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  1. M

    My New Baby Turtles

    Mine took a while to settle in before they started eating. Try them with some big thick bloodworm - live. They wont resist it. :drool:
  2. M

    My New Baby Turtles

    Because naturally they will inhabit areas of muddy bottoms. Rarely will you find a lake with a fine gravel on its base. Uvc is essential to their growth. Although they are highly aquatic they still bask, and still do require this source of lighting. Bare in mind, uvc can penetrate water, so is...
  3. M

    My New Baby Turtles

    Lovely turts. Sand is a REALLY bad idea in a turtle aquarium. As is standard gravel. Sand is a hige abrasive to the digestive sytem to turts so avaoid that idea. Only use gravel if it is bigger than the turtles head as a general rule. it becomes easily lodged inside the intestine. Not good. do...
  4. M

    A Baby Guppy

    Surely thats spunky the sperm from those old sex education lessons. Im not sure what Mr sperms real name was. Its now spunky. Says me. :shifty:
  5. M

    My "planted" Tank

    Outlet is fine under of water. Just unsure there is considerable water aggitation. Bettas being anabantibs naturally thrive in oxygen depleated water anyways. I have a 600l aquarium with some big cichlids, all the filter outlets are underwater. I just ensure there is sufficiant water...
  6. M

    They Arrive At Last!

    Yeah really stunning fish. I never thought itd be true that a pet resembles its owner in so many ways. Lucky fish. :shifty:
  7. M

    They Arrive At Last!

    They're not the hardest of fish to breed by all means, can be quite difficult to get a pair to form though when adult. Have you had any success raising those fry? must be stunning. Cheers. Dan
  8. M

    They Arrive At Last!

    Not always the case unfortunatly. Some cichlids will however. Many species from the Archocentrus genus for example arnt fussy with which individual they choose to bond with. i.e Convics, Jade eyes. Im a proud owner though. Nicest fish Iv had. Dan
  9. M

    Finally Re-scaped My 180l Planted Comunity Tank

    Wood is really stunning. Really nice tank. I suppose it would be nicer with a lighter sand though. Stunning tank never the less. Dan
  10. M

    They Arrive At Last!

    They had only just been introduced into the aquarium when the pics were taken so the colour was a little washed out. Ill try and get some new photos of them later. They came into work as a pair ( I work in Maidenhead Aquatics Swansea ) but hadnt been there long before i bought them, so im to see...
  11. M

    They Arrive At Last!

    Here is my breeding pair of green terror which i picked up yesterday. THe male is about 7" and the female is about 5". Really lovely colour and shape on them. Enjoy. male. Tell me what you think. Dan
  12. M

    Geophagus Identification.

    If its a proximus, Ill eat my foot. The missing dot is puerly due to stress. I have identified it as Geophagus sp Rio Mortes. The proximus has much more red to it. All i wanted really to know was if it had been described offcially as yet... thanks Anyways mate.
  13. M

    Geophagus Identification.

    This is a geophagus Argyrosticus. many species are undescribed, but i do beleive mine to be Geo.sp Rio Mortes. Many thanks anyways.
  14. M

    Geophagus Identification.

    I doubt its an abalios. thinking about it, it doesnt look like a surinamensis either. Silly me. I think this species is refered to as Geophagus sp Rio des Mortes. Anyone know if this species was descibed? If so, what it was described as? Thanks.
  15. M

    Geophagus Identification.

    Shall i eat my cookies now? Shall i eat my cookies now?
  16. M

    Geophagus Identification.

    I have identified this species Geophagus as Geophagus Surinamensis. It has not coloured up as yet so is hard to identify. It was ordered in as Geophagus sp Rio negro ( now described as geophagus Gottwaldi). This species does not look like geophagus gottwaldi due to the lack of infraorbital...