Search results

  1. Chu'Wuti

    Save Shrimp, Prevent Clogged Filter Intake?

    My husband just found around 20 baby shrimp inside the filter intake and filter when cleaning our 75-gallon tank's canister filter. He was able to save over half of them once he realized they were there. So I started reading here, and found pantyhose recommended several times for covering the...
  2. Chu'Wuti

    Pretty sure we have ich!

    Thank you for the tips! I sure need them! We did the full two-week heat treatment as recommended--and the white spot disappeared. So, whether it was ich or not, it's gone now. Simultaneously, we were also doing a blackout (for the first full week of the heat treatment) and changing other...
  3. Chu'Wuti

    Pretty sure we have ich!

    Thank you for the duration info! I was thinking we probably need to go over a week. Two weeks it will be! It just looks like a small white dot. Definitely not like fungus. It hasn't changed since I first saw it. The fins are pretty much transparent except for the veins, and the white dot is...
  4. Chu'Wuti

    Pretty sure we have ich!

    How long do we need to maintain the temperature at 86 deg. F? Also, the male gourami still has the single white spot on his pectoral fin. It has not changed in size or shape. I still can't get a photo because he won't stay still, LOL! But could I have misdiagnosed the issue? It does not look...
  5. Chu'Wuti

    Pretty sure we have ich!

    Okay. Ich-X is now at the bottom of my list of things to do--IF the Ich returns after we try the heat and possibly the salt. I've never heard of Garlic Guard! Thanks for that new info, @Deanasue!
  6. Chu'Wuti

    Pretty sure we have ich!

    I just looked at Aquarium Coop's website at the Ich-X. It lists these ingredients: Contains:water, formaldehyde (<5%), methanol (<2%), malachite green chloride (<0.1%) So no copper. Do you think it would be safe for the shrimp? Or would it be safer to up the temp to 86 degrees and see how that...
  7. Chu'Wuti

    Pretty sure we have ich!

    Ah, the guy in the Prime Time Aquatics video said that Ich-X was safe for shrimp. :-( And we chose 84 as the max because the shrimp can't go above that . . . will they survive a few days at 86? How many days should we do that?
  8. Chu'Wuti

    I QUIT!!!

    I'm with you on that! I remember my dad quit smoking. He was one who quit cold turkey and never looked back, but I know that doesn't work for everyone. Hang in there, @Flushable Pets--Your determination is the key to your success!
  9. Chu'Wuti

    Pretty sure we have ich!

    Well, I guess we couldn't go long without *some* problem! I noticed a small white spot on one of the pectoral fins of our male pearl gourami. Only one--but it sure looks like the start of ich to me! I can't get a photo; he won't hold still and pose! Plus, I'm worried that I could be missing...
  10. Chu'Wuti

    Give aways....

    They are really pretty guppies! And guppies are an easy beginner fish for kids, plus fun to watch giving birth!
  11. Chu'Wuti

    Hemianthus Failures and Possible Reasons?

    After percolating on all the information everyone shared, I think I had two problems: 1. not enough lumens for the tank 2. some wrong plants. To resolve Problem 1, I have another aquarium light hood (an old fluourescent fixture that takes a T8 bulb) and can add lumens. Will that interfere with...
  12. Chu'Wuti

    Juwel Vision 260 needs new home

    It's beautiful, but a little far for me to travel . . . Unless I could get my friend up in Hebden Bridge to get it for me, LOL! Oh, wait, we'd still have to get it to the USA. Never mind. Seriously, good luck finding it a new home--there's surely someone near you who'll want it!
  13. Chu'Wuti

    random pictures

    My youngest son had a lop-eared bicolor rabbit for a number of years. The rabbit had a skull & crossbones shape in brown on its neck and back, so he called her Bone. That rabbit adored my son. She would sit quietly in his lap while he petted her. She hated me. Every time I opened her hutch...
  14. Chu'Wuti

    Worst fish keeping advice?

    LFS that I won't buy from: 1. We're out of the (easy) shrimp you want, but really, you don't want them anyway because they are really picky and die quickly. These other shrimp (Crystal Black Shrimp or Black King Kong Shrimp) are way easier." Me: As a beginner with shrimp, I had deliberately...
  15. Chu'Wuti

    Hemianthus Failures and Possible Reasons?

    We have tried twice to plant Hemianthus Callitrichoides 'Cuba' (Dwarf Baby Tears) in our 75-gallon tank. The first time, we planted a mat; the second time, I planted three pots that I separated into clumps. Both times, the Hemianthus have suffered severe leaf melt and have never recovered...
  16. Chu'Wuti

    HEAT Disaster About to Strike!

    WOW, a furnace & AC both 36 years old! That's an amazing run, really! Nowadays, though, both furnaces and ACs are so much more energy efficient that having new ones can make a BIG difference on your bills! At some point we may get another airstone; the one you show looks nice. Our shrimp have...
  17. Chu'Wuti

    HEAT Disaster About to Strike!

    Sorry I failed to update for awhile. We have continued having air conditioning issues; fortunately, the early fix helped enough that we never got so hot again after the first problems. Turns out--after 4 trips to diagnose and try different parts--a pump is going out (we have a Water Furnace...
  18. Chu'Wuti

    HEAT Disaster About to Strike!

    WE HAVE COOL AIR COMING OUT OF OUR VENTS! Aquarium never went over 82 degrees F. As soon as the room temp is back down to 81, we'll put the glass covers back on and put the lights back on and feed the fish and shrimp. Thanks to all of you who kept me from utter panic!
  19. Chu'Wuti

    HEAT Disaster About to Strike!

