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  1. M

    What Is My Fish

    Yeh think i like the Gold Saum better too, glad i got it by accident. lol £1.45 it cost me. Ha
  2. M

    What Is My Fish

    ok thanks mate for your quick reply.. :good:
  3. M

    What Is My Fish

    Ok thanks for reply. Do they grow the same size as a true GT :blink:
  4. M

    What Is My Fish

    Ok thanks. New to this site and couldnt find post after i had sent it so didnt know if they were getting sent but thanks for reply!!!
  5. M

    Help With Fish

    Yeh it had the yellow band, similar to the gt but its had a few run ins with my convict, not too sure with the blackish bands on its body though, also its had a few bouts of lip locking with what i now know is my green terror.
  6. M

    Help With Fish

    Could you take a look at this one and tell me if this is a GT or Blue Acara. Thanks for your help!!
  7. M

    Help With Fish

    Thanks for that, could you tell me how big it is likely to get? thanks..
  8. M

    Help With Fish

    Could anyone please tell me what my fish is, i bought it as a Blue Acara but pics on the web suggest it is a Green Terror, any help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  9. M

    What Is My Fish

    Could someone please tell me what my fish is, it was sold to me as a Blue Acara but pics on the web suggest it is a Green Terror, any help will be much appriciated, Thanks. :good:
  10. M

    How To Upload Pictures

    Could someone please tell me if my fish is a blue acara or a green terror. It was sold to me as a blue acara but pics on the web suggest different Thanks :good:
  11. M

    Blue Acara Or Green Terror

    Hi all. Could someone please tell me if my fish in this link is a Blue acara or a Green Terror, It was sold to me as a Blue Acrara but pics on the net suggest otherwise. :good: Sorry about pic size dont know how to upload pics...