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    Where To Start

      Here it is:     They're about a 1 1/2 cm each? Roughly? All that green stuff is my attempts at plants so far :P   As much as i'd love to get some driftwood in there, I dont quite have the space atm. But I plan on getting a bigger tank in the future, although it is a long term plan
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    Where To Start

    Hello all!   Got my 30 litre back in December for christmas, and it's all been going well and dandy except for my plants. At first I stuck in a few things I bought off eBay. They did well for a bit, then all began dying off one by one. So I went to the LFS and bought a few long strandy things...
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    Neons With 'ich' Advice

    Hello again! Unfortunately, all four shrimps seem to have passed away over the past few days. I'm not sure whether this is because of the puffer, or I'm wondering if they were simply beyond saving from the ich, as I'm sure it's them that brought it in. Could it even be the salt treatment? I...
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    Neons With 'ich' Advice

    Just a quick update: Throughout the day I've added 3 teaspoons of salt dissolved in treated water to the tank, and already a large percentage of the spots are gone. I think I'll leave it as it is for another 5 or so days, and hopefully then ill be able to get the salt out with a few big water...
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    Neons With 'ich' Advice

    Well, I've added abit of salt and boosted the temp and we'll see how it goes. :) I added he shrimp about a week ago, so could it be from them? As for the puffer and the neons, I'm hoping its gonna be a unique relationship, but worse comes to the worse, I'm hoping to get another big tank in the...
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    Neons With 'ich' Advice

    Hey all!   While adding my first Dwarf Puffer to my 30L tank today I noticed on one or two of my neons some white spots/specs. After a quick search on Google it seems this is whats called 'Ich'. Apparently, a slight temperature increase and a teaspoon of salt or two will do the trick, but I...
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    For Sale - Phyllanthus Fluitans (red Rooted Floater)

    Mind if I have a portion please? I've always wanted some floaters :)
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    Wanted: A Dwarf Puffer And Lots Of Pond Snails

    Wanted: A Dwarf Puffer and lots of Pond Snails Location: Cardiff   Basically, want to get a DP set up, the younger the better.. Also want a ton of pong snails, and you can guess why :p I really don't know about the pricing, but I hear Dwarf puffers tend to go for £5 or less. It's mostly because...
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    High Grade Red Cherry Shrimp, Sakura & Fire Red

    Hi! I'd love a few shrimps for my new tank! Thanks! :D
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    Neon Tetra Almost Dead?

    Yeah, Im gonna order some soon. As for the fin rot, is there anything I can do? And how long do I have until it becomes fatal? :/
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    Neon Tetra Almost Dead?

    Okay, thanks all for the responses! :D - Unfortunately that little fish passed away just after the water change :( Ill make sure to do big water changes often. Any ideas on how long this could take? Hopefully only a week or two :P As for the little white spot, im abit worried as it seems to...
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    Neon Tetra Almost Dead?

    Uh oh. You know you were mentioning the white stuff? After taking a good long look at my fish guess what i've found... You can just see it on his upper fin. It didnt come out very well in the picture, but I can assure you it's there. A white cloudy stuff. I can see it on him from a few metres...
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    Neon Tetra Almost Dead?

    I got the tank for christmas and used Nutrafin cycle. I know everyone says it doesnt work, but I read many people who said when they poured it in it looked just like water. Mine did, until a good 3 minute shake which made it begin almost fizzing. I followed the instructions and added it and then...
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    Neon Tetra Almost Dead?

    Hi all! Just got home to find one of my four little Neon tetras stuck in a vertical sort of position. I have had four for about a week and they live in a 30 litre tank. (I have plans to add more Saturday . The other four are fine, but this one is just floating around in the current, only seeming...
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    Dwarf Puffer Question

    Hey all! Have been setting up my first tank, fully cycled and all. :D I have always wanted to get a Dwarf Puffer and was having a chat with a guy in my LFS and told him I was planning to get 3 (1 Male and 2 Females) which, from what I've read on the Internet, is the best ratio. But he told me...