. I think I’d go for the euthanasia and not subject him to any more pain. Sad decision to have to make though….
  36. NannaLou

    Random Discussion

    Not too far then..? 😂😂😂
  37. NannaLou

    Random Discussion

    Perfect 😀
  38. NannaLou

    Random Discussion

    What does the “ignore“ function do..?
  39. NannaLou

    Swami’s Tidepool Biotype ideas

    No, it isn’t- your assumption that he won’t care for the fish/plants whatever is your opinion, not “information“…