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  1. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Ah man, I had almost cleared my mind of this incident..... But it was like, probably 8-10 hours in that clove water, Id imagine it had to of been dead but I definitely flushed it. I was only kidding about the 6ft deep thing, only because it seemed to had already been so over the top I figured I...
  2. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Should the fish's eyes get cloudy or something when its dead? I put it in the clove earlier when it got blended a bit and I deff added more than a few drops, but its eyes look all alert and its really hard to tell but I wouldnt bet money that its for sure not breathing. If it is, its real slight...
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    Can this fish be saved?

    Lol. I am gathering the fish community is not hip to my type of sarcasm/joking. You guys probably have salt water tanks...
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    Can this fish be saved?

    Could be debated.
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    Can this fish be saved?

    THANK YOU. SHEESH. Finally a believer. (Jk yall). Was my fish's fin rays area damaged? It had like, some kind of rays coming out...if it had a chance I honestly did try... The dang filter motor took those ray things it had coming out and after seeing it get grinded for a second I said Ok thats...
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    Can this fish be saved?

    Lol. It was a journey. I cant believe after all of that the gosh dang internal filter on the 1.5 gallon was the nail in the coffin. I was definitely going to nurture it back to health without that, I was watching it kind of in the flow of the filter, but its a really weak tetra whisper one but...
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    Can this fish be saved?

    Unlike myself. Its absolutely the worst if you are unfortunate enough to have tooth pain on a weekend. Will drive you absolutely nuts, or at least does me like who the heck figured dentists were only needed mon thru fri 9-5 jeeeeesh.
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  9. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Do you guys think the 6 foot rule is required when it comes to burying a fish? Also, does it need to be marked?
  10. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Oh and...yall were right. I should have just got it done with earlier. A part of me though says without that insanely ridiculous filter in there. Who really puts a blender in a fish tank, just dumb.
  11. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    On a side note, I have had 3 fish die within the last 3 months it seems where before I had none. And it started after I began using Fluval ClearMax. I got it and phosguard on a huge sale, like 3$ when normally 10 or around that kind of deal. I did not use the phosguard due to mixed...
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    Can this fish be saved?

    Horrible....I got the tank all set up and moved the fish to it. Unfortunately this freaking filter that came with the tank has the propellor in a spot where if the fish got sucked up against it, it would propel it. Its in the clove now
  13. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    I cleaned some old jordans i had but lost the shoe strings but they have became my slip on shoes. Walking into walmart with these shoes on and to buy a little fish tank so early, is almost enough to just clove it.
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    Can this fish be saved?

    Honestly I am sure you are 100% correct. I just have a hard time with the no hope part. I am going to go to curse word curse word walmart to get a little hospital tank to at least maybe give it a chance. If it doesnt get any better or if it gets worse I will definitely do what needs done. And I...
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    Can this fish be saved?

    Fyi it definitely did not like the clove. At all
  16. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Would a 9 volt battery and two wires to the water be enough to euthanize? I am honestly only asking out of curiosity. I have the warm water, prime and clove ready to go. The idea just crossed my mind
  17. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Ill say "Oh, fish lookin a little *off* today huh? How about we save the time and ... flush flush away" jk but am feelin a little much with this danio
  18. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    The whole time a voice in my head saying flush the dang fish flush the dang fish it is freaking 6am now flush it and be done. Im toughin it out tho. Next fish may be flushed right off the bat
  19. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Warmed water, like use the tank water and microwave or just tap water with (or without lol) some prime dechlorinator? At this point does it even matter anymore? Just asking only in case it does
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    Can this fish be saved?

    How many drops for 5 gallons?
  21. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Yes I agree but only if there's not a possibility of getting through this rough spot, healing, and going back to living normally.
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    Can this fish be saved?

    85% eugenol will work I assume?
  23. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Fine fine. Honestly is the least amount of hassle route. Sounds crazy saying it, but besides the part that's missing, it seems ok, besides that portion and its impact. Going to get the clove now...
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    Can this fish be saved?

    This fish could be Jocko Willink
  25. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Not if its life could be saved in the long run, probably not. Now a dog with untreatable cancer then yes
  26. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Clove oil burns the f out of my mouth. I actually just picked some up for a chipped tooth I need to have root canal on. It has definitely done some damage to my tongue. I couldnt imagine having it poured on my chopped off leg.
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    Can this fish be saved?

    And then see at the same time the devil on my shoulder is cussing me out saying flush it already. Im torn
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    Can this fish be saved?

    Are you all positive this thing isnt coming back? It is still breathing same pace. I put some melafix in there and as soon as pet stores open I could go get a little set up for it. The other fish that have died (one was really about to explode, insanely bloated, the other got all bent up like...
  29. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    I mean if were trying to be natural, my cat has been eyeballing it. Who am I to stop nature. Jkjk. But honestly the fish should be happy its not flushed. I have a feeling more often than not, that is what happens. I do care obviously but at the same time feel somewhat crazy doing all of this...
  30. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    I agree. I honestly wasnt sure. When I googled it, nearly everything I read made it sound completely normal and that even though it may look bad, fish grow them back all the time. Wasnt sure to what extent, so I posted pic on here. I don't drink though so I have no alcohol. Maybe some sailor...
  31. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Ive done the clove oil thing once before. Just to make sure what I read is the way to go, basically get the fish drunk on some vodka and then after a bit add the clove oil? I will deff relook up the steps, but just to be sure it involves some alc and toothache drops.
  32. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Lol ok thats sort of what I was thinking but wasnt sure with the little research I did do alls I could really find was that its possible but couldnt find to what extent. The fish is still breathing and every once in a while itll do some fresh breakdance moves bobbin its head like its listening...
  33. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    It is a fluval fx, so anything rotating would have been far away from where it was sucked up against. In this tank I have some yoyo loaches (like 5), 4 kuhli loaches, a glofish shark, a really small sucker fish (cant recall name, only grows to an inch, type of catfish I think), and 3 glofish...
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    Can this fish be saved?

    Learned some things with my phone camera..i did google it before coming here and every where I read says fish can grow their tails and fins back. It just doesnt really say how much.
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    Can this fish be saved?

    Sorry. Ill try getting a better pic. Deff isnt easy , i promise i tried.. One sec tho
  39. D

    Can this fish be saved?

    Today I noticed one of my fish sucked up against the filter intake and appears to have lost its tail. Yesterday it was not like this... I have removed the fish and put it in its own hospital tank for now (for the past 30 min now). I just want to make sure Im not putting it through pointless pain...