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  1. T

    Starting Up A Brackish Tank

    If you are raising these mollies to be sold at fish stores, it would be best not to go brackish. I am sure the stores are keeping their mollies in fresh water, they would have to be acclimated back to fresh water. If you have a high ph, there is no reason to go brackish. Are you thinking of...
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    I Just Dont Know.....

    Puffers love to eat snails. So, if you want to keep the snails, don't add the puffers.
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    Dragon Goby And Snail Jello.

    I just thought I would share this with all the dragon goby owners. My dragon goby loves snail jello. I started putting it in the tank for the nerite snails a few months ago. The poor nerites have not been able to eat any. The goby will pass up bloodworms and blackworms to get at the jello. I...
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    Peacock Eels

    It probably was not at all your fault the eels died. They can be very picky eater. Alot of times you will see them terrible under weight in the stores. If your lfs was trying to feed them flakes, they may have been without food for weeks! I will not recommend buying another, because they will...
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    Peacock Eels

    Sand is recommended, but I have my peacock eels in gravel and they have been fine. They are very peaceful fish, that can be kept with any fish that are large enough to not fit in its mouth. I have some skunk corys in the tank and they have been fine, anything smaller than that may become food.
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    Belonesox Pike

    Thanks! I will keep an eye out for the largest male I can find. My male did always hang out behind my two girls. I never thought about why. That makes perfect since. Very interesting!
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    Belonesox Pike

    I bought 3 belonesox pike about 5 months ago. I recently lost my male. I would like to replace him, but I keep reading about the females eating the males and it makes me a little nervous. My 3 got along great. If I add another male, I am guessing it will be hard to find one of adult size. Is it...
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    Tank Mates?

    Clown loaches do best in groups. There may be a few spats at first to establish a pecking order, but they will be much happier in a group setting.
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    Peacock Eel Wont Eat!

    My peacock eels will only eat blackworms, and they realy chow down on them! I feed them through a dropper. They will even swim to the top the the tank when they see the dropper, wanting their food.