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  1. G

    Blue Spotted Sea Hare

    I normally just let it thaw for a few minutes then mix it with some saltwater and put it in "in solution" i guess you could say. I figured it'd be the most efficient way for the fish to eat it...
  2. G

    Blue Spotted Sea Hare

    I've been using dechlorinated tap water and prime for the water I'm gonna go buy some ro water tomorrow and do a 30 percent change And I use Frozen food and a few flakes for everyone The rest, I'm not sure about.xD I'm still a bit new to the saltwater scene. And what is phosban?
  3. G

    Blue Spotted Sea Hare

    Thanks a lot Barney! I forgot how great this sight is. But yeah, what kind of chemicals would you recommend for removing phosphates and nitrates? I'm usong prime(?) for mixing water, but something in the tank would be much more useful methinks. I'm gonna invest in a skimmer after a few more...
  4. G

    Blue Spotted Sea Hare

    My Nitrates are almost at 0 and I used a chemical to remove chlorine ammonia and phosphate before water changes, so I'm at a loss. My only other idea is to leave the lights off for a couple days to starve it out, but I'm worried the corral would die (All soft ones). Any other imput guys? I...
  5. G

    Blue Spotted Sea Hare

    I have a 14 biocube set up with good parameters and has been set up for about a month and a half It has 2 Osellaris Clowns 1 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Blue spotted sea hare 3+- Hermit crabs I have an AWFUL algae problem, and my LFS recomended the sea hare and some Chemi-pure elite. I'm a little...
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    OK. That makes sense. Is it possible to upgrade the lighting in biocubes? I could still use suggestions as to what kind of creatures should go inside. Any ideas? =D
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    OK guys, I'm pretty experienced with freshwater fish. I'd like to move on to a saltwater setup. I'm considering buying a biocube, either 14 or 29. Anyone have any advice or comments on them? I'm also not sure what to put in it. Ideas?
  8. G


    OK So I'm thinking about either an oscar pleco combo or maybe some smaller african cichlids. Can anyone shed some light on what I would have in store for each?
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    Cichlids might be cool, and I've never done anything like that. I was also thinking maybe a big school of tiger barbs or green barbs and a couple clown loaches. IDK. Any other ideas guys? I want to think this through before I do it
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    OK guys, I'm going to go get a 55 gallon fish tank. Here's the question: What should I put in it? So, if you guys were starting a 55 gallon tank, what would you do?
  11. G

    Odd... Or Just Chill...?

    He and his bretheren like to wedge themselves under some slate I have in the tank. He looks fine. No nipped fins or discoloration. Another one is always between two pieces of slate, kinda like he is. I guess he just likes sitting there... it's weird O'well thanks guys
  12. G

    Odd... Or Just Chill...?

    I have a 20 gallon planted tank with swordtails and 3 upside down catfish. The past couple weeks, the catfish have been very shy. But one in particular is very weird. It likes to sit on its side in the corner of the tank wedged into a plant. It just looks very sickly, but behaves fine when it...
  13. G

    Sea Robins/sand Perch In A Live Marine Tank

    Hmm How big a tank would it actually take to house them though... Probably at leat 120 gallons... How big do Sand Perch get, anyway? And hey wessley =D
  14. G

    Really Cool

    I was just watching my tank, and saw something cool. I dropped in a sinking wafer for my catfish, but he didn't notice. Instead, two ghost shrimp found it. They lifted it up, TOGETHER, and carried it under some rocks. I just thought it was crazy. Are shrimp smart, or was that just them...
  15. G

    Stupid Question, Maybe...?

    I guess I'll try a male. Thanks a lot guys. This is a great forum. Kudos everybody =D Last thing, I promise. Can a gold gourami breed with a pearl?
  16. G

    Stupid Question, Maybe...?

    Well, I have about 5, and a few catfish, so space might be kinda tight, so I don't particularly wanna risk it. My gourami seems very timid though. She just pokes around calmly. But if I get one, would you guys recomend a male or female? I just feel bad getting rid of my swordtails. I really...
  17. G

    Stupid Question, Maybe...?

    If I have a female gold gourami in a 20 gallon tank with some swordtails i'm going to get rid of... Do you think a pearl gourami, preferably a male, would get along ok with her. It is a planted tank, with many hiding places... Just brainstorming on what I could do...
  18. G

    Anyone Tried This?

    Has anybody tried these before? And also, can you get a refill or something when it runs out? Helpzors?
  19. G

    Basic Plant Question

    Thanks a lot =D
  20. G

    Advise Anyone?

    I have 3 upside down catfish and one cory I have 2 male swordtails and 4 females.
  21. G

    Advise Anyone?

    Hmm... rasboras might be cool. Thanks guys
  22. G

    Advise Anyone?

    I have a 20 gallon tank with about 6 swordtails, a gourami, and some catfish. Right now, my tank is kinda... boring. Can anyone recomend something to make my tank more exciting? I was thinking maybe a few cherry barbs or some small tetras... Help?
  23. G

    Basic Plant Question

    Okay, I'm new here (=D) and I have a question. What kind of lighting do you guys recommend for a planted tank. I have a 20 gallon tank with swordtails and upside down catfish that has a basic flourescent light. Will that be enough for some of the more hardy plants, or will I have to upgrade to...