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  1. B

    What Happens After 5 Days

    Currently adding Maroxy to Bettas temp. bowl, he's getting better, the fluff is disappearing, and he's eating like a pig, but tomorrow is the last day I can give it to him (package says 5 days only). What if he's still got some fluff left? Can I put him back in his original tank?
  2. B

    Oh No!

    Glad he's doing well right now. Best wishes that he continues to pull through. Naughty kitty!!!
  3. B

    Here's My Intro

    Hi there. I'm Marie, I'm a Betta Mom to 2 little bettas (Fishy, and Maple [Maple1 passed on last year]). They're actually my son's, but we all know who takes the brunt of responsibility and financial burden of a pet.
  4. B

    You Guys Need To Help Me Decide!

    I like the fifth one. It's very different from the ones I've seen around.
  5. B

    Individual Or Community Tank?

    Each of my son's have a Betta (so that's 2), they both have their own tank. Couldn't tell ya if they are male or female.
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    Good News!

    Very cool. Enjoy!! :good:
  7. B

    Just A Poll

    To learn, I had a specific question when I joined. I'm certainly of no imput on subject such as fish as I always killed mine as a child (let me say not intentially). Now that my kids each have a Betta, I'm starting to learn that fish are not as easy as one would think (as I thought).
  8. B

    Need Help

    I went to the Pet Store today and got some Maroxy for my son's fish, however the only direction is give half a capful per 10 gallons of water. GREAT, so how much for a 1.8 litre tank. :huh: Also got him some blood worms, and he's ravenging them like crazy. Guess he was sick of that plain...
  9. B

    Is It Time To Flush Him

    Don't get me wrong here. Flushing is not something I would do in front of my child, and honestly I didn't know of a "humane" way of ridding of a fish. The last Betta we lost (my 11 year old's) I cried for over 2 days thinking I had let my son down. How silly is that. Thank you RandomWitker...
  10. B

    Is It Time To Flush Him

    Well it looks as if Fishy (my 3 year old son's Betta) has cut his back. It looks as if his scales on his back are slightly shredded, like furry, I can't tell about his colour because he was naturally whitish when we bought him except his tale and fins. He's very lathargic and doesn't swim...