Search results

  1. OregonCoast

    Unknown White Growth On Plakat

    Can anyone help us identify what this spot is on our Betta Plakats back? All water parameters are good with our API Test kit. Frequent water changes since we noticed this about a month ago. There is no one else in his tank at all. We have begun treatment with Melafix and Pimafix. Only have been...
  2. OregonCoast

    Beta Tank?

    My husband and I own two male veiltail and the other a crowntail. I have my betta in a 28 liter tank while he has his in a 40 liter tank. Nether one of us have a top to it because they are not jumpers. Tops are good..but not really necessary as we know a someone here where we live...
  3. OregonCoast

    Food For A Betta

    Okay, so I am curious what everyone feeds their bettas..treats...daily meals..etc     I am aware of the basic common foods: betta flakes freeze dried bloodworms daphnia brine shrimp     but what does everyone feed their betta and what is okay for a betta to eat? Aside that I do know you can feed...
  4. OregonCoast

    Snail Advice!

    Set up a 20 gal tank with 3-4 dwarf puffers and 2 otos! Dwarf puffers love snails! I just aquired 4 Ramshorn snails for my tank and they have already laid quite a few eggs around the tank. So I am preparing for quite the snailinfestation. but..perhaps my betta Meep would love a good snack now...
  5. OregonCoast

    My Husbands New 10 Gallon Tank...needs Ideas!

    Lock-Man Endlers for the daughters tank it shall be! She was actually trying to decide between guppies or endlers. They are both beautiful fish. we just received the first shipment from Amazon today, and I now have a really neat light for my RCS tank which has now moved from the living room to...
  6. OregonCoast

    My Husbands New 10 Gallon Tank...needs Ideas! are going to laugh at this...We now have a total of 4 for our daughter, 2 for me and the 10 gal for my hubby. My two tanks consist of these: 7.5 gal One male betta 3 Amano shrimp. (they were sold to us as ghost shrimp) but I found out yesterday they are amano...
  7. OregonCoast

    My Husbands New 10 Gallon Tank...needs Ideas!

    Since we are stationed in Seoul, South Korea and we are not allowed any kind of furry mammals as pets..we started up the aquarium hobby awhile back. We have a 10 gallon tank that is on its way of being cycled. We have the driftwood in it on dark pea gravel and soon it will be a fully planted...
  8. OregonCoast

    Our First Aquarium Story

    Okay, New updates.   We talked my daughter out of keeping the goldfish.  I told her to pee in a cup and drink it, she said eeewwwwww.  I told her that's what her fish was doing.  and why, she understood and said we needed to take him back so someone else could put him in a GIANT tank where he'll...
  9. OregonCoast

    Easy Identification Of A Pleco

    I suppose I messed up the Title of the Topic, the brain was thinking faster than my fingers.   I was thinking This should be an easy identification of this pleco for someone, and didn't really take the time to say, could someone please identify this pleco for me...   :(
  10. OregonCoast

    Our First Aquarium Story

    And this also is one of our issues,  the ONLY resource we have are you guys here on the forums and the internet in general.  So we're essentially going at this with very little information.  The Store owners don't speak any english (AT ALL) so we can only point and pay.  I know we picked a...
  11. OregonCoast

    Easy Identification Of A Pleco

    Purchsed this Pleco, we believe to be a common, however, since we are US Military English speaking folks in South Korea, we were unable to read the Korean writing identifying it, or ask the store owner.     Could someone please help us identify it?  If in fact it is a common, then we will need...
  12. OregonCoast

    Our First Aquarium Story

    If anyone wants to see our pathetic attempt at this so far, here are the pictures I've gathered.
  13. OregonCoast

    Our First Aquarium Story

    We managed to get a decent picture of the pleco that we have. Can anyone help us identify what kind of pleco it is?
  14. OregonCoast

    Our First Aquarium Story

    Okay.   Rewind a bit.  So I am going to sit down with my daughter and see if I can play a psycological trick on her today and talk her into UPGRADING her goldfish and maybe giving him some special powers to turn into another looking fish or something   ...  Sorta,  anyway, I'll figure something...
  15. OregonCoast

    Our First Aquarium Story

    It wasn't the information that was given lock_man ...  It was the opening statement that sorta hit us and led us to believe you felt as if we should go back to playing video games because we're too stupid to own fish.  I know things are a little different in the UK as the US, and Americans tend...
  16. OregonCoast

    Our First Aquarium Story

    We were looking for constructive critism..not for someone to pretty much insult us. I am sorry...did I reach the wrong forum? And yes...for your information..there are plenty of fish shops in Gangnam.
  17. OregonCoast

    Our First Aquarium Story

    Greetings everyone! Thank you for allowing me to join this forum! I want to post this story about our first aquarium and hopefully aquire some helpful, constructive feedback and advice, about our first aquarium that we purchased last month. Since he is stationed in Seoul, South Korea (US ARMY)...