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  1. joeyr188

    Todays holiday is-

    This is very true wisdom words right here.
  2. joeyr188

    Todays holiday is-

    Nooooooooooo ❌❌
  3. joeyr188

    Can I float pearl weed?

    Can I ?
  4. joeyr188

    Are metal tools safe for fish tanks?

    I have the same one
  5. joeyr188

    Nerite Snails for Sale

    Yea I’m wondering if it’s one or a couple
  6. joeyr188

    Nerite Snails for Sale

    8$ per snail? Or a group
  7. joeyr188

    Heater cracked 😣

    It’s a 10gallon which sucks my ambient temp is like 62-70
  8. joeyr188

    Treating Fish Constipation

    un shelled peas!
  9. joeyr188

    Heater cracked 😣

    I do I also have box stores but it might rn and tomorrow i will be busy like all day 😭
  10. joeyr188

    Heater cracked 😣

    I i added 2 hand warmers to the side probably won’t change the temp but all I can do besides add a old heater from the 80s 😂
  11. joeyr188

    Heater cracked 😣

    Th they are guppies my tank is at 75degrees I unpluggEd it took it out and put a towel over it I’m keeping the filiter Going obviously I will check every hour before I go to bed then in the morning before I leave then when I get back every hour same thing till new one arrives if it drops below...
  12. joeyr188

    Heater cracked 😣

    I have this old heater it works idk how old it is maybe this could work
  13. joeyr188

    Heater cracked 😣

    Hello my Fluval heater cracked I order a mariland 75watt it will be here on Friday what should I do should I keep the Fluval one on it get to 64 degrees at night I’m thinking i keep it going and hope it stays working till Friday. opinions?
  14. joeyr188

    Moscow dragon roundtail guppy

    Thats cool!
  15. joeyr188

    Fish supply

    ill Be gone like couple day every other week
  16. joeyr188

    Fish supply

    Hello, I’m currently setting up a 20gal long I was wondering if I could add Monia or some sort of worm to the tank that isn’t dangerous to shrimp or fish so when I’m gone there is some food.
  17. joeyr188

    Large Tank w/ Different Filtration

    Agree wether who is right I have learned more useful things from this thread.
  18. joeyr188

    Asking for pics and vids of your tank!

    Put photo in Google drive then make it that people with the link can see it and then send then Google drive link?
  19. joeyr188

    Dog/cat food for fish???

    I recently came across a video and he casually put some dog food in the tank I then decided to go on yt and the internet and I found out people do it I’m puzzled is it safe if so what brands would be safe thanks?
  20. joeyr188

    Floater plant question?

    Yes and no I have before like twice I’m stilling trying to figure out how much I should dose the tank as I only have floaters, guppy grass And java moss edit: I used Seachem flourish
  21. joeyr188

    Floater plant question?
  22. joeyr188

    Floater plant question?

    I’ve been trying to send photos and it doesn’t work
  23. joeyr188

    Floater plant question?

    Species (Salvinia Oblongifolia) it doesn’t happen to my other floaters
  24. joeyr188

    Floater plant question?

    Hello why do my floaters grow but some die and brown I’m confused.
  25. joeyr188

    Half Banded Spiny Eel hungry all the time?

    If you’ve been doing it for that many years than I think he is greedy
  26. joeyr188

    Mystery guppy

    Hello, is it possible to get a better photo thanks!.
  27. joeyr188

    I introduce you to guppyland and its inhabitants

    What gallon is your tank?
  28. joeyr188

    I introduce you to guppyland and its inhabitants

    I really enjoy this tank it’s cool
  29. joeyr188

    Salvinia from pond

    If it’s from a tank with fish I would quarantine it like new fish if not should be fine
  30. joeyr188

    Emersed aquarium plants

    I’m still trying to figure them out I think imma do a plastic container with some sort of media like lave rock or a media balls with holes and some type of fertilized dirt.
  31. joeyr188

    Emersed aquarium plants

    So I probably would have to sell or recycle them
  32. joeyr188

    Emersed aquarium plants

    I might Im not planning on selling but if I have/need I might I just want to have a “unlimited” supply of plants.
  33. joeyr188

    Emersed aquarium plants

    Hello, I’ve came across a video about aquarium plants growing emersed and herd that they grow faster emersed and I was wondering if anyone has grown plants emersed and if its even worthwhile doing. also I plan on doing hydrocotlye and Anubias nana.
  34. joeyr188

    What is this

    looks like algae maybe black beard also looks like plant waste and melting
  35. joeyr188

    Hello everyone!

    hello and welcome to the fishfourms I don’t think it would be a big deal with the cat, as my cat does not bother them I think it just depends on the cat.
  36. joeyr188

    Substitute for Topfin brand filter cartridge?

    This is what I mean this is my second 10gallon with a cartridge in my other I have a sponge where the cartridge is also I dont change my cartridge I just rinse it.
  37. 43158198-DFCC-48D1-80DE-E226C57CDF67.jpeg


  38. joeyr188

    Substitute for Topfin brand filter cartridge?

    hello if you have the PF10 from top fin I have the same one I would recommend getting the sponge and this as well I use a sponge and these bio rings all you do is when you change water keep the dirty water squeeze the sponge a couple times...
  39. joeyr188

    best fish for 10 gal on

    dang sorry I hope you can find some cool killis also how is that dumbo ear guppy project going
  40. joeyr188

    best fish for 10 gal on they have cool killis a lot of them are out of stock run tho but when they restock they have a lot of them