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    Power Switch Off

    I did here of putting boiling water into a plastic container or drinks bottle.... then sinking it into the tank to keep the temp up
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    I Got A Baby Fish....

    The other night my wife told me to come and look, she had seen a small fish.. Well this morning I found it, netted it and is currently in the breeding trap as one or two of the danios where starting to chase it about.... Looks to me as its a baby guppy.. but theres only one. weve had a look in...
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    Pregeant Molly

    Hi I am more that sure that I have two of my mollies that are pregeant... seem to be getting bigger as each day passess... My question is how the hell do I now when they are gonna give birth...... Do I use a breeding trap...or do I let nature take its course and leave the mollies to give...
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    Whats Wrong Now

    no just by two degrees
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    Whats Wrong Now

    Last week we had top treat the tank with white spot treatment, which has dont the job and clear, turn the tempature down last night before going to bed... this moring we found one of our cardinal tetras dead and half eaten... but who ?????? Weve only got mollies, buppies and various types of...
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    White Spot

    Guys On Saturday I noticed that my fish were covered in white spot, some of my poor cardinal tetras looked as though someone had doodled all over them and looked as though the infection had spread to other fish in the tank 50% water change, wacked the heater up and treated with white spot...
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    White Spot Treatment

    Thanks guys The carbon needs replacing anyway - just havent got around to it yet
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    White Spot Treatment

    Just a Quick I found this morning some of my fish have got white spot, so here what I did ... 50% water change then added w/s treatment and wacked the heater up to 30... the only issue and question the treatment said remove the carbon filter ? any reason for this - well ive left it in for the...
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    How much you selling the tank for ? But am interested in the fish
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    Do A Need To Be Concerned ?

    Yes and I would say thankyou for the replys so late on a Saturday evening But to say my tank is uncycled is some what an easy assumption to make..... As I have been lead to understand from numours books and advice from both this forum , LFS and someone who used to own a tropical fish company...
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    Do A Need To Be Concerned ?

    My tank is a 3ft and we are running a fluvel 4 - real plants - other fish ..... cardinal tetras - harlequins ... zebra danios.... maintainence - feed every two days.. water changes once a week 25% one thing I must say is I am reading stuff on here, have a very good LFS and it seems alot of...
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    Do A Need To Be Concerned ?

    Weve already done the add ammonia bit for the cycling the tank over a few weeks and we have got more fish in the tank that just the guppies....
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    Do A Need To Be Concerned ?

    yeh one or two of them look fat ........but the one that died wasnt at all fat
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    Do A Need To Be Concerned ?

    Guys I bought some fish today from LFS - six female guppies and one male, did a water check b4 we added any fish to tank and all readings where 0 Only 10 hours later I got one dead fish :unsure: So weve taken it out and done yet another water test and still all my readings are 0 Seems...
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    What Fish

    I remember seeing a silver fish with gold coloured eyes, anyone know what these are called. Spoke with the LFS and they looked at be abit weird and thought I was loosing the plot, but im sure it was there I saw them Any Ideas
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    Hi All My fish are in and all the test results are on the mark, we did lost one fish the other night, but he seemed a loner and the LFS have been advise and will be getting a replacement Now we are at the stage of maintenance... so Ive got to do a water change, do I live the water at room temp...
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    Fishless Cycle Help

    17TH AUGUST 2009 TEST RESULTS Ammonia - 0 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 0
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    Fishless Cycle Help

    16th AUGUST 2009 TEST RESULTS Ammonia - 0.25 Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 0
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    Fishless Cycle Help

    Thanks Guys 15-08 @ 9.37 am TEST RESULTS Ammonia - 0 Nitrite = 0.25 Nitrate = 5.0 + 4ml Ammonia added --
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    Blue Neon Tetras

    I read somewhere that its best to have a tank running for at less six months before considering getting blue neons so why is this ? I am just trying to work out a stock list for my tank
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    Fishless Cycle Help

    TO DAYS TEST RESULTS Ammonia = 0 Nitrite = 0.25 Nitrate = 5.0 + 5.5ml of Ammonia added -- ONLY ISSUE IS THAT I HAVENT GOT ANY GREEN / BROWN ALGAE - HAVE I MISSED SOMETHING
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    Fishless Cycle Help

    Results 9/8 Ammonia 4.0 10/8 Ammonia 1.0 11/8 Ammonia 0.5 12/8 Ammonia 0 Then We Added 5ml Ammonia After Zero Result 24hr later 13-/8 Ammonia 0.25 Nitrite 1.0 Nitrate 5.0 Are these any good or am I going in the correct direction
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    Tropical Tank Cycle

    Right heres what I did Purchased some Ammonia from boots the chemist and place in 5.5ml of it into my tank at 12.30pm today Just done a ammonia test and the results are 2.0 to 4.0 - my wife tells me the reading was more of a 2.0 than 4.0.... sorry it doesnt help what with being colour blind...
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    Air Stone / Pump

    Ive got a 3ft tank with a fluval 4 + located to the right of the tank and im thinking will it be worth adding in an air stone or something along those lines - Something to create bubbles and aeriate the tank abit more .. Advise on a post card :crazy:
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    Update: Values 0 For 3 Days!

    I had some one state that the filter they had given me had mature media inside --- funny as I watched them wash the filter under the cold tap... yeh thats going to do the bacteria alot of good isnt it now :hyper:
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    My tank has been setup for afew days and very thing seems to be working OK.... the only thing I havent done is yet is find and install a decent ornament, nor have I place any greenry in the tank - ie plants My question to all those in the know - is it better to cycle the tank with or with out...
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    For Those Who Cant Find Ammonia

    Well I just went into my local town and found it in both robert dyas and boots the chemist
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    How Full Should I Fill My Tank

    Just pondering some thing as I gaze at my newly set up tank ... Have I Put enough water in ? Theres a good 7 and a half cm from the current water line to the top of the tank. and the internal filter just is a good 3cm above the water line which is jetting a good amount of water andf is moving...
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    New Set Up

    Hi All Tank filled and has been on for about 1 hour, after it took me and my wife all afternoon to get everything cleaned and made ready. The only thing is the fluval internal filter seems to be pumping out loads of water on even the lowest setting. might consider getting one of them hose kits...
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    New Tank

    Guys & Gals Ive been given a tank, filter, plants and Gravel - A freind decided to down grade and get rid of a new tanks and one has come my way. First and foremost I have done some reading about keeping tropical fish and understand some of the basics. The tank is 36 X 12 X 15 alright for...