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  1. T

    Cleaning External Filters...

    The slime I noticed is on the filter media. I noticed it when I pulled it out. I dont know what the state of the intake tubes or the impeller, but I think I should clean it the next time I do a water change (which will be tomorrow). The slime just looks real bad and disgusting.
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    Strange Fish Behavior For A Tiger Barb?

    Sometimes I notice a tiger barb swimming almost vertically for a few seconds, and even almost upside down, before getting back on course to his regular, horizontal position. it's almost like he's losing control. It just looks a bit funny. Is this normal behavior? Its the same fish.
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    Cleaning External Filters...

    Today I noticed on one of my filters especially ther eis this brown slime. The filters have been there for more then 3 months, and at least one month with fish. I think it may be time to rinse out the filter. I did a search on here for filter cleaning, and I found some helpful advice about...
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    I Lost A Fish Today! :-(

    I actually just bought a small bottle (100mL) of the Stability and added that entire bottle in the tank. We do have aeration, a powerhead that is always on to help with circulation and aeration. Is it ok that I added the entire bottle of the Stability product? I guess it's too late now, but I...
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    I Lost A Fish Today! :-(

    I lost one of my cute tiger barbs today. He happened to be the smallest one, and his eyes were gone; I guess the other barbs ate it? Im going through a cycle period right now and although my ammonia level is very low .25, my nitrite level is at around 1.0 for at least a week now. I have been...
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    Tank Cycling Update....anything I Need To Do?

    well, cycling using fish has been a long established method. Only recently with the internet did fishless method popularize become some people thoght it was not humane and unethical, and I would agree. I also raelize that changing water frequently does make the cycle last longer, however, I do...
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    Tank Cycling Update....anything I Need To Do?

    I thought doing a large water change if ther eis a fish in the tank can be also not a good thing for the fish. How much are you talking about hwen you say a large water change? And as long as nitrites are as high as they are, should I do them daily?
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    Tank Cycling Update....anything I Need To Do?

    Hi. I have had my 55 gallon tank for more then a month now and it is cycling. For the last week or so, nitrite levels started to rise. From .25 to now 1.0 for the last few days! I have been doing daily water tests. I do notice my ammonia levels seems to be going down, from .50. In the past when...
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    Power Outtage For A Couple Hours...

    We experienced a power outtage for a couple hours today. I tested the water after the outtage and nitrites are at around 1.0, whihc is unchanged over the last several days. I have been doing daily 20% water changes, but for the past couple days I stopped. I plan to do them at least once a...
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    Tiger Barbs And Cory's...

    Thanks for your help. I should have mentioned that the tiger barbs dont bother the cory;s at all. Initially when I added them, they did do a little fin-nipping, but both get along very well.
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    Cory Cats Swimming Off The Bottom?

    that does sound normal to me, too. I have 3 cory cats, melanistius. Im still learning their behavior, but one of them loves to go up and down with the bubbles that are produced by the bubble wand in the back of the tank.
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    Brown Algae?! Should I Use Medicine...?

    Well, you are correct about the brown algae. If I had remembered my readings, I would known too. I thought it would be helpful for others on here to know about it, so here is what my book says, "The very first 'algae' encountered by most aquarists is brown film or brown slime. It first appears...
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    New Tank Cycling And Nitrite Spike

    Thanks for your help. Today I actually did two water changes, 20% because of the nitrites. The ammonia so far seems to be steady and under control, at around .25-.50, which is what I have had ever since I had fish in it. The nitrite spike today showing a 1.0 was a concern, although it's all...
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    Brown Algae?! Should I Use Medicine...?

    thanks so much for your replies. The tank is only, well, about a month old with fish in it I would say, we are in the process of cycling. I had it up and running for at least a month before that when I was trying to do the fishless cycle, but that didnt work for me. So I would say, one month, at...
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    Brown Algae?! Should I Use Medicine...?

    We have noticed some copper-colored stuff on the bubble wand, and one of the intake tubes of the power filter. It looks like a brown stain. I was told by someone at petsmart that its brown algae, and they recommended to use this product on the shelf thats called something like "take control...
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    Tiger Barbs And Cory's...

    Are cory cats compatible with tiger barbs? I have 12 barbs and 3 melanisitus catfish in my 55 gallon tank. I have been having a percieved problem making sure my catfish gets their share because of the more aggressive tiger barbs eating everything. But, I dont think I have a real problem because...
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    Is The Raindbow Shark A Community Species?

    Are the rainbow sharks a community specimen? Are the cory cats and rainbow shark compatible? It's my understanding that the rainbow shark is a community species, provided the tank is large enough so it can stake out its territory. I have a 55 gallon with 3 melanistius cory cats and 12 tiger...
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    New Tank Cycling And Nitrite Spike

    I have had my 55 gallon tank with 12 tiger barbs and 3 cory cats for about a month now. I have been doing daily water tests of ammonia and nitrites (and pH at times). Readings have always been about .50 for Ammonia (largely due to tap water) and 0 for nitrites. Within the last week, I started...
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    Feeding Cory Cats....

    ya know I did see a tube at petsmart, it was clear. I also saw a divider. I was thinking of using one of those. it seems like a lot of work thoughto feed something that shouldnt be all that difficult. I did drop a tablet but the tiger barbs got it still. if i use a tube, i still think the tiger...
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    Feeding Cory Cats....

    I hate to resurrect this posting, despite the great response that I got from everyone. But, tonight well after couple hours when the lights were turned off, I decided to drop a tablet for the catfhish, but these damn tiger barbs, who were all asleep, got up and noticed and got to the food. I...
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    Feeding Cory Cats....

    Well, I wonder if all those flakes that fell to the bottom helped with my nitrite reading today. For the first time I am getting .25 of nitrites! Im happy to see this because it tells me the cycle is moving along. Hopefully this will reduce my constant .50 ammonia. Im still unsure whether the...
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    Nitrites Deteced, Water Change?

    i went ahead and changed 20% of the water, we do hve fish in there right now. I cleaned the gravel quite well with the hose, I hope that didnt kill off alot of the bactera. Ive read you shouldnt clean it too well during this state, but I only did one side. I believe most really live on the...
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    Nitrites Deteced, Water Change?

    Im still going through a cycle right now. Every day I hvae been getting .50 readings of ammonia. This has not changed and our tap water has about the same level of ammonia. But, for the first time today Im getting nitrites at .25! Im excited because it shows that the cycle is moving a long, but...
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    Feeding Cory Cats....

    I may need to get a nitrate test kit. I always htought its really a waste of time, if proper water changes are done. but It would be interesting to see what the levels are after a week. tonight i accidnely fed too much, and food was floating around. So I grabbed a vacuum and siphoned out 5...
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    Feeding Cory Cats....

    Well, after getting different suggestions, I now have three different types of food: sinking tablets, sinking shrimp pellets, and sinking Hikari tropical wafers designed for bottom-feeders and catfish. I should feed em brine shrimp? Oh boy, this is getting expensive! In another posting, I...
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    New Setup Tank And Cycling...

    This is an update. For the first time today I detected .25 of nitrites! I went ahead and did a 20% water change. hopefully I will start to see decline in my ammonia... thanks for your help.
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    Tiger Barbs Fighting!?

    Thanks for your reply. You have made all of us at ease, if you are correct. We never saw this before, and it didn't look like they were actually hurting each other, but boy 4 or 5 were chasing furiously - I was just amazed even when I was trying to net them, at every chance they got, they...
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    Tiger Barbs Fighting!?

    Help! Today we noticed that the 12 tiger barbs unlike ever before, were all darting around like zebra danios. For the most part they have been schooling together, but today we noticed a lot of chasing going on! After observing, we noticed it was a handful of the tiger barbs that tend to have the...
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    Should I Change The Filters...?

    Thanks so much for your replies. Im a bit worried about my cory's since ammonia is being detected. Although after a water change yesterday, I think im getting a .25ppm reading intead of .50. I', almost running out of stress coat, so I think I'll start using Prime.
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    Cory Catfish And Ammonia

    Problem is I have ammonia in my tap. Whjen Ive tested just the tap water, it readings about the same. Perhaps I can use another water conditioner instead of Stress Coat, like Prime, to help out with this?
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    Cory Catfish And Ammonia

    Making this is really not an emergency, and I hope it isn't, but just to be safe! I have 3 cory catfishes and since ive had them for almost 2 weeks now, I really haven't seen them to eat, unless they do it at night. Ive dropped food near them, only for them to temporarily appear to eat and then...
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    New Setup Tank And Cycling...

    Im concerned about the corys. is there any corrective action I can take? Since im finding ammonia in my tap water, I'm not sure what I can do right now.
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    Should I Change The Filters...?

    Tolak, Thanks for your response. Why are the two brands you mentioned the best water conditioners? The water conditioner Stress Coat that Im using does take care of chloramines, and detoxifies the ammonia. I like that it also helps with slime coat, although I'm sure others do as well. I suppose...
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    Quick Question About Food

    Oldman47, ur reply helps me out. In another posting Im trying to figure out how to make sure my corys get their share. And maybe Im worrying too much about it. Tonight I waited and waited until the tiger barbs were asleep and then I would slowly sneak up to the tank, open the hood, and quietly...
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    Quick Question About Food

    Based on my studying, cory's really are not algae eaters, they are scavengers. If you are looking for a good algae eater, get a bushynose (bristlenose) catfish. Cory's are some of the best scavengers out there for tanks, they will eat left-overs and uneaten food. They do NOT eat fish waste...
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    Should I Change The Filters...?

    First off, for the record, literature that I am talking about are aquarium books. Several well-liked aquarium books that I read before getting back into the hobby. I didn't obtain the information off the package of a filter. At some point I suppose the fiter will get clogged and all, and maybe...
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    New Setup Tank And Cycling...

    I just tested my tap water without water conditioner and im reading at about the same, .5ppm. I checked the tank water today and it was also still at .5ppm. Im using stress coat water conditioner, which treats both chlorine and chloramines, but it also says detoxifies ammonia. Is the water...
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    Should I Change The Filters...?

    Let me be clear that Im talking about the filters in the frame, not the biowheel. Based on my readings, I understand that you really need to replace the chemical filtration (activated carbon) every month, or in some cases it can release bad stuff back into the tank. The filters I use have the...
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    Feeding Cory Cats....

    Oh, I wanted to add something else. its night here and I just went down to observe my tank. The tigher barbs are all asleep, they are poiting downward. such a cute thing! I have 12 and many of them I couldnt even find many of them! Some just floating around the plastic plants. The cory cats are...
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    Feeding Cory Cats....

    Thanks for the reply. Well, I have been taking my water samples to LFS as well. I enjoy testing regularelry my water, but to double check my work, I have taken to LFS here and there, at times. The ones I go to, Petsmart, and a coupleLFS all use the same testing type, the API test kits. And yes...