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  1. R

    Please Help - Betta Sick!

    Sadly, "Munch" died last night. I wish I knew what could have been wrong with him. Several people suggested old age which I guess is always a possibility since you never know how old they are when you buy them. Now I feel like my remaining betta will be lonely. What can I get for a companion...
  2. R

    Please Help - Betta Sick!

    No, not at all
  3. R

    Please Help - Betta Sick!

    A few days ago my betta stopped eating and spent all his time at the bottom of the tank, just lying there. He is in a divided tank with another betta - I've had this setup for about 9 months. I don't think it's water quality or temperature or anything like that because the other betta is fine...
  4. R

    Sudden Betta Death

    Thanks for your answers and your sympathy. "Munch" was a feisty little guy that we had really grown attached to. His tankmate currently seems fine so we added another fish today, "Munch v 1.2 (my son's idea). This morning when I checked on them I found one of the new Munch's fins trapped...
  5. R

    Sudden Betta Death

    I also posted this message on another fish forum. I am brand new to all this and seeking a little help. Came home today to find my betta dead at the bottom of the tank. He was fine yesterday, eating and swimming and blowing bubble nests. I have a 2.5 gallon tank, no filter or heater (was told...