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  1. G

    Fish tank questions

    in theory no, since dropsy is an internal disease but if you are worried about the infection spreading in some way then do a chlorine bath (only do this if your barrier doesn't allow water through) you just add a tablespoon of chlorine and let It sit for 30 minutes after that do a 100% water...
  2. G

    Bettas are mistreated...

    what are you talking about? cant you see that this body of water where wild bettas have been found in is only 2 gallons? (sarcasm)
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  4. G

    Bettas are mistreated...

    tell him they can live up to 5 years or sometimes more, he will not belive it (my fish abusing family didn't either)
  5. G

    Bettas are mistreated...

    then buy them from someone different, maybe the problem isn't in your care but rather in your provider, they might be selling sick bettas and that's why they die. ty buying one from a respectable breeder in our area
  6. G

    Little River Rio

    my blues are super aggressive with other fish, I have 1 male and 1 female (plan to buy another female) and they fight my 40cm tilapia, and my red ear turtle they also chased and ate my guppies, they are really mean fish but still love them since they interact with me even in the pond, and when...
  7. G

    Bettas are mistreated...

    100% agree with you, people have this wrong idea that fish are just this peaceful easy to care for pet that they can always use as an oasis for tranquility, so they fail to understand the great responsibility it comes with them, they are just as demanding as a dog or a cat if not even more...
  8. G

    Bettas are mistreated...

    ok so, just because you add all the medicines and conditioners in the world to your tank it doesn't mean your fish will be happy nor healthy. Did you cycle your tank before adding fish to it? did you keep up with water changes? were you giving it a proper diet? did you quarantine your fish? did...
  9. G

    The best ways to get fish to Show there Deepest Colours?

    in my experience my fish have shown their best colors when the following things are happening: 1. they have enough members of their species to satisfy their social needs (this might be 0 or 20 depending on species) 2. they are in the right water parameters 3. their aquascape resembles their...
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    Little River Rio

    in my experience gouramis can be a bit too mean when it comes to having them with smaller fish, now I must say that I have only ever kept blue gourami, I currently own 2 and they get head on head with me many times bigger than them tilapia (living together in my backyard pond until I can buy and...
  11. G

    Ok, last time. Stocking.

    gouramis are really aggressive fish so I would not recommend keeping them with small easily scared fish like tetras, also I would say to get rid of one of the species of tetras and their numbers divide them evenly between the other 2 species since tetras like to be in big groups of their same...
  12. G

    Bettas are mistreated...

    I love betta fish and I have to say with all the pain in my heart that before I became a good fish keeper, a lot of bettas died in my "care" (some of the worst are a veiltail that I had in a bare-bones 2 liters cylinder that died after a week and a royal blue double point crowntail that I named...
  13. G

    What kind of fish is this??

    seems to be some sort of north or central American cichlid
  14. G

    Beef Heart. For fish that love worms...this is near the real thing.

    it truly is, but while humans and fish like piranha or channel catfish are better at digesting fat (even tho it is still bad for us) some of the most common aquarium fish like bettas, tetras and guppies really suffer worse effects faster from constant consumption of said fats.
  15. G

    Rate My stocking idea (cuz i'm confused and bored)

    OH i am so so sorry, i read it wrong, please forgive me.
  16. G

    Rate My stocking idea (cuz i'm confused and bored)

    i usually don't trust those sites since they don't take into consideration a lot of factors and most of them (at least in my experience) do their calculations on the 1 gallon per inch of fish rule or other similar ones.
  17. G

    Beef Heart. For fish that love worms...this is near the real thing.

    I would be more careful, there are a lot of fish species that cant properly digest mammal meat, and even worse so, the beef heart has a lot of fats, some of which are dangerous to fish and can cause long term health issues, I read a paper on it some time ago, if I can find it I will link it.
  18. G

    Rate My stocking idea (cuz i'm confused and bored)

    I like the idea but I think I might add that the last species you should put needs to be the otocinclus so that they have lots of food in the form of algae, biofilm and detritus, this will give them enough food to survive until you can train them to eat other stuff (i feed lettuce, spinach...
  19. G

    Dumbest thing anyone’s said to you regarding fish…Go!

    true, most of my fish get really happy to see me and whenever i get close to their aquariums they look at me and stay close to me, you have to allow the fish to relate you to good things, otherwise no conection will form, and thinking that fish are dumb will make it harder for you from the start...
  20. G

    Pregnant otocinclus!!!

    otocinclus affinis, i really hope she is expecting
  21. G

    Pregnant otocinclus!!!

    I am like 95% convinced that 1 of my otocinclus is currently gravid and i am so exited! A lot of people (even the lfs) told me that it was a dumb dream to want to breed otocinclus but now i feel like i can do it. Just like a lot of people say, my story started when i didn't do a water change for...
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  29. G

    Dumbest thing anyone’s said to you regarding fish…Go!

    You should have told him "i know because i had a betta fish that lived 5 years" even if it is a lie, just to shut him up
  30. G

    Shrimp disease?

    not yet. it was the flash reflectinh, looking at it in the tank while taking the pic it seemed transparent with a few red markings and the white spots i have lost none so far and they are picking up green and brown algae to eat 24/7 so i guess they are fine right now, but yeah, i will keep a...
  31. G

    Shrimp disease?

    Hello again, this time as i was doing some photography on my shrimp i saw some of them had a bunch of white dots, others seemed white but not like milk white rather just ghostly looking and with the same white spots, they seem to be in the shrimps colour rather than o the shell itself like a...
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