    So many great suggestions--if we lived somewhere it gets down to a reasonable temperature at night, LOL! Even our night temps are just fine for the reptiles. The way our house is designed, there are few good locations for the aquarium, and there are reptiles in every room. Yeah, I'm a crazy...
  20. Chu'Wuti

    HEAT Disaster About to Strike!

    I just placed an order for a pedestal fan at Home Depot and am headed out to pick it up. We have the ceiling fan on already. Life is never dull. Thanks for the suggestions! Sandy
  21. Chu'Wuti

    HEAT Disaster About to Strike!

    Thanks for the ideas, Colin_T! I've already turned off everything except the filter (canister filter). I'm thinking we may need to add aeration to help maintain oxygenation of the water, as O2 sat will decrease as temps rise. That might not harm the gouramis, but it certainly won't help the...
  22. Chu'Wuti

    HEAT Disaster About to Strike!

    Our AC has gone out. Technician just left. System has to be OFF for 24 hours. I have turned off all lights and heaters for all animals and fish. However, it is highly probable that temps inside the house will rise above 90 degrees F, possibly even above 95 (above 32-35 degrees C), as outside...
  23. Chu'Wuti

    NCaquatics - June 2020 Fish of the Month (tetras) Winner!

    Congratulations! These tetras weren't easy to choose among--ALL were so beautiful! The photo of Whiskey really brought out lovely colors and sparkle that drew me back. Good job!
  24. Chu'Wuti

    New questions! Second fish, Snails (both desirable and undesirable)?

    Okay, no problem! I just wanted to make sure I hadn't been unclear. Thanks!
  25. Chu'Wuti

    New questions! Second fish, Snails (both desirable and undesirable)?

    In re the snails in our tank: Overstocking is not an issue: we had ZERO fish until two days ago (Friday 12 June 2020), only plants, and we added only three young/small gouramis and 10 0.5" shrimp to the tank (75 gallon). Similarly, overfeeding is not an issue, as the fish and shrimp have been...
  26. Chu'Wuti

    New questions! Second fish, Snails (both desirable and undesirable)?

    That sounds like an excellent outlook--one I will be happy to follow!
  27. Chu'Wuti

    New questions! Second fish, Snails (both desirable and undesirable)?

    ROFL! I did NOT mean to start an argument about snails, LOL! I have to confess, I'll be removing most of what we have. We have determined that we have pond snails--and they have been laying eggs on the glass--and we have at least one Malaysian Trumpet Snail. The pond snails are going as we...
  28. Chu'Wuti

    New questions! Second fish, Snails (both desirable and undesirable)?

    PhoenixKingZ, you said, "Neon tetras are not “expert only”. They are actually very easy to keep. What is your pH and GH? Also, what is your temperature?" I'm sorry my discussion in Challenge 1 was unclear; I meant to say that _cardinal tetras_ are being described as "expert only." To answer...
  29. Chu'Wuti

    New questions! Second fish, Snails (both desirable and undesirable)?

    After two months of cycling our 75-gallon aquarium with only plants, we finally bought fish and shrimp. We now have three pearl gouramis and 10 itty-bitty blue shrimp. (They are so tiny that they are nearly lost in our big tank! but they are eating a lot of debris quite happily.) Challenge 1...
  30. Chu'Wuti

    Ink Bird Controller and Eheim Heaters: Issues

    I started reading your reply to my husband, and he immediately said, "I don't have any heaters plugged into the cooling circuit. I used a dual plug and plugged both of them into the heating circuit. I set a temperature on the cooling circuit just so that an alarm will go off if the temperature...
  31. Chu'Wuti

    Ink Bird Controller and Eheim Heaters: Issues

    Hi, All, I need to pick your collective brains. We have two Eheim heaters in a 75-gallon tank, one at each end. We have an Ink Bird Controller running them. I will confess that reading the Ink Bird instructions really means nothing to me. I have no idea what the actual settings should be. My...
  32. Chu'Wuti

    Setting up a new aquarium after 25 years out of the hobby

    I think "leaf melt" may be what's going on with my plants! I've never heard that term before, so thank you! NP about the new thread; I figured when the plants start looking better and the tank is cleaner I'll do that. I was also thinking of posting about foods, but I found several others had...
  33. Chu'Wuti

    What do you guys do for food?

    I just found this thread as I began researching foods for fish; I just set up a 75-gallon tank that is cycling with plants only, and plan to get fish (peaceful community types) and some shrimp in July or August. 25 years ago, Tetra foods were what I fed, but I figured that 25 years of research...
  34. Chu'Wuti

    Setting up a new aquarium after 25 years out of the hobby

    So a quick update. The banana lily (Nymphoides aquSatica) is doing great! It has sent up two looooong shoots for surface leaves. It's quite amazing how fast they grow! The baby tears continue to die; I'm hoping it will come back from the roots, but . . . Leaves on some other plants are...
  35. Chu'Wuti

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome! I just joined fairly recently myself, and the people here are super-helpful! Hope you enjoy sharing your ideas!
  36. Chu'Wuti

    Setting up a new aquarium after 25 years out of the hobby

    We have plants! This is the initial planting, and I've already moved a couple; I'll upload those pics later. The banana plant has sent up a loooooong stem to the surface and opened a new leaf, which was cool to watch. The sword in the back right corner is not doing well; it was supposed to be...
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