Search results

  1. Jools :)

    Best Water Conditioner?

    Could anybody recommend a good water conditioner which I can buy in the UK please?. I currently use Stress Zyme weekly but read that this can actually wipe out the beneficial bacteria. I`ve had loads of disease related problems with my 165L tank in the last couple of months and wondered if this...
  2. Jools :)

    2 Questions

    Hi, I just bought a red wag platy from ,the fish I bought arrived healthy and really lively so would be happy to buy from them again :) I know they have more in stock as they display their stock levels on the website.
  3. Jools :)

    Albino Platy Fry !

    Just a quick update to let you know that I know believe the little albino to be a molly. He/she is doing really well and looks more and more like a molly as he/she grows! This is a pic I took a couple of days ago,which really shows up the pink eyes well! :)
  4. Jools :)

    Albino Platy Fry !

    Many thanks for all of your replies!. I definitely intend to keep the little albino and will try breeding him/her as you suggested. I`ll let you know how things go and I`ll update with pics as we go along! x
  5. Jools :)

    Albino Platy Fry !

    I just discovered 3 days ago that one of my platies gave birth to an albino baby!. Does anybody know if this is relatively common or are they quite rare?. I had a look for some information about albino platies on the internet but didn`t come up with anything of great relevance. I`ve attached a...
  6. 22032010026.jpg


  7. Jools :)

    Pseudomonas Smell

    Thanks for the suggestion Wilder!,I`ll give the plants section a try as I already removed the non-water plants & use my gravel vac regularly. The plants I removed a few weeks ago were starting to rot but the ones I have now look healthy. I didn`t realise it was possible to sterilise plants...
  8. Jools :)

    Pseudomonas Smell

    it doesn`t smell of either of those to`s like stagnant water or water which has had flowers standing in it for too long. This is another reason I wondered if it was the plants but I try to remove dead leaves etc as soon as I see them.
  9. Jools :)

    Pseudomonas Smell

    Hi, can anyone help? I have a 165L tank which has suddenly developed a strong pseudomonas smell. I clean the tank out every 2 weeks & do a partial water change 1-2 times inbetween cleaning. I have live plants & thought the smell may be coming from them as I found out that one of the plants I